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Part 450: Streamlining of Launch and Reentry Licensing Requirements

This rulemaking arose from work by the National Space Council that led to Space Policy Directive-2 (SPD-2) in May 2018, directing the U.S. Department of Transportation to streamline the regulations governing commercial space launch and reentry licensing. Part 450 consolidates multiple regulatory parts to create a single licensing regime for all types of commercial space flight launch and reentry operations, and replaces prescriptive requirements with performance-based criteria.

Four Parts Into One - Part 415, Part 417, Part 431, Part 435 - Part 450

View infographic about Part 450 (PDF)

Part 450 Workshop November 4-6, 2020

FAA will host a virtual Part 450 Workshop on November 4-6, 2020 from 10:00 am EDT until 4:30 pm EST each day. FAA's subject matter experts will review each topic under Part 450 in chronological order. A crosswalk mapping tools that compare the new rule to legacy regulations will also be presented on Day 3.

Video of the Part 450 Workshops are now available online:

Advisory Circulars and Other Part 450 Guidance

The table below contains all of the Part 450 Advisory Circulars and other guidance documents. The FAA seeks public comment on each of these documents for a period of 30 days when issued. FAA will issue an updated version if warranted based on comments received. Each guidance document contains a feedback form with instructions on how to provide feedback at any time during the process. The Part 450 Means of Compliance Table (PDF) provides an estimated issuance date for all planned AC.

Part 450 Guidance Information
Part 450 Guidance Documents Issuance Date Comment Period Closes
AC 450.101-1 High Consequence Event Protection (PDF) October 15, 2020 November 16, 2020
AC 450.115-1 High Fidelity Flight Safety Analysis (PDF) October 15, 2020 November 16, 2020
AC 450.141-1 Computing Systems and Software (PDF) October 15, 2020 November 16, 2020

Part 450 License
Lifecycle Management Process

Lifecycle management process for License Tools to Facilitate the Licensing Process

(click to enlarge)

Pre-Application Consultation Guidance Materials for Applicants and Legacy Operators

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