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History Office Webinars

The USCIS Historical Research Branch offers several webinars for beginner and advanced researchers. They are an easy and free way to learn about the USCIS history, library, and genealogy programs and services from agency historians, librarians and program representatives. We invite you to view our upcoming schedule below. This every other month webinar delivered by an USCIS historian covers available historical records, and useful aids and procedures for requesting records at the National Archives and Records Administration or from USCIS through the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act. Some of these webinars will address issues or problems in researching specific historical topics. This webinar is for scholars and other advanced researchers.

Live Webinars (Coming Soon)

How Do I Participate?

Choose the session you wish to attend from the schedule below. Click on the session reminder link and save this to your calendar. On the day of the webinar, click on the link (included in the calendar reminder) to join the webinar. You can also return to this page, as early as 10 minutes before the session starts, and click the “attend session” link to enter the webinar.

Live Webinars Schedule (Coming Soon)


For QuestionsPlease Contact
Guide to I & N History
Genealogy Program
Records Found Case


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