Website Solicitation

As a service to our exporters, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has established a webpage where sources of publicly available information on Commodity Classifications can be found. We invite companies to participate in this opportunity by providing information on where Commodity Classification information related to your products may be obtained.

We are taking this action to enhance procedural transparency in the licensing process and to help exporters comply with U.S. export and reexport control laws. Please be advised that any company information posted to the webpage is for informational purposes only and does not signify any additional obligations under the EAR. BIS will not validate or be responsible for the accuracy of the classification information, and inclusion on the webpage does not denote BIS endorsement of any company, its employees, or its products or services.


If your company currently has, or plans to have, Commodity Classification information available on your company’s website, or an export control point of contact, and you would like this information to be accessible via the BIS website, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  In your email, provide any of the following information you would like to be posted on the BIS website:

  1. Company name
  2. General description of the products/services
  3. Commodity classification information website address
  4. Export control point of contact (may be a general telephone number or email address)
© BIS 2020