
NITAAC is the designated federal Executive Agent authorized by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to administer three Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) for information technology (IT). With a combined contract ceiling of $60 billion, these GWACs are a primary resource for any federal agency looking to procure IT products, services and solutions.

Our three contract vehicles boast streamlined acquisition and fast ordering, a single-login electronic-Government Ordering System (e-GOS) with built-in guidance and automated task order completion, and ceiling rates negotiated at the Master Contract level to be the best available.


Cutting-edge technology. A large and diverse pool of proven industry leaders. Streamlined acquisition and fast provisioning. These are among the advantages of choosing CIO-SP3 to fulfill your mission critical IT requirements.

Explore CIO-SP3

CIO-SP3 Small Business

Legacy bottlenecks are solved every day with the newest emerging technology solutions and services. Choose from a wide variety of leading small business innovators on our CIO-SP3 Small Business contract. CIO-SP3 Small Business can be used by any federal civilian or DoD agency to fulfill a broad range of mission critical IT requirements and socioeconomic goals.

Explore CIO-SP3 Small Business


Let NITAAC show you how easy it is to acquire IT commodity products and commodity-enabling solutions, on-site or in the cloud. CIO-CS covers everything IT.

Explore CIO-CS

Government-wide Strategic Solutions

NITAAC Government-Wide Strategic Solutions (NITAAC-GSS) is one of three preferred OMB sources for civilian agencies looking to obtain desktops, laptops, monitors, software and hardware at a competitive price.

Browse Strategic Solutions

Assisted Acquisitions

Finding what technology works best for your specific agency can be a long and arduous process, but it doesn’t have to be. Talk to one of our warranted contracting professionals to nail down the best fit for your agency.

Explore Assisted Acquisition