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Office of the Inspector General


Small Business Lending Fund Program and State Small Business Credit Initiative

The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, signed into law on September 27, 2010, was created to help small businesses create jobs to drive the economic recovery. The Act created the Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) program administered by the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to make capital investments in eligible institutions to increase the availability of credit for small businesses. The Act also created the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), administered by Treasury to strengthen state programs that support lending to small businesses. Treasury is responsible for overseeing an estimated $4 billion in SBLF program funds and $1.5 billion in SSBCI funds distributed to financial institutions.

OIG provides oversight of the SBLF Program and SSBCI. The OIG must report at least twice a year to the Secretary of the Treasury and Congress on the results of its SBLF oversight activities, including recommended program improvements. It is also required to conduct and coordinate audits and investigations of the use of funds made available to states and territories under the SSBCI. The Assistant Inspector General for Audit serves as the Special Deputy Inspector General for SBLF Program Oversight.
SBLF Program and SSBCI Reports


OIG-20-026 Small Business Lending Fund: Impact of Mandatory Dividend Rate Increases on Small Business Lending Fund Participants 

OIG-18-002 State Small Business Credit Initiative: Arkansas' Use of Federal Funds for Venture Capital Programs


OIG-16-045 Small Business Lending Fund: Banks Inaccurately Reported Qualified Small Business Lending Gains

OIG-SBLF-14-010R State Small Business Credit Initiative: Idaho’s Use of Federal Funds for its Collateral Support Program 
OIG -SBLF-14-008:Small Business Lending Fund: Survey of Small Business Fund Participants on Use of Program Funds, Repayment Plans, and Satisfaction with Treasury's Program Administration      
OIG-SBLF-14-005R State Small Business Credit Initiative: Illinois’ Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Other Credit Support Programs     
OIG-SBLF-14-004R State Small Business Credit Initiative: West Virginia's Use of Federal Funds for Other Credit Support Programs  
OIG-SBLF-14-003 State Small Business Credit Initiative: Louisiana's Eligibility for its Second Transfer of Funds and the Allowability of Reported Administrative Expenses, which was issued on January 9, 2014. This audit report was removed from the Treasury OIG website on February 19, 2015, pending further review. We completed that review on June 24, 2015, and determined that the work performed was not sufficient to support the findings and conclusions in the report under generally accepted government auditing standards. Therefore, the aforementioned audit report is not to be relied upon, and will not be reissued. If you have any questions regarding the audit report, please contact the Treasury OIG Office of Audit at (202) 927-5400.
OIG-SBLF-13-014 Small Business Lending Fund: Accuracy of First-Quarter 2013 Dividend Rate Adjustments   
OIG-SBLF-13-010 Small Business Lending Fund: Accuracy of Fourth-Quarter 2012 Dividend Rate Adjustments     
OIG-SBLF-13-004 Small Business Lending Fund: Accuracy of Third Quarter 2012 Dividend Rate Adjustments   
OIG-SBLF-13-003 State Small Business Credit Initiative: Texas' Use of Federal Funds for Other Credit Support Programs                 
OIG-SBLF-13-002 State Small Business Credit Initiative: Michigan's Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Other Credit Support Programs     
OIG-SBLF-13-001 State Small Business Credit Initiative: Vermont’s Use of Federal Funds for Capital Access and Other Credit Support Programs.   

Last Updated: 3/31/2020 3:30 PM
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The Council of Inspectors General on Financial Oversight was established by the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Pub.L. 111-203). Council members share information about their ongoing work, with a focus on concerns that may apply to the broader financial sector and ways to improve financial oversight. The Council is made of nine financial regulatory agency Inspectors General and is chaired by Eric Thorson, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Treasury.
