the premier farmers market management software
  • Online vendor registration & management
  • Visual stall assignments
  • License administration
  • Invoicing & sales and payment tracking
  • Integrated email & PayPal™
  • Cool tools for your website
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NEW: Change Log for October 19, 2015

ANNOUNCEMENT: Researchers on a USDA funded farmers’ market project seek input from Manage My Market vendors and market managers

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Located in Portland, Oregon, offers a proven solution that eliminates paperwork, streamlines all your management tasks, and includes unique features for helping to grow and sustain your market.

managemymarket's first incarnation came about back in 2003, when a board member of the local farmers market mentioned that the staff was overwhelmed with paperwork. Working with local directors and market managers, we created an online vendor registration process, a utility for assigning stalls, and a few backend tools like bulk email and Excel exports.

By 2008, as the number of farmers markets began to soar, was born. We now assist markets in more than 30 states and Canada, and remain dedicated to listening to our community of users and to offering a fairly-priced product for organizations large and small.

sign up
3 steps
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online vendor registration

  • Vendors are directed to our site from the market's website with a link we provide, or they may go directly to our home page to register
  • Vendors create a company profile, which may be edited as needed
  • Vendor products, with availability and optional descriptions, are recorded
  • Licenses, certificates, product photos and other documentation may be uploaded. When vendors apply to markets in their area, their profile is submitted automatically, eliminating both paperwork and redundant effort

online vendor management

  • All vendor data (profile, answers to custom questions, market dates, products, uploaded documents, activity log) is organized in one secure and easy-to-use place
  • Managers are notified by email when vendors apply to their market
  • After vendor information is reviewed by the manager, vendors are approved, declined or wait-listed, and may be notified by email of their status
  • managers have complete control over their market application, specifying which vendor types are permitted, which payment plans are available, any custom questions vendors must answer, which messages they would like displayed to vendors before and after application

integrated email

  • Send emails to targeted groups of vendors
  • System maintains a complete history of every email with status (viewed/ unopened/ bounced)

smart license administration

  • Market managers set up their own license requirements
  • Licenses may apply to all vendors or only some specific vendors
  • The system matches products sold to the license requirements, and lets vendors know which documents need to be submitted
  • Vendors may upload their licenses, or fax their documents to managemymarket
  • Advanced reporting lets managers know which vendors have missing, expired and/or current licenses


  • Create and email invoices
  • Track sales and payments
  • Email payment receipts
  • Maintain accounts for each vendor
  • Run critical financial reports
  • Automatically records PayPal™ transactions

cool tools for your website

  • Interactive Market Map. Send us a sketch of your market's layout and we'll make it interactive, so your customers can see where your vendors will be selling on any market day
  • Product Search. Add this to your website so your customers looking for strawberries can find when they'll be available and which vendors are selling them
  • Complete Vendor List. All your approved vendors, with company description and photo. Updates automatically whenever you approve a new vendor.
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This form is for contacting To contact individual markets, log in to your vendor account and click the "Contact" tab.


1831 SE 7th Ave., Suite 100
Portland, OR 97214 USA






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