United Arab Emirates Import Rules and "Red Flag" Indicators

United Arab Emirates requires that importers of items listed on the United Arab Emirates export control list obtain permits prior to import of these items. Import permits are issued by the United Arab Emirates Export Control Executive Office (ECEO) or the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR). Currently, armored vehicles and certain related parts and components and Chemical Weapons Convention schedules II or III chemicals require import permits from the ECEO. Nuclear related items require a license from FANR.

BIS strongly encourages U.S. exporters to know whether foreign customers are obligated to obtain import or other authorizations prior to receiving controlled items. As a best practice, prior to shipment, BIS recommends U.S. exporters provide foreign customers with the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) of items to be exported and request a copy of any required foreign authorizations. Failure of a foreign customer to honor a request to provide a copy of any required foreign import or export authorizations would present a "red flag" that indicates an export may be destined for an inappropriate end use, end user or destination. For "red flag" guidance, see Supplement No. 3 to Part 732 of the EAR). For additional information, please refer to the UAE Embassy in the United States website at http://www.uae-embassy.org/business-trade/trade-export.

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