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Draft General Schedule Qualifications Policy - E.O. 13932; Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates

Friday, September 25, 2020
Draft General Schedule Qualifications Policy - E.O. 13932; Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates


Executive Order (EO) 13932 - Modernizing and Reforming the Assessment and Hiring of Federal Job Candidates, issued on June 26, 2020, directs important, merit-based reforms to expand the use of valid, competency-based assessments and narrow the use of educational qualifications in the Federal hiring process. Currently, candidates for Federal employment may qualify for employment by holding formal educational credentials or through relevant experience (e.g., training). In accordance with EO 13932 Sec.2(a)(i)(ii), OPM is updating General Schedule Qualifications Policy so that candidates will now be able to qualify for employment on the basis of competency-based assessments when there are no legal educational requirements to perform a job.  While many agencies already use skills and competency-based assessments once a list of certified candidates is developed currently, education and experience are the most common considerations when putting together a list of certified candidates. Upon implementation of the EO 13932, agencies must use assessments at the pre-certification stage as a third, and co-equal, mode of establishing minimum qualification (in addition to education and experience).  Developing competency-based assessments will benefit the Federal workforce by generating larger pools of highly skilled job candidates from which agencies may choose their employees, thereby enabling highly skilled workers with non-traditional educational paths to serve the American public.   

OPM is issuing for agency review and comments the following information on occupational series with positive education requirements:   

  • List of Occupational Series with Positive Education Requirements 

We are providing the list of occupational series with positive education requirements for your review. OPM is requesting that Federal agencies Human Capital Offices' review the attached policy and provide comments by October 16, 2020.  

To assure a quick and comprehensive review of agency comments, we ask that each submission cover your entire agency.  Therefore, departments and independent agencies must consolidate information from all of their components or bureaus before sending your electronic comments.  Question are provided below.  Please prepare your comments to the questions prior to submitting your agency’s consolidated comments.

Your comments will inform the development of policy, tools and guidance to assist Federal agencies in implementing the EO and improving hiring across the Federal government.

If you have questions regarding the draft qualification policy and standards, please contact April Davis at 

Cc: Deputy CHCOs, HR Directors and Chief Executive Officer Councils


Attachment:  List of Occupational Series with Positive Education Requirements (see 508-conformant PDF below)

Request for Comments

Draft General Schedule Qualification Policy and Standards 

Please provide your comments and suggestions by October 16, 2020.

Significant Considerations

  1. Federal employees covered by the General Schedule Classification System under Title 5, United States Code will be impacted by the proposed updates. 

Information We Need from Agencies with Covered Positions

Subject matter experts and human resources officials in agencies should answer the following questions about the list of occupational series:


Positive Education Qualification Standards

A list of occupational series with positive education requirements is attached.  Please review the list of occupational series and provide OPM with any changes to qualification requirements based on your agency’s current application of the qualification standards to fill jobs.  Please email to by October 16, 2020 your agency comments to the qualification standards with supporting evidence.

How Do You Submit Comments?

In response to the requests outlined above, we would like to receive both:

  1. Comments representing the agency’s overall feedback, and
  2. Representative comments from subject matter experts and subordinate locations/organizations.

Please consolidate your comments as one agency submission at the headquarters level.

Please note:  Each response must cover an entire agency.  Therefore, departments and independent agencies must consolidate information from all of their components or bureaus before sending comments to OPM.  Submit only one response from your agency representing the main POC for this effort.