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FY 2019 Human Capital Review Summary Report Addendum

Thursday, June 25, 2020
Mark W. Lambert, Associate Director, Merit Accountability and Compliance
FY 2019 Human Capital Review Summary Report Addendum

As you know, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued the FY 2019 Human Capital Review Summary Report on March 31, 2020.  Since OPM’s May 28, 2019 conversation with U.S. Department of the Interior, OPM has learned the Interior Business Center continues to maintain its shared services business and provide acquisition, human capital, and financial management services to its Federal customers. The attached addendum to the Human Capital Review report clarifies this point.

If you have any questions about the addendum, please contact Ms. Ana A. Mazzi, Principal Deputy Associate Director, Merit System Accountability and Compliance, at (202) 606-4309 or

cc:  Deputy Chief Human Capital Officers, HR Directors, and Performance Improvement Officers

Attachment:  OPM Human Capital Report Addendum

Update:  Since its May 28, 2019 conversation with U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), OPM has learned the DOI Interior Business Center is not exiting its shared services business model.  It continues to provide acquisition, human capital, and financial management services to its Federal customers.