NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Science Vignettes


New Estimates for Ice Sheet Mass Loss

October 8, 2020

An international consortium of researchers has calculated new estimates for the melting of Earth's ice sheets due to greenhouse gas emissions and its impact on sea levels, showing that ice sheets could contribute more than 40 cm of rise by 2100. Read More »


Near-Real Time Networked Analysis of KSTAR Data

July 7, 2020

Scientists and engineers have established a near real-time networked analysis of data taken at the KSTAR fusion experiment in South Korea. The framework is using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms running at NERSC for analysis of large data streams. Read More »


World's first 3-D Simulations of Superluminous Supernovae

April 20, 2020

For the first time ever, an international team of astrophysicists simulated the three-dimensional (3-D) physics of superluminous supernovae — which are about a hundred times more luminous than typical supernovae. They achieved this milestone using Berkeley Lab's CASTRO code and supercomputers at NERSC. Read More »


Designing Materials with Tunable Electrical and Magnetic Behaviors

April 13, 2020

For the first time, the coupling of magnetic spins and atomic dynamics has been fully described in hexagonal iron sulfide (h-FeS), explaining the origin of its fascinating coexistence of metal-insulator, structural, and magnetic transitions. Read More »


New Conservation Laws in Turbulent Magnetized Flows

University of Rochester (UofR) researchers used a novel coarse-graining framework for disentangling multiscale interactions to find the existence of two separate conservation laws over an entire range of length scales in turbulent magnetized flows. The work relied on a suite of massively parallel simulations run on NERSC using the DiNuSUR code developed at UofR. Read More »