
Notice of Intent to Issue a Funding Opportunity from U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) Program Special Solicitation for U.S. Manufacturing Institutes and AMO Consortia

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) Program will issue a special solicitation for U.S. Manufacturing Institutes and AMO Consortia in March 2020. Sponsored by the HPC4Manufacturing Program with funding support from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), the special solicitation will invite U.S. Manufacturing Institutes, AMO consortia, and their member companies to engage in short-term, collaborative projects with DOE’s national laboratories.

The HPC4Mfg Program under the HPC4EI umbrella program is designed to spur the use of national lab supercomputing resources and expertise to advance innovation in energy-efficient manufacturing and new materials that will enable advanced energy technologies. Selected industry partners will be granted access to high performance computing (HPC) facilities and experienced staff at DOE’s national laboratories. The collaborations will address key challenges in U.S. manufacturing by applying modeling, simulation, and data analysis to relevant problems with the intent to improve energy efficiency, increase productivity, reduce cycle time, enable next-generation technologies, investigate intensified processes, lower energy cost, and accelerate innovation.

Projects must demonstrate potential impact to energy efficiency in manufacturing with a potential for broad national impact. We will solicit proposals that require HPC modeling and simulation to enable impactful manufacturing-process improvements resulting in reduced energy consumption and/or increased productivity.

Eligibility for this program is limited to entities that manufacture products or operate systems in the United States for commercial applications and organizations that support them. Selected projects will be awarded up to $300,000 to support computing cycles and work performed by the national lab partners. All DOE national laboratories are eligible to participate. The industry partner must provide a participant contribution of at least 20% of the total project funding. Project durations are for one year. The HPC4EI/HPC4Mfg Program anticipates making multiple awards, subject to the availability of funding, for the HPC4Mfg program.

Send Questions to hpc4ei@llnl.gov. To receive notifications of open calls and other HPC4EI Program activities, please join our mailing list.

DOE National Laboratory Point of Contact

Before the official call is open, applicants can reach out to the following national laboratory point of contacts to ask questions regarding their facility’s HPC system capabilities and subject matter experts. Companies and national laboratory personnel must refrain from discussing specific project ideas once the solicitation call is officially open.

Laboratory Contact
Argonne National Laboratory David Martin
Berkeley National Laboratory Peter Nugent
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Aaron Fisher
Los Alamos National Laboratory Kim Rasmussen
Oak Ridge National Laboratory John Turner
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Michael Rinker
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Michael Martin
National Energy Technology Laboratory Youhai Wen
Sandia National Laboratory Ronald Manginell

HPC4Manufacturing Industry Engagement Day
April 15 – 16, 2020, Chicago, IL

Registration is OPEN - April 15-16, 2020

Please click here to get the web page for more information and to register as soon as possible.

To view agenda, click here.

Deadline to register for the event – March 31, 2020

Hyatt Centric Chicago Magnificent Mile
633 North Saint Clair Street
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 60611

Please click here to book your room reservation.
Deadline for hotel RSVP – March 24, 2020

The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) and National Laboratories will host a High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Industry Engagement Day conference focused on “Spurring Innovation in U.S. Manufacturing Through Advanced Computing.” The conference will be held on April 15-16, 2020, in Chicago, IL.

World-class experts in their field will gather to reflect on the global trends of High Performance Computing (HPC) in manufacturing, describe why leading industry innovators have invested deeply in HPC and why others are primed to do so. Industry success stories, the state of the art of HPC capabilities, how to communicate to stakeholders and opportunities for DOE-industry collaboration will be presented.

We encourage you to share this notice to other interested parties.

More information on the HPC4Mfg Program can be found at hpc4mfg.org.

To receive notifications of program events and solicitation calls, please join our mailing lists.

Don’t be left behind…be part of the conversation!

For conference questions, please contact the organizers: Stacy Castro or Michelle Herawi.


Energy Department Announces a Notice of Intent to Issue Funding for High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced plans to issue a spring 2020 solicitation for high performance computing projects that improve manufacturing processes, address products’ lifecycle energy consumption, and increase the efficiency of energy conversion and storage technologies.

The Trump Administration has prioritized the use of high performance computing to solve critical national challenges. In March 2020, President Donald J. Trump announced the launch of the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium to provide COVID-19 researchers worldwide with access to the world’s most powerful high performance computing resources that can significantly advance the pace of scientific discovery in the fight to stop the virus. This unique public-private consortium - spearheaded by the White House, DOE, and IBM - includes government, industry, and academic leaders. For additional information about the COVID-19 High Performance Computer Consortium, including information about how to submit a proposal for that program please follow the above link.

Strengthening the competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing sector is a top priority for the Trump Administration and will be critical to America’s economic recovery,” said Alex Fitzsimmons, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency. “DOE’s High Performance Computing for Manufacturing program allows industry to access advanced computing resources within the DOE National Laboratories to address key manufacturing challenges.”

This manufacturing program is one component of the High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) initiative, which is led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

HPC4EI conducts two regular solicitations annually, one in the fall and one in the spring. The spring solicitation will target qualified industry partners to participate in short-term, collaborative projects with DOE National Laboratories that address key manufacturing challenges by applying modeling, simulation, and data analysis. The solicitation will encourage applicants to partner with universities and non-profit organizations located within federally designated Opportunity Zones and/or Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Eligibility for the program is limited to entities that manufacture products or operate systems in the U.S. for commercial applications and organizations that support them. Selected projects will be awarded up to $300,000 to support computing cycles and work performed by DOE National Laboratories, universities, and non-profit partners. All DOE National Laboratories are eligible to participate. The industry partner must provide a participant contribution of at least 20% of the total project funding.

DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, is the primary sponsor of the High Performance Computing for Manufacturing program. AMO partners with private and public stakeholders to advance innovation in U.S. manufacturing and promote American economic growth and energy security.

DOE National Laboratory Point of Contact

Before the official call is open, applicants can reach out to the following National Laboratory point of contacts to ask questions regarding their facility’s HPC system capabilities and subject matter experts. Companies and national laboratory personnel must refrain from discussing specific project ideas once the solicitation call is officially open.

Laboratory Contact
Argonne National Laboratory David Martin
Berkeley National Laboratory Peter Nugent
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Aaron Fisher
Los Alamos National Laboratory Kim Rasmussen
Oak Ridge National Laboratory John Turner
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Michael Rinker
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Michael Martin
National Energy Technology Laboratory Youhai Wen
Sandia National Laboratory Ronald Manginell

Notice of Intent to Issue a Funding Opportunity from U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) Initiative

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation Initiative will issue a Fall 2020 solicitation in November 2020, covering the High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) and High Performance Computing for Materials (HPC4Mtls) programs. HPC4Mfg and HPC4Mtls programs are funded with support from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and the Office of Fossil Energy. HPC4EI programs are designed to spur the use of national lab supercomputing resources and expertise for high performance computing projects that improve manufacturing processes, address products’ lifecycle energy consumption, and increase the efficiency of energy conversion and storage technologies.

HPC4EI conducts two regular solicitations annually, one in the fall and one in the spring. The fall solicitation will target qualified industry partners to participate in short-term, collaborative projects with DOE National Laboratories that address key manufacturing challenges and the development of new materials by applying modeling, simulation, and data analysis to solutions impacting the energy agenda. The solicitation will encourage applicants to partner with universities and non-profit organizations located within federally designated Opportunity Zones and/or Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Eligibility for the program is limited to entities that manufacture products or operate systems in the U.S. for commercial applications and organizations that support them. Selected projects will be awarded up to $300,000 to support computing cycles and work performed by DOE National Laboratories, universities, and non-profit partners. All DOE National Laboratories are eligible to participate. The industry partner must provide a participant contribution of at least 20% of the total project funding.

DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, is the primary sponsor of the High Performance Computing for Manufacturing program. AMO partners with private and public stakeholders to advance innovation in U.S. manufacturing and promote American economic growth and energy security. The Office of Fossil Energy is the primary sponsor for the High Performance Computing for Materials program. FE supports cost‐shared research, development, and demonstration activities in support of crosscutting next-generation fossil technologies.

Topics of interest specific to the offices supporting this solicitation are below.


DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office within Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is the primary sponsor of the HPC4Mfg Program. The Office of Fossil Energy and EERE’s other Technology Offices may also sponsor select projects in this portfolio. AMO partners with private and public stakeholders to support the research, development, and deployment of innovative technologies that can improve U.S. competitiveness, save energy, and ensure global leadership in advanced manufacturing. AMO supports cost-shared research, development, and demonstration activities in support of crosscutting next-generation technologies and processes that hold high potential to significantly improve energy efficiency and reduce energy-related emissions, industrial waste, and the life‐cycle energy consumption of manufactured products.

Improved energy efficiency across the manufacturing industry is one of the primary goals of the HPC4Mfg Program. The program solicits proposals that require HPC modeling and simulation to overcome impactful manufacturing process challenges resulting in reduced energy consumption and/or increased productivity. Proposals should provide a realistic assessment of the energy impact, the improvement in U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, and the increase in U.S. manufacturing jobs that a successful outcome of the project could have across the industrial sector.

Of particular interest to AMO are:

  • Improvements in manufacturing processes which result in significant national energy savings. Examples include:
    1. Process improvements in high-energy consuming industries such as paper and pulp, primary metal manufacturing, water and wastewater, glass and chemical industries;
    2. Improvements in material performance in harsh service environments such as very high temperature or highly corrosive processes;
    3. Integration of advanced object recognition and other machine learning algorithms (e.g. sortation, defect detection) into high throughput industrial processes;
    4. Improvements in modeling prediction and closed-loop control for smart manufacturing systems (e.g. advanced sensors and process controls); and
    5. Improvements in separation and processing for critical materials (e.g. rare earth elements).
  • Improvements in the lifecycle energy consumption of products of interest to AMO. Examples include
    1. Improvement in jet engine efficiency could save significant energy over the lifecycle of the engine;
    2. Improved materials and shape optimization for light-weighting in transport technologies;
    3. Semiconductor electrical efficiency; and
    4. Increased recycling and reuse of end-of-life and waste associated with industrial-scale materials production and processing.
  • Efficiency improvements in energy conversion and storage technologies. Examples include
    1. Improvements in combined heat and power units which save significant energy;
    2. Novel energy storage and energy conversion techniques; and
    3. Improvements in waste heat recovery.

DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy is the primary sponsor for this HPC4Mtls Program. FE plays a key role in helping the United States meet its continually growing need for secure, reasonably priced, and environmentally sound energy from our abundant fossil energy resources. The Office of Fossil Energy Research and Development (FER&D) Program advances transformative science and innovative technologies that enable the reliable, efficient, affordable, and environmentally sound use of fossil fuels.

Decarbonization of the power and industrial sectors is of renewed interest, and hydrogen is expected to play a role in decarbonizing these sectors. As fossil energy is the source of >95% of hydrogen worldwide and in the U.S., FE technologies in hydrogen production and utilization will play a major role.

FE partners with industry, academia, national labs, and research facilities in transformative science and innovative technologies that enable the reliable, efficient, affordable, and environmentally sound use of fossil fuels. FE supports cost‐shared research, development, and demonstration activities in support of crosscutting next-generation technologies and processes that further the development of advanced fossil technologies. Proposals should provide a realistic assessment of the benefits to the domestic materials supply chain and/or fossil energy application (e.g. power plant).

Of particular interest to AMO are:

  • Improving the understanding of the materials impacts including corrosion anderosion effects of gasification of blends of coal, biomass and waste plastics on materials in high temperature regions of a gasifier, including sensitivity analysis of blend percentages and types of coal, biomass and waste plastics in the process feed
  • Improving the understanding of the material impacts including hydrogen embrittlement effects of blends of natural gas and hydrogen on materials inpipelines, welded joints or compressors, including sensitivity analysis of blend percentages
  • Use of computational databases and machine learning for thermal barrier coating (TBC) development for hot gas path components of combustion turbines firingnatural gas-hydrogenblends or 100% hydrogen
  • Improving the understanding of detailed processes in critical focus areas suchasoxidation, corrosion, and electrochemical interactions in Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic(CSEF) alloys, austenitic alloys and high nickel superalloys
  • Use of computational databases and machine learning for catalyst development to synthesize, test, characterize, and scale materials which convert carbon oxidesinto value-added products with increased energy efficiency, higher selectivity, andlowerenvironmental impacts based on a lifecycle analysis relative to conventionalproducts
  • Developing machine learning capabilities to predict composition, thermal performance, and mechanical properties of new materials for energy storage
  • Developing the capability to predict the mechanical behavior and properties of additivelymanufactured components for use in advanced power cycles suchassupercritical carbon dioxide cycles

1. Materials Supply Chain for Fossil Energy Applications:

  • Reducing the cost of ingot production for nickel superalloys suitable for fossil energy applications
  • Improving high-temperature mechanical performance for lower-cost alloys ascompared with more costly, high nickel/cobalt alloys
  • Overcoming barriers to scale up new material production from grams to kilograms, and from kilograms to tonnes
  • Overcoming barriers to the manufacture of components with High Entropy Alloys (HEA)
  • Improving speed and quality of welding and other advanced joining methods for nickel superalloys
  • Advanced manufacturing of components for fossil energy applications, particularly for repair of existing plant components and modular fabrication of new plants
  • Machine learning within the supply chain to lower costs and improve productivity

2. Existing and New Power Plant Applications:

  • Predicting material behavior in specific severe environments, such ashigh-temperature, cyclic, or oxidative/corrosive, erosive environments, found in coalgasification systems
  • Development of coatings, claddings, and other surface treatments to mitigateoxidation, corrosion, and erosion of high-temperature components
  • AI applications for monitoring and diagnostics of power plants focused onmaterials failures such as calculating remaining useful life of components or patternrecognition
  • Analysis of thermal fatigue-driven failures, particularly in coal-fired boilersand natural gas combined cycle heat recovery steam generators, to develop and/orvalidate remaining life predictive tools.
  • Improving reliability of dissimilar welds between CSEF alloys, austenitic alloysand/or high nickel superalloys
  • Overcoming barriers to the manufacture of components for fuel cells
  • Developing machine learning capabilities to identify promising new materials fornon-battery energy storage technologies that can integrate with fossil energy powergenerating units

Before the official call is open, applicants can reach out to the following national laboratory point of contacts to ask questions regarding their facility’s HPC system capabilities and subject matter experts. Companies and national laboratory personnel must refrain from discussing specific project ideas once the solicitation call is officially open.

DOE National Laboratory Point of Contact

Laboratory Contact
Argonne National Laboratory David Martin
Berkeley National Laboratory Peter Nugent
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Aaron Fisher
Los Alamos National Laboratory Kim Rasmussen
Oak Ridge National Laboratory John Turner (HPC4Manufacturing)
Edgar Lara-Curzio (HPC4Materials)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Michael Rinker
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Michael Martin
National Energy Technology Laboratory Youhai Wen
Sandia National Laboratory Ronald Manginell

High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation

In partnership with industry, leveraging world-class computational resources to advance the national energy agenda.

Explore Our Programs

HPC4Mfg Logo

Solving challenges using HPC modeling using HPC modeling, simulation, and data analysis. Outcomes range from improved product quality to acceleration or elimination of product testing.

Visit Site
HPC4Mtls Logo

Accelerating the discovery and adoption of new materials that operate in extreme conditions for energy applications. Examples range from high-temperature, corrosion-resistant metals to new catalysts for hydrogen production.

Visit Site
HPC4Mob Logo

Speeding up the discovery, design, and development of energy efficient mobility systems. Resulting impacts on transportation include reduced energy consumption, lowered costs, and improved accessibility.

Current Solicitations

HPC4EI conducts two solicitation calls a year, typically one in Spring and one in Fall.
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive open call notifications.


2020 Selectees announced.

Winter 2020 - Special Call

Spring 2020


Fall 2020


Spring 2020

How the HPC4 Program Works for Demonstration Projects

Program Basics and Cost Sharing

The program pays labs up to $300K for industry access to HPC resources and expertise; industry pays at least 20% of project costs (cash or in-kind).

Concept Submissions

During a semiannual solicitation process, companies may submit two-page concept papers describing ideas for projects of up to one year duration.

Lab Principal Investigator

If a concept is accepted, a lab principal investigator is assigned to help the company develop a full proposal.

Selection Criteria

  • Advancing the state of the art
  • Technical feasibility and strength of team
  • Industry impact
  • Need for HPC systems

Signed Agreement

Following proposal approval, DOE provides the company with a short-form cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) to initiate the project.



Participating Labs


Projects Awarded

$29.3 million

Funds Invested

650 million

Computer Core Hours

Success Stories

Next Generation Additive Manufacturing

Livermore Lab is working with Seurat Technologies to model a faster laser powder bed manufacturing process and bring it to market.

success story pdf preview

Improved Aluminum Ingot Casting

Livermore Lab is working with Arconic to model aluminum ingot casting and reduce cracking that leads to product rejection.

success story pdf preview

Next-Generation LEDs

Livermore Lab is working with light-emitting-diode (LED) manufacturer SORAA to create a new computer model of the company’s research-scale process for growing gallium nitride (GaN) crystals.

success story pdf preview

Energy Efficiency in Paper Processing

Agenda 2020 partnered with Livermore and Berkeley labs to optimize one of the most energy-intensive steps in the papermaking process—drying the wet paper pulp.

success story pdf preview

Reducing Glass Fiber Breakage

PPG Industries is working with Livermore Lab to use supercomputers to modify the process of converting molten glass to solid fiber to reduce breakage and increase yields.

success story pdf preview

Optimizing Lightweight Materials

Livermore Lab is working with the LIFT consortium to develop methods for predicting the behavior of new lightweight materials for automobiles and aircraft.

success story pdf preview

Glass Furnace Model Enhancement

Livermore Lab is working with Vitro Glass Company to provide fast, accurate, and real-time process control in plate glass manufacturing.

success story pdf preview

Improve Water Evaporation Processes

Livermore Lab is working with Zoom Essence to help improve the design of spray dryers to increase energy efficiency.

success story pdf preview

Frequently Asked Questions

Qualification & Submission

Is there a limit to the number of submissions from an organization?

There is no limit to the number of submissions from a given organization. However, diversity of the overall portfolio is considered when awarding projects, so submitting a large number of proposals by the same organization is strongly discouraged.

Does one of the principal or participating labs need to be involved in every project?

No, it is required that a DOE national laboratory be a partner on the project to leverage existing expertise and capabilities. All national laboratories are eligible to participate in individual projects.

If you have a preference for a specific national lab, is it acceptable to identify the lab in the concept paper?

If you have a laboratory partner in mind you may state that in the concept paper, along with the reason for that choice. If you do not specify a lab, the Technical Review Committee will provide the name of a national lab with the expertise needed for your project.

Is there a limit on the number of proposals you may submit?

There is no limit on the number of proposals an organization can submit. However, diversity of the overall portfolio is considered when awarding projects, so submitting a large number of proposals by the same organization is strongly discouraged.

Who can submit proposals to the HPC4EI solicitation?

U.S. manufacturing industries, nonprofit organizations supporting U.S. manufacturing, other U.S. businesses supporting U.S. manufacturing, and U.S. universities in partnership with a U.S. Manufacturer, are eligible to submit proposals to this solicitation. Foreign universities and companies that do not manufacture products in the U.S. cannot participate in this solicitation.

Can Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) submit proposals to the HPC4EI solicitation and receive AMO funding?

U.S.-based ISVs whose products support the U.S. manufacturing industry are eligible to respond to the solicitation. However, they are not eligible to receive AMO funding.

Are national labs not currently affiliated with the HPC4EI Program eligible to submit proposals to this solicitation?

DOE national labs are not eligible to submit projects, but could be listed as a partner on proposal submitted by a US Manufacturing firm.

How will the national laboratory partner(s) be decided for each project?

Once the Technical Merit Review committee down selects the Concept Papers to go forward for full proposal submission, they will determine which national laboratory or laboratories would best support the definition of the full proposal, based on available expertise and distribution of projects among the national laboratories. The industry participant would be notified of their potential partner(s).

Can multiple companies submit a joint proposal?

Absolutely. It is actually encouraged, as the impact would be assumed to be broader.

The solicitation states that, “Projects must demonstrate potential impact to energy efficiency in manufacturing and/or the development of new clean energy technologies with a potential for broad national impact.” Does energy efficiency apply to manufacturing processes only? What are “clean energy technologies”? What is considered a broad national impact? Where can we go to find information about potential energy savings from which to assess impact?

EIA.gov has a great deal of data on energy usage that could help to address energy impact issues.

Are foreign-owned companies eligible?

Eligibility is limited to U.S. manufacturers, defined as entities that are incorporated (or otherwise formed) under the laws of a particular State or territory of the United States, and which manufactures products in the United States. Foreign-owned subsidiaries that manufacture in the U.S. may apply but must go through an additional review as part of the CRADA process if selected.

Lab Resource Available

How much compute time is available?

No exact number has been established. The projects should state what is needed.

Are the labs only providing compute facilities, or is there common research activity?

The laboratory partners provide both computing cycles, as well as a scientist to work on project in applying HPC to the stated goals.

Is there a complete list of codes available at the national labs?

No. Each lab maintains hundreds of codes with different capabilities. For any project, the problem would be analyzed to understand what lab code would best meet the needs of the project. It is also worth noting that the industry partners may have their own codes that would be used. In addition, commercially available codes could be used.

Can laboratory experts discuss proposal concepts with potential applicants while the solicitation is open?

Due to fairness of opportunity concerns, laboratory personnel are restricted from discussing specifics of proposals until after the concept paper down-select process. Selected concept papers will be assigned a PI from the laboratories to aid in writing the full proposal.

Is there someone at the national labs I can talk to about my concept paper or full application?

Once the funding opportunity is published until the review of the concept papers, none of the national lab staff may discuss the concept. All questions must be directed to the applicable email address, hpc4ei@llnl.gov. Outside the solicitation you may contact any of the national labs to discuss your concept. You may contact hpc4ei@llnl.gov to obtain a contact with specific expertise. Once a submitter has been requested to submit a full proposal, they will be given a lab contract to co-develop the submission.


Can the 20% cost share be "in kind" or does the company need to provide money to the national labs?

The cost share can be "in-kind," e.g., supporting the industry staff to collaborate with the national labs on the project.

Do lab overhead costs apply to the projects? How much effort from national lab personnel can be expected?

Standard lab overheads are applied to the costs of the lab efforts. On average, you can expect a 50% level of effort from a lab scientist for a year and as well as the needed HPC computer time.

If a commercial code is required for the project, will the funding be able to purchase licenses?

This is dependent on many things. Sometimes the industry or labs already have licenses that could be used. If licenses are not available, then they must be purchased by one of the partners.

If a project requires use of commercial software, is there any mechanism for licenses?

Applicants can utilize existing licenses at participating institutions. If they do not exist, they should be purchased, with cost estimates reflected in the proposal budget table.

Can a portion of the funding be used to perform experiments?

While verification and validation of the project results is key to the success of the proposal, the project focus is on application national lab expertise to the industry. If costs were minimal, it may be considered. It could also be acceptable for the industry cost share could be used to cover experimentation needed for validation of results.

Who can receive AMO funding as a result of the HPC4EI solicitation?

AMO funding is intended to support national laboratory staff and time on HPC systems to address U.S. manufacturing industry challenges. U.S. manufacturing industry, as well as for profit and nonprofit organizations that support them, cannot receive direct funding from this solicitation.

Can universities be funded?

The industry partner is expected to fund university collaborations on the proposal. Industry funds used for university collaborations can be used as part of the “in-kind” contribution.

What is the required amount of the participant contributing and what will it be used for?

Funding Requirements

The DOE monetary contribution for each project will not exceed $300,000. For demonstration projects, an industry partner must provide a participant contribution of at least 20% of the total project funding to support industry expertise to the project. The participant contribution can take the form of monetary funds in or “in-kind” contributions and must come from non-federal sources unless otherwise allowed by law. For follow-on projects defined as a project that is using the results of a previously funded project within the HPC4EI portfolio, the industry contribution is 33.3% of the total project funding of which at least half of this amount is a cash contribution. Sample budgets are shown below. Total project size cannot exceed $500,000. DOE funding will be provided to the national laboratory (or laboratories) in support of their work under the HPC4EI Program.

Sample Budgets

Demonstration Project (New project; total project funding of $375K)

TASK DOE Funds Industry Partner Cash Contribution Industry Partner In-kind
Total Project Funding $300K $75K

Follow-on Implementation Projects (Uses results from a previously funded project; total project funding of $450K)

TASK DOE Funds Industry Partner Cash Contribution Industry Partner In-kind
Total Project Funding $300K $75K $75K

Are there requirements on the source of the participant contribution?

The participant contribution cannot come from another federal source, unless otherwise allowed by law.

Approximately what are the chances of getting funding?

In the two previous solicitation rounds, the success rate was approximately 25%.

What level of detail is needed on the budget and who supplies this?

The example table below will be included in the full proposal template.

  • Lab costs: Once the scope is defined, the lab PI will help fill out the lab costs, broken down by labor, travel, and procurements. There is a $300K cap on this budget, funded by the AMO.
  • Industry in-kind: Industry provides these cost estimates, broken down by labor, travel, and procurements. Procurements are unlikely and will require justification. A minimum in-kind contribution of 20% of the above AMO funding is required.
  • Industry cash contribution: This is an optional contribution. Industry includes a cash contribution to achieve additional scope on the project. AMO views this additional investment by industry as a strong indication of both commitment to and importance of the project by the industry partner.
  • Total project costs: The total costs of lab, in-kind, and cash contribution for Phase I projects cannot be greater than $500K, a limit set by the CRADA terms.

Example budget sheet with maximum AMO funding, minimal industry cost share, and maximum industry cash contribution for a Demonstration Project.

Task AMO Funds Industry Partner Funds
National Lab Labor (cash) 290 140
National Lab Travel 5
National Lab HPC (200k core hours on Cab) 5
National Lab Procurements 0
Industry Partner Labor (in kind) 55
Industry Partner Travel (in kind) 5
Industry Partner Procurement (include licenses or subcontracts) 0
Totals 300 200

Full Proposal

Are references included in the 6-page limit?


Are letters of support from computing facilities (e.g. NERSC or OLCF) recommended?

Letters of support from computing facilities are not necessary, but articulating computing requirements is required.

Is any particular format or content recommended for the resumes included in the full proposal submission?

No. Applicants are free to provide information on qualifications and expertise of key personnel in whatever format they feel is most effective.

CRADA Agreement

Can proprietary information be used and protected under this program?

Existing proprietary information can be included in, as well as generated by the project and will be protected by the terms of the DOE Model Short Form CRADA (industry) or a sub-contract (academia). Please note that the abstract should not possess proprietary information. To the extent possible, the proposal should not contain proprietary information.

Must a DOE Model Short Form CRADA be used by projects in the solicitation?

Industry members submitting a proposal to the solicitation are expected to sign a DOE Model Short Form CRADA.

There is an issue with one of the terms of the Short Form CRADA. Can it be changed?

The HPCEI programs are specifically designed for short-term projects with a need for accelerated placement and execution. To accommodate this, the HPC4EI programs has adopted the DOE Model Short Form CRADA, which was designed with favorable terms allowable within DOE guidelines. Awardees are expected to enter into a DOE Model Short Form CRADA, as is, with the national laboratory or laboratories that will be performing the work.

Clarifications can be requested through hpc4ei@llnl.gov. Objections to the Terms and Conditions of the CRADA can be noted within the Concept Paper; however, this could lead to delays in processing, and/or rejection of your proposal.


Is the HPC4Mfg Program strictly about Energy or would a topic like climate change qualify as well?

The goals of the program are: (1) increasing energy efficiency, and (2) advancing energy technologies.

Is the HPC4Mfg solicitation limited to the six industry sectors (petroleum, chemicals, wood pulp and paper, metals, food processing, and glass & cement) that were encouraged within the solicitation?

All U.S. manufacturing sectors are eligible to apply. Note that broad impact on increasing energy efficiency and/or advancing energy technologies are primary selection criteria.

Verification & Validation

Are verification and validation generally included in project scope, and if so, what approach is used for these processes?

V&V are included in the scope of the project. Specific requirements (e.g., ASME V&V standards) are not defined, but best practices relative to the size of the project are encouraged.

For the model validation, are you recommending standard procedures, such as given in the ASME V&V standards?

Model validation methods are determined by the project participants. Models are often validated against experimental data collected by the companies for their process or product. Unique code can be validated using standard techniques.

DOE Sponsors

High Performance Computing for Energy Innovation (HPC4EI) is sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Offices:

Argonne National Laboratory
Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley National Laboratory

Partner Labs

Argonne National Laboratory
Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Los Almos National Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratory
What Computing Systems Are Available?

Contact Us

For additional information on the HPC4 Energy Innovation Program, email hpc4ei@llnl.gov.

Interested in Learning More?

To subscribe to HPC for Manufacturing information and announcements (hpc4ei-info@llnl.gov) mailing list, please use the following form: