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Reading Room Remodeling

The Law Library Reading Room is being remodeled in the near future.  In connection with this project, several collections currently located in the Reading Room will be permanently relocated to other areas of the Law Library and Library of Congress shelving areas.

The Library’s online catalog records will be updated as materials are relocated.  Researchers are encouraged to consult the online catalog and then to contact the Law Library Reading Room at (202) 707-5079 concerning any unanswered questions about the location of materials.

Public users will be able to obtain updated information through the Law Library’s website, blog, Facebook page, and Twitter account.

The History of the Mexican Constitution

As a Mexican-born American, I’m always looking for occasions to celebrate.  I guess this festive nature is simply dyed-in-the-wool (or dyed-in-the-cotton, if you’re Southern-raised, as I am).  With that in mind, I wanted to write a bit about the Mexican Constitution – especially since two related holidays take place in the month of February:  Mexican […]

Civil War Sesquicentennial

It’s been 150 years since the start of the Civil War.  In case you were wondering, yes, I’m from South Carolina and no, I don’t call it the “War of Northern Aggression.” I remember hearing a news story about a woman serving in disguise during the Civil War and thought I’d look more into it […]

Presidents Day – Lincoln the Lawyer

This Presidents Day I would like to focus on one out of the forty-four.  The Law Library has a digital collection of items related to Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and the Law presents items from our Rare Book Collection that highlight periods when Lincoln’s life (and death) were securely linked to the law. Presented in three […]