HomeMission CentersCounterintelligence


DCSA Counterintelligence and Analysis (CI) identifies threats to U.S. technology and programs resident in cleared industry and articulates that threat to stakeholders.

DCSA Intellipedia Page

Click here to access the DCSA CI Directorate's Intellipedia page. Check back regularly for updated products.

Reporting Suspicious Contacts

The National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) defines suspicious contacts as:

•  Efforts by any individual, regardless of nationality, to obtain illegal or unauthorized access to classified information or to compromise a cleared employee;
•  Contacts by cleared employees with known or suspected intelligence officers from any country; or
•  Any contact which suggests a cleared employee may be the target of an attempted exploitation by the intelligence services of another country.


Report suspicious contacts to your Facility Security Officer (FSO). FSOs can report to their local DCSA Industrial Security Representative (ISR) or Field Counterintelligence Specialist (FCIS) using DCSA submission form.

Additional Information

For training please visit Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) Counterintelligence Course Catalog. For all other industrial security policy related questions, please contact your local DCSA Field Office.