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Notices: Policies, Systems and Processes

DCSA Notices, Memos and Issuances

The DCSA’s predecessor, the National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB), issued Federal Investigations Notices (FIN) to inform the investigations community of changes in the investigation process, to clarify policy, or to announce upcoming events. There was no regular schedule for FIN issuances.

Identification Number Date Title
NBIS Release Notice 19-01 7/16/19 Position Designation Tool
Federal Investigations Notice 20-01 3/4/20 Revised Standard Form 85P Implementation
Federal Investigations Notice 20-02 3/2/20 Decommissioning Dial-Up Method of Transmitting Electronic Fingerprint Files
Federal Investigations Notice 20-03 3/30/20 Temporary Deferral of Fingerprinting due to COVID-19 Impacts: This COVID-19 mitigation strategy was implemented on April 1, 2020. You may now apply the processes in this guidance until further notice.
Federal Investigations Notice 20-04 6/30/20 FY 2021 & FY 2022 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 16-07 09/26/2016 Implementation of Federal Investigative Standards for Tier 4, Tier 4 Reinvestigation, Tier 5, and Tier 5 Reinvestigation (PDF file)[905.86 KB]
FIN 16-06 09/21/2016 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates Effective October 1, 2016 (PDF file)[501.74 KB]
FIN 16-05 09/07/2016 Electronic Attachments to Investigation Requests (PDF file)[436.5 KB]
FIN 16-04 03/24/2016 System Changes regarding Tier 1 and Tier 2 Investigations; Implementation of Tier 2 Reinvestigation with Subject Interview (T2RS), to include Billing Rates (PDF file) [12.73 MB]
FIN 16-03 03/03/2016 Fingerprint Processing Change for FY 2017 (PDF file)[1.88 MB]
FIN 16-02 10/06/2015 Federal Investigative Standards for Tier 3 and Tier 3 Reinvestigation (PDF file)[917.18 KB]
FIN 16-01 10/02/2015 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates Effective October 1, 2015 (PDF file)[713.9 KB]
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 14-07 09/29/2014 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates Effective October 1, 2014 (PDF file)[6.2 MB]
FIN 14-06 09/29/2014 Special Agreement Check and Reimbursable Suitability/Security Investigation Billing Rates Effective October 1, 2014 (PDF file)[2.66 MB]
FIN 14-05 09/25/2014 FY 2015 Office of Personnel Management's Federal Investigative Services Implementation of Treasury Accounting Symbol Requirements (PDF file)[624.4 KB]
FIN 14-04 08/08/2014 Investigation Processing for Positions Designated as Criminal Justice Employment (PDF file)[864.59 KB]
FIN 14-03 05/21/2014 Use of the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) Field for Processing Background Investigations within OPM's Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) System (PDF file)[54.17 KB]
FIN 14-02 04/08/2014 Resequenced Investigative Packet (PDF file)[899.14 KB]
FIN 14-01 01/30/2014 Changes to the Central Verification System in Support of Executive Order 13549, "Classified National Security Information Program for State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Entities" (PDF file)[3.38 MB]
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 13-08 08/30/2013 Special Agreement and Reimbursable Suitability/Security Investigation Price Schedule for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 (PDF file)[280.62 KB]
FIN 13-07 08/30/2013 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 (PDF file)[1.83 MB]
FIN 13-06 06/07/2013 2012 OPM Guardian Award (PDF file)[989.02 KB]
FIN 13-05 06/04/2013 Discontinuing Acceptance of Hardcopy Requests for Investigations (PDF file)[586.03 KB]
FIN 13-04 05/15/2013 New Process for Investigation Service Providers to Report Background Investigations Data (PDF file)[566.34 KB]
FIN 13-03 05/13/2013 Daily Notifications from OPM (PDF file)[864.02 KB]
FIN 13-02 04/19/2013 Revised Instructions for Completing Question 21, Standard Form 86, "Questionnaire for National Security Positions" (PDF file)[1.23 MB]
FIN 13-01 03/01/2013 Financial Fields for Processing Background Investigations (PDF file)[929.01 KB]
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 12-08 09/14/2012 Special Agreement and Reimbursable Suitability/Security Investigation Price Schedule for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 (PDF file)[610.95 KB]
FIN 12-07 09/14/2012 Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 (PDF file)[593.62 KB]
FIN 12-06 06/11/2012 Revised Optional Form 306, Declaration for Federal Employment (PDF file)[1.45 MB]
FIN 12-05 05/31/2012 Social Security Number National Agency Check (PDF file)[528.45 KB]
FIN 12-04 02/09/2012 Security and Suitability Investigations Index (SII), Central Verification System (CVS), National Agency Check (NAC) Item (PDF file)[920.12 KB]
FIN 12-03 12/01/2011 Additional Training Opportunities in Preparation for Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing 3.0 (e-QIP 3.0) Implementation (PDF file)[1.05 MB]
FIN 12-02 11/30/2011 2011 OPM Guardian Award (PDF file)[1.3 MB]
FIN 12-01 11/23/2011 Guidance for Moving between OPM Investigative Products (PDF file)[2.19 MB]
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 10-09 09/01/2010 Special Agreement Price Schedule (PDF file)[678.84 KB]
FIN 10-08 09/01/2010 Aligned Investigations Reimbursable Billing Rates for FY 2011 (PDF file)[2.02 MB]
FIN 10-07 08/24/2010 Executive Agents' Memo Regarding Aligning OPM Investigative Levels with Reform Concepts (PDF file)[1.82 MB]
FIN 10-06 08/31/2010 Periodic Assessment Special Agreement Check (PDF file)[602.25 KB]
FIN 10-05 08/11/2010 Position Designation Requirements (PDF file)[304.77 KB]
FIN 10-04 05/17/2010 Reminder to Agencies of the Standards for Issuing Identity Credentials Under HSPD-12 (PDF file)[878.09 KB]
FIN 10-03 03/18/2010 Enhancements to the Central Verification System (CVS) for Reciprocity (PDF file)[2.95 MB]
FIN 10-02 03/18/2010 INV FORM 79A, Report of Agency Adjudicative Action on OPM Personnel Investigations (PDF file)[1.38 MB]
FIN 10-01 03/22/2010 Web-Based Quality Assessment Tool and Toll Free Hotline (PDF file)[694.76 KB]
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 09-06 09/18/2009 Changes to 5 CFR part 731, Suitability Regulations (PDF file)[3.6 MB]
FIN 09-04 03/06/2009 Investigative Request Using Recovery Act Funding (PDF file)[51.61 KB]
FIN 09-03 01/05/2009 New Position Designation System and Automated Tool (PDF file)[334.82 KB]
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 05-05 09/28/2005 Credit Scoring Product (PDF file)[454.5 KB]
FIN 05-04 09/16/2005 Reinvestigation Products for Positions Requiring Q, Top Secret or SCI Access (PDF file)[1.11 MB]
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 20-04 06/30/2020 FY 2020
FIN Number Date Description
FIN 20-04 06/30/2020 FY 2020