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Agency Non-Competitive Hiring Authority of Military Spouses Annual Reporting

Friday, October 23, 2020
Agency Non-Competitive Hiring Authority of Military Spouses Annual Reporting

Executive Order (EO) 13832 titled, “Enhancing Noncompetitive Civil Service Appointments of Military Spouses,” and Section 573 of Public Law 115-232, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019, each require Federal agencies to report annually on the non-competitive hiring of Military Spouses.  To meet the obligations posed under EO 13832, OPM is required to provide an annual report to the President on the implementation of the military spouse hiring authority, to include an analysis of agency submissions to this data call and recommendations for enhancing the hiring of military spouses and the military spouse hiring authority.  Section 573 also imposes a one-time reporting obligation to Congress. 

In accordance with these provisions, the following information must be submitted to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) no later than Thursday, December 31, 2020.  Federal agencies with operating components and field installations should ensure that required and pertinent information from their operating components and field installations are integrated into one agency submission.  Each agency, in coordination with its components/bureaus, must provide the following data: 

  1. The number of positions made available for application under the military spouse hiring authority during the FY 2020;
  2. The number of applications submitted under the military spouse hiring authority during the FY 2020;
  3. The number of military spouses appointed under the military spouse hiring authority during FY 2020;
  4. Identify the positions filled under the authority by title, series, and grade level;
  5. Summarize the effectiveness of the authority for such appointments during FY 2020;
  6. The number of relocating and non-relocating spouses of current military members appointed under the authority during FY 2020;
  7. Summarize actions taken by the agency during FY 2020 to advertise and promote the hiring of military spouses; and
  8. Point of Contact for Military Spouse Hiring initiative. 

The recent analysis of the Non-Competitive Hiring Authority of Military Spouses Annual Report for FY2019 exhibited positive trends with the implementation of this initiative.  For FY 2020, agency report submissions should clearly outline the methodology that was used in the recruitment, employment, monitoring, reviewing, and evaluation for the specific reporting requirements. 

Each Department, agency, and instrumentality in the executive branch, including the U.S. Postal Service and the Postal Regulatory Commission must submit reports electronically to: 

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Adrian B. Williams, Veterans Services, at (202) 606-3158 or 

Attachments:  EO 13832, NDAA FY19 sec. 573, NDAA FY17 sec.1131 

cc: Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs), Deputy CHCOs, and Veteran Employment Program Offices