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U.S. Forest Service
Caring for the land and serving people

United States Department of Agriculture

Ecosystem Management Coordination

The EMC Staff Welcomes You

The Ecosystem Management Coordination Staff supports and manages planning and decision making processes used by the Forest Service to manage the lands and resources of the National Forest System. This site is designed to provide you access to the major information collection, storage, analysis, and decision-making processes used by the Agency. We have also provided information about the various national teams that support our efforts.

A steel bridge spanning a river with high mountains on either side

Current Revisions to NEPA Regulations

On June 13, 2019 the Forest Service published a proposed rule updating the agency’s NEPA regulations and initiating a 60-day public comment period. Read more about the current revisions…

2012 Planning Rule

The 2012 Planning Rule as amended directs the land use planning process for national forests and grasslands. The National Forest Management Act (NFMA) requires the Forest Service to develop land management plans to guide management of the 154 national forests, 20 grasslands, and 1 prairie that comprise the 193 million acre National Forest System.Read more about regional appraisal data…

Improving EADM

The Forest Service, under the U.S. Department of Agriculture, conducts environmental analysis using the best available science and, based on the analysis and other relevant information, makes decisions to increase the diversity, health, resilience, and productivity of our national forests and grasslands.Read more about EADM…

CEQ Pilot Webinars

Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Pilot Webinars. Learn More!

Climate Change

The guidance documents Climate Change Considerations in Project Level NEPA Analysisand Climate Change Considerations in Land Management Plan Revisions, provide the Agency with the support needed to appropriately incorporate climate change into land management planning and project- level NEPA documentation. Read more about Climate Change Land Management & Project Planning…

Roadless Area Conservation

Inventoried roadless areas constitute roughly one-third of all National Forest System lands, or approximately 58.5 million acres.Read more about roadless area conservation…