How do I submit my research paper to my funding agency?

If you have authored or co-authored a peer-reviewed scientific publication resulting from U.S. federal funding and the publication has not previously been submitted to the funding agency(ies), please use the following links to your funding agency’s submission system. In cases where the publication resulted from funding from more than one agency, agencies are working to streamline and share submissions; however, some agencies may require authentication and other agency-specific information. Please follow your funding agency’s guidance.

Department of Commerce
Department of Defense (DOD)  
Department of Education (ED) ED Help
Department of Energy (DOE) DOE Help
Help for DOE National Laboratory Authors
Help for DOE Grantee Authors
Department of Health & Human Services
ACL Help
CDC Help
FDA Help
NIH Help
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)  
Department of Transportation (DOT) DOT Help
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VA Help
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) NASA Help
National Science Foundation (NSF) NSF Help
Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)  
US Agency for International Development (USAID) USAID Help

Background: U.S. federal agencies now require that federally-funded scientific researchers submit their final peer-reviewed manuscripts or other final published documents to their funding agency. This is in response to the February 2013 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memorandum that called on development of public access plans by federal agencies for the results of research they fund within a year of publication. Agencies have notified their researchers of their obligations for meeting the public access mandate through guidance, terms and conditions of their awards, and/or through other regulatory changes, as needed.

To increase public access, agencies are using existing and new infrastructures to receive researcher manuscripts. It is important to note that in some cases, agencies co-sponsor research. Researchers will be expected to follow their agency’s guidance and terms of their award for submitting their manuscripts. This page provides the researcher with links to agency submission systems and is intended to provide researchers with additional information to aide in submission. As agencies work toward streamlining this process, please continue to follow your funding agency’s guidance for public access.