NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Science Highlights Presentations

NERSC collects highlights of recent scientific work carried out by its users. If you are a user and have work that you would like us to highlight please send an e-mail to [email protected]  In the list below, names of researchers who did the work appear in brackets.

2020 Set 1

Presentation [PDF]

  • World's first 3-D Simulations of Superluminous Supernovae NERSC PI: Ken Chen, Academia Sinica Taiwan; Compute Award from DOE Office of Nuclear Physics; Funding from the National Science Foundation. Chen, Woosley and Whalen, Astrophysical Journal, 893:99, 2020 April 20
  • New Estimates for Ice Sheet Mass Loss NERSC PIs: Stephen Price, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Compute Award and funding from DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Science; Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Compute Award and funding from the DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research. Special Issue: The Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6). The Cryosphere,
  • Designing Materials with Tunable Electrical and Magnetic Behaviors Bansal, Dipanshu; Niedziela, Jennifer L.; Calder, Stuart; Lanigan-Atkins, Tyson; Rawl, Ryan; Said, Ayman H.; Abernathy,Douglas L.; Kolesnikov, Alexander I.; Zhou, Haidong; Delaire,Olivier, "Magnetically driven phonon instability enables the metal-insulator transition in h-FeS"; NATURE PHYSICS, 16:669+; 2020 JUN, 10.1038/s41567-020-0857-1
  • Near-Real Time Networked Analysis of KSTAR Data R. Kube, RM Churchill, J. Choi, et al., SciPY 2020 Conference Proceedings, “Leading magnetic fusion energy science into the big-and-fast data lane,” .

2019 Set 1

Presentation [PDF]

  • World record laser-driven plasma- based electron accelerator, NERSC Project PI: J.-L. Vay, C. Benedetti (co-PI), LBNL, Gonsalves et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 084801 (2019),
    Enabling Thermochemistry Estimation using Deep Learning, NERSC Project PI: William H. Green, MIT, Li et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2019,, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b10789
  • Enabling Thermochemistry Estimation using Deep Learning, NERSC Project PI: William H. Green, MIT, Li et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2019,, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.8b10789
  • New Conservation Laws in Turbulent Magnetized Flows, NERSC Project PI: Hussein Aluie, University of Rochester, Bian, Xin; Aluie, Hussein, "Decoupled Cascades of Kinetic and Magnetic Energy in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence"; Physical Review Letters, 122 2019 APR 5, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.135101
  • How California Wildfires Can Impact Water Availability, NERSC Project PI: Erica Siirila-Woodburn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Maina, FZ, Siirila‐Woodburn, ER. Watersheds dynamics following wildfires: Nonlinear feedbacks and implications on hydrologic responses. Hydrological Processes. 2019; 1– 18.
  • Turning On and Off a Heart Drug’s Molecular Switch, NERSC Project PI: Yinlong Miao, U. of Kansas, Yinglong Miao, J. Andrew McCammon, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Mar 2018, 115 (12) 3036-3041; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1800756115
  • Mapping Neutral Hydrogen in the Early Universe, NERSC Project PI: Yu Feng (UC Berkeley), Modi, Chirag; Castorina, Emanuele; Feng, Yu; White, Martin, "; Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2019 Sep, 10.1088/1475-7516/2019/09/024

2019 Set 2

 Presentation [PDF]

  • Towards Simpler Fusion Power Devices, NERSC Project PI: Chris Hansen, Univ. of Washington, K. D. Morgan et al, Physics of Plasmas, 24, 122510 (2017) DOI: 10.1063/1.4997944
  • Exploring the Real-World Materials Genome, NERSC Project PI: C. Wolverton, Northwestern University, Amsler, Hegde, Jacobsen, and Wolverton, Phys. Rev. X 8, 041021 (2018), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevX.8.041021
  • DOE Models Simulate Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution, NERSC Project PI’s: Stephen Price, Los Alamos National Lab, and Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect): Hoffman et al., Geosci. Model Devel., 11, 2018, doi:10.5194/gmd-11-3747-2018; Martin et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(3), 2019, doi:10.1029/2018GL081229
  • ATLAS Experiment: Scaling High Throughput Workflows, NERSC Project PI: J. Taylor Childers, Argonne National Lab, Journal of Physics Conference Series: IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 898 (2017) 062002 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/898/6/062002
  • Machine-Learned Impurity Prediction in Semiconductors, NERSC Project PI: Maria K.Y. Chan, Argonne National Lab, A. Mannodi-Kanakkithodi et al., ”Comprehensive Computational Study of Partial Lead Substitution in Methylammonium Lead Bromide", accepted, Chem. Mater. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b04017 (2019). D.H. Cao et al., “Charge Transfer Dynamics of Phase Segregated Halide Perovskite mixtures", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11 (9), pp 9583–9593 (2019).
  • Uncovering the Origins of Peculiar Supernovae, NERSC Project PIs: Wynn Jacobson-Galán, UC Santa Cruz, Jacobson-Galán et al., Monthly Notices in he Royal Astronomical Society, 2018, doi:

2018 Set 3

Presentation [PDF]

  • Revealing Reclusive Mechanisms for Solar Cells [NERSC Project PI: Chris G. Van de Walle, UC Santa Barbara; X. Zhang, J.-X. Shen, W. Wang, and C. G. Van de Walle, "First-Principles Analysis of Radiative Recombination in Lead-Halide Perovskites"; ACS Energy Letters 3, 2329 (2018). 10.1021/acsenergylett.8b01297 ]
  • Shedding Light on Luminous Blue Variables [NERSC Project PI: Yan-Fei Jiang, UC Santa Barbara; Jiang, Yan-Fei; Cantiello, Matteo; Bildsten, Lars; Quataert, Eliot; Blaes, Omer; Stone, James; Nature, 561:498+; 2018 SEP 27, 10.1038/s41586-018-0525-0 ]
  • Simulations Probe Antarctic Ice Vulnerability [NERSC Project PIs: Dan Martin, LBNL; Esmond Ng, LBNL; Stephen Price, LANL; Martin, Cornford, and Payne (2019). Geophysical Research Letters, DOI 10.1029/2018GL081229.]
  • Enabling Science Discovery for STAR [NERSC Project PI: Jeff Porter, Berkeley Lab; M. Mustafa et al, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 898, 082023 ]
  • Scalable Machine Learning in HPC [NERSC Project PI: L. Oliker, Berkeley Lab; P. Koanantoakool et al, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on AI and Statistics 2018, Lazarote, Spain. PMLR: Volume 84 ]
  • Plasma Propulsion Systems for Satellites [ NERSC Project PI: I. Kaganovich, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; Powis, Andrew T.; Carlsson, Johan A.; Kaganovich, Igor D.; Raitses, Yevgeny; Smolyakov, Andrei, "Scaling of spoke rotation frequency within a Penning discharge"; PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 25 2018 JUL, 10.1063/1.5038733 ]

2018 Set 2

Presentation [PDF]

  • Quantification of Earthquake Hazard and Risk [NERSC Project PI: David McCallen, Berkeley Lab; 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 2018]
  • Unraveling the Mysteries of Self-Cleaning TiO2 [NERSC Project PI: Melissa Hines, Cornell; J. Balajka, et al, Science, August 2018, Vol. 361, Issue 6404, doi: 10.1126/science.aat6752]
  • Resolving an Arctic Modeling Puzzle [NERSC Project PI: D. Feldman, Berkeley Lab. Reference: Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 123:789-813; 2018 JAN 27, doi: 10.1002/2017JD027595]
  • Understanding Auroras on Ganymede [NERSC Project PI: A. Bhattacharjee, Princeton University. Reference: L. Wang, et al, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123, 2815 (2018), doi: 10.1002/2017JA024761]
  • Evidence of Antineutrino Oscillation [NERSC Project PIs: Oliver Gutsche, Jim Kowalkowski, Fermilab. Reference: Neutrino 2018 conference]
  • Determining Cosmological Parameters with Deep Learning [NERSC Project PI: D. Bard, Berkeley Lab. Reference: SC18]

2018 Set 1

Presentation [PDF]

  • “Disruptive” Magnetic Islands Confine Fusion Plasmas [NERSC Project PI: C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Reference: J.M. Kwon et al., Physics of Plasmas 25, 052506 2018, doi: 10.1063/1.5027622]
  • Simulations Shed Light on Self-Healing Cement [NERSC Project PI: Vassiliki-Alexandra Glezakou, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Reference: Nguyen et al., ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10, 30011-3019doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b13309]
  • Mapping the Filamentary Structure of the Universe [NERSC Project: DESI, Reference: He, Siyu; Alam, Shadab; Ferraro, Simone; Chen, Yen-Chi; Ho, Shirley, Nature Astronomy, April 9, 2018, Volume 2, 401–406, doi: 10.1038/s41550-018-0426-z]
  • Deep Learning at 15 Petaflops [NERSC Project PI: Prabhat, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Reference: Kurth et al., SC 17 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. doi:10.1145/3126908.3126916]
  • Deeper Understanding of Livestock Greenhouse Gas Emission [NERSC Project PI: Kjiersten Fagnan, Joint Genome Institute, Reference: Seshadri R, et al. Nature Biotechnology, March 19, 2018  doi:10.1038/nbt.4110here]
  • Sensors for Extreme Environments [NERSC Project PI: S. Sankaranarayanan, Argonne National Laboratory, Reference:  Zhang et al., Nature 553, 68 (2018). DOI: 10.1038/nature25008]
  • Deep Learning Probes Mysteries of Nuclear Matter [NERSC Project PI: Chan, Y-D, Wang, X-N, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Reference: Pang, L-G, et al, Nature Communications, Volume 9, Article number: 210 (2018) doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02726-3]


December 2017

Presentation [PDF]

  • Origin of Heavy Elements [NERSC PI: D. Kasen, UC Berkeley. Reference: D. Kasen, Nature 551, 80–84 (Nov. 2, 2017) doi:10.1038/nature24453]
  • Toward Better Protection from Diseases [NERSC PI: E. Nogales, Berkeley Lab. Reference: J. Tenthorey, et al, Science  Nov. 17 2017, Vol. 358, Issue 6365 doi:10.1126/science.aao1140]
  • The Earth Absorbs Ghostly Neutrinos [NERSC PI: T. Palczewski, Berkeley Lab. Reference: The IceCube Collaboration, Nature 551, 596–600 (Nov. 2017) doi:10.1038/nature24459]
  • How 1st Supernovae Altered Early Star Formation [NERSC PI: K. Chen, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Reference: K. Chen, et al, The Astrophysical Journal, 844:111, August 2017, doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa7b34]
  • Better Memristors for Future Memory Devices [NERSC PI: V. Batista, Yale University. Reference: S. Goswami, et al, Nature Materials, Oct. 23, 2017, doi: 10.1038/NMAT5009]
  • The Blob that Ate the Tokamak [NERSC PI: C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. Reference:  R.M. Churchill, et al, Plasma Phys. Control Fusion 59 (2017), 105014 doi:10.1088/1361-6587/aa7c03]
  • How Bacteria Adapt to Environmental Stress [NERSC PI: B. Palsson, UC San Diego. Reference: K. Chen, et al, PNAS, vol. 114 no. 43, 11548–11553, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1705524114 ]

September 2017

Presentation [PDF]

  • When Neutron Stars and Black Holes Merge [NERSC Project PI: F. Foucart, Berkeley Lab. Reference: R. Fernandez, et al, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 34, 2017, 154001.]
  • Predicting Defect-free Nanomaterials [NERSC Project PI: M. Vörös, Argonne National Lab. Reference: F. Giberti, et al, Nanoletters, 17 (4), 2547-2553, March 2017]
  • Splitting Water into Hydrogen and Oxygen [NERSC PI: L. Grabow, Univ. of Houston. Reference: Z. Zhao, et al, Nano Energy 39, Sept. 2017, pp 444-453]
  • Preparing for Next-Generation CMB Experiments [NERSC Project PI: J. Borrill, Berkeley Lab]
  • Recycled Atoms Boost Plasma Turbulence [NERSC Project PI: C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. Reference: D.P. Stotler, et al, Nuclear Fusion, 57, 086028, July 4, 2017]
  • ‘Hindcasting’ Extreme Weather Events [NERSC Project PI: M. Wehner, Berkeley Lab. Reference: P. Pall, et al, Weather and Climate Extremes, July 2017, doi: 10.106/j.wace.2017.03.004]

June 2017

Presentation [PDF]

  • Simulating Superluminous Supernova [NERSC Project PI: S. Woosley, UC Santa Cruz, K. Chen, S. Woolsey, T. Sukhbold, The Astrophysical Journal, 832, 1, Nov. 2016] [Astrophysics]
  • Turning Water into Fuel [NERSC Project PI: J. Neaton, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Q. Yan et al, Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 12, March 17, 2017] [Materials Science]
  • World’s Smallest Diamond Nanowires [NERSC Project PI: T. Devereaux, Stanford, H. Yan, et al, Nature Materials, 16, 349-355, March 2017] [Materials Science]
  • Cloud Modeling Goes Vertical [NERSC Project PI: M. Ovchinnikov, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, M. Ovchinnikov, et al, J. of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121, 21, Nov. 2016] [Atmospheric Sciences]
  • Predicting Electron Energy Transport in ITER [NERSC Project PI: C. Holland, UC San Diego, C. Holland, N. Howard, B. Grierson, Nuclear Fusion 57, 2017, 066043] [Fusion Energy Sciences]
  • More Dust, Better Air Quality [NERSC Project PI: S. Ghan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Y. Yang, et al, Nature Communications 8, 15333, May 2017] [Atmospheric Sciences]

March 2017

Presentation [PDF]

  • A Super Rare Supernova Discovery [NERSC Project PI: M. Kasliwal, Caltech. Reference: A.Goobar, R. Amanullah, et al, Science 356, 6335, April 2017, 291-295] [Astrophysics]
  • Shedding Light on Mysterious Plasma Flows [NERSC Project PI: Wei-Li Lee, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Reference: A. Grierson et al, Physical Review Letters, 118, 015002, January 2017] [Fusion Energy Sciences]
  • A Better Way to Grow Graphene [NERSC Project PI: P. Kent, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Reference: C. Ma, Z. Xiao, et al, Nature Communications, 8, 14815, March 2017] [Materials Science]
  • A Record Quantum Circuit Simulation [NERSC PI: T. Haner, ETH Zurich. Reference: Thomas Häner, Damian S. Steiger, 0.5 Petabyte Simulation of a 45-Qubit Quantum Circuit, arXiv:1704.01127 [quant-ph]] [Computer Science]
  • Converting CO2 into Methanol [NERSC Project PI: P. Liu, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Reference: S. Kattel, et al, Science, 2017; 355 (6331): 1296] [Materials Science]
  • First Complex Calculations of Sigma Particle [NERSC Project PI: R. Edwards, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory. Reference: R. Briceno, et al, Physical Review Letters, 118, 022002, January 2017] [Nuclear Physics]
  • Catching Extreme Waves with High-Resolution Modeling [NERSC Project PI: M. Wehner, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Reference: B. Timmermans, et al, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 3, February 2017] [Earth Systems Science]

December 2016

Presentation [PDF]

  • New ‘Tribofilms’ Could Enhance Engine Efficiency [NERSC Project PI: S. Sankaranarayanan, Argonne National Laboratory. Reference: A. Erdemir, G. Ramirez, et al, Nature, 536, August 2016, 67–70] [Materials Science]
  • Effects of 3D Shaping on Fusion Reactor Plasma Instabilities [J. Hanson, Auburn University. Reference: Physics of Plasmas, 23, 092513, 2016] [Fusion Energy Science]
  • Testing Cosmology with a New ‘Catalogue of Voids’, NERSC Project PI: J. Borrill, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Reference: S. Nadathur, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461 (2016) 358 [Cosmology]
  • New Workflow Software Streamlines High-Energy Nuclear Physics Data Analysis, NERSC Project PI: Jeff Porter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Reference: M. Fasel, Journal of Physics, 762, 2016, 012031 [Nuclear Physics]
  • Simulations Confirm Changing CO2 Levels Influence Extreme Weather Events, [NERSC Project PIs: M. Wehner, T. O'Brien, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Reference: M. Wehner, et alBull. of the American Met. Soc., Dec. 2016] [Earth Systems Science]

September 2016

 Presentation [PDF]

  • Advances in Cost-Effective Fuel Cells [Y. Choi (SABIC Technology Center), Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 5869-5876] [BES]
  • Earth’s Viral Diversity Unveiled [N. Kryprides (Berkeley Lab),  Nature, 536, 425–430, Aug. 25, 2016] [BER]
  • The Search for a Visible Gravitational Wave Source [M. Kasliwal (Caltech), The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 824, No. 2, June 17, 2016] [HEP]
  • Advanced Simulations Support Breakthrough Coupling of Two Plasma Accelerator Stages [C. Benedetti (Berkeley Lab), , Nature, 530, February 2016] [HEP]
  • New In-situ Analysis Framework Enables Modeling at Scale [O. Rübel (Berkeley Lab), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 36, May-June 2016] [ASCR/HEP]
  • Speeding Up a Bioinformatics Application [G. Luecke (Iowa State), International journal of High Performance Computing Applications, July 12, 2016, doi:10.1177/1094342016658110] [BER/ASCR]
  • Advances in a Theoretical Understanding of  Fusion Edge Plasma Transport [D. Hatch (University of Texas-Austin), Nuclear Fusion, 56,  August 2016] [FES]

June 2016

Presentation [PDF]

  • Better Materials for Quantum Computing [Govoni, Galli (University of Chicago), Nature Scientific Reports, Vol. 6, No. 20803, Feb. 16, 2016] [BES]
  • Interactions Between Climate and Regional Weather [Hagos (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory),  Journal of Climate, Vol. 29, No. 3, February 2016, 1091-1107] [BER]
  • Design and Discovery of New Ferroelectric Materials [Rappe (University of Pennsylvania), Nature 534, 360-363, June 16, 2016] [BES]
  • Brown-Dwarf Companion to Accreting White Dwarf [Baron (University of Oklahoma), Nature 533, 366-368, May 2016] [HEP]
  • How Climate Fluctuations Influence Sea Ice Expansion [Meehl, National Center for Atmospheric Research), Nature Geoscience, July 4, 2016, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2751] [BER]
  • Efficiency-Limiting Defects in LEDs [Van de Walle (UC-Santa Barbara), Applied Physics Letters, 108, 141101, April 2016] [BES]
  • ‘New Math’ Captures Fluid Interface Dynamics in Unprecedented Detail [Saye (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Science Advances, Vol. 2, No. 6, June 3, 2016] [ASCR]

March 2016

Presentation [PDF]

  • Results explain the mismatch between predictions and observations of heat loss in tokamak reactors [Howard (MIT), Holland, White, Greenwald and Candy, Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 56, No. 1, Dec. 17, 2015] [FES]
  • Researchers have reduced the time needed to detect important features in large climate datasets from years to hours. [D. Millstein, R. Levinson, P. Rosado, M. Cao, Z. Lin, Environmental Science & Technology,  November 2015, 49, 14672-14679]
  • Simulations support findings that migration of liquids and gases due to fracking have not had a widespread impact on drinking water. [M. Reagan, G. Moridis, N. Keen, J. Johnson, Water Resources Research, Volume 51, Issue 4, April 2015, 2543–2573]
  • Scientists use Edison to perform the first LQCD calculations of the radiative capture process. [S. Beane, E. Chang, W. Detmold, K. Orginos, A. Parreno. M. Savage, B Tiburzi, Physical Review Letters, 115, 132001 September 24, 2015]
  • New tools handle increasingly large datasets produced by ATLAS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.  [P. Calafiura, et al, on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 664, (2015) 092025]

December 2015

Presentation [PDF]

  • Creating Nanoscale Ferroelectricity from a Nonferroelectric Film [X. Wu, Temple University, Science, 349, 6254, 1314-1317, Sep. 2015] [BES]
  • Stabilizing a Tokamak Plasma [S. Jardin, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, 2140001, Nov. 2015] [FES]
  • Predicting a New Phase of Superionic Ice [J. Sun, Princeton U., Nature Comm., 6, 8156, August 2015] [BES]
  • LUX Dark Matter Experiment [R. Jacobsen, Berkeley Lab, Phys. Rev. Lett., Dec. 11, 2015] [HEP/NP]
  • Reflective Roofs Help Reduce Energy Use [D. Millstein, Berkeley Lab, Env. Sci. & Tech., 49, 14672-14679, Nov. 2015] [BER]

September 2015

Presentation [PDF]

  • Nobel Prize in Physics 2015 [SNO Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 071301, 2001] [HEP/NP]
  • CT Scan of Earth Links Mantle Plumes with Volcanic Hotspots [s. French, B. Romanowicz, UC Berkeley, Nature 525, 95-99, Sep. 3, 2015] [BES]
  • Electron Heat Loss in Fusion Plasma [Belova, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, Phys. Rev. Lett., 115, June 29, 2015] [FES]
  •  BISICLES Ice Sheet Model and Climate Change [D. Martin, Berkeley Lab, The Cryosphere, 1579-1600, 2015] [BER]
  • Polarized Laser Pulses Could Change Nature of Graphene [T. Deveraux, Stanford, Nature Comm., 6, 70475, 2015] [BES]
  • High Accuracy Modeling of Geothermal Wells [Melior Innovations, Inc.] [Industrial Partnerships]

June 2015

Presentation [PDF]

  • Modelling Aids Radiation Damage Studies [R. Devanathan, Pacific Northwest National Lab, J. Materials Res., vol. 30, no. 9, May 14, 2015] [BES]
  • Using Supercomputers to Analyze Syncrotron Experiments [R. Saykally/D. Prendergast, UC Berkeley, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014] [BES] Read more...
  • Simulation Insights into Water and Soft Matter [A. Striolo, Univ. College London, J. Phys. Chem. B, 119, 5467-5474, 2015] [BES]
  • Observing a Supernova Colliding with its Neighbor [P. Nugent. Berkeley Lab, Nature, Vol. 521, May 21, 2015] [HEP]  Read more...
  • Assessing the Impact of Fracking on Drinking Water [G. Moridis, AGU Water Resources Research, 51, 2543-2573, 2015[BES] Read more...
  • Expanding the Impact of Pore Scale Simulations [T. Scheibe, AGU Water Resources Research, Feb. 2015] [BER]

March 2015

Presentation [PDF]

  • Improved multiscale modeling method leads to key result for batteries [T. Miller, Caltech, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119(8), 3865-3880] [BESRead more...
  • Climate change effects on wind turbine industry are being evaluated [S. Capps, Vertum Partners] [SBIR]
  • Multiscale Two-Phase Bubbly Flow Modeling [J. Ma, Dynaflow, Inc., Chem. Eng. Sciences, 128, 64-81, 2015] [SBIR]
  • Using NERSC to Help Optimize SNS [S. Veltzer, Tech-X] [SBIR]
  • Investigating element 106, seaborgium [G. Malli, Simon Fraser U., J. Chem. Phys., 142, 064311, 2015] [NP]
  • Those bothersome fusion blobs [W. Lee/ M. Urbansky, UC San Diego/Livermore Lab, Phy. of Plasmas, 22, 12505, 2015] [FES]

December 2014

Presentation [PDF]

  • Boosting Combustion Research [Bell]
  • Power to the Electrons [Leemans]
  • Material Genomics to the MAX [Ching]
  • Tracking Tropical Clouds to Polish Climate and Weather Prediction [Hagos]
  • 'CT Scan' of Distant Universe Reveals Cosmic Web in 3D [Lee] Read more...
  • New Inexpensive Silicon-based Semiconductor for Solar Energy Conversion [Galli]

September 2014

Presentation [PDF]

  • Relearning Acid-Base Fundamentals [Mundy]
  • Probing Mercury's Partnering Preferences [Smith]
  • Fusion Simulations Could Reduce Reactor Costs [Landreman/Dorland]
  • NERSC Projects Put Data in the Fast Lane Read more... 
  • Meraculous Genomics Performance [Yelick]
  • Unusual Demise for Some Ancient Stars [Chen/Woosley] Read more...  

June 2014

Presentation [PDF]

  • Promising Approach to Solar Conversion [Galli]
  • Basic Understanding of Water as Solvent [Xantheas]
  • Tokamak Stabilization via Simulation [Citrin]
  • Unusual Climate Modeling Result: Decreased Flooding From Higher Temps [Stone] Read more ...
  • Improving LED Efficiency Through Computation [Kioupakis] Read more ...
  • Controlling NanoParticle Assembly [Grest] 

March 2014

Presentation [PDF]

  • Controlling Nanoparticle Interactions to Engineer New Materials [Grest]
  • Computational High-Throughput Screening of Organic Materials for Solar Energy and Lighting [Kara] 
  • Materials Informatics Helps Optimize Gas Storage [Smit] 
  • Colossal Magnetic Moments Discovered [Jena]
  • Exploring Magnetism in a Single Atom [Gangopadhyay]
  • Disordered Materials Hold Promise for Better Batteries [Ceder] Read more...

December 2013

Presentation [PDF] Presentation [PPT]

  • Model Shows Arrangement of Proteins in Photosynthetic Membranes [Geissler]
  • How Many Earths are There? [Petigura]
  • IceCube is 2013 Physics Breakthrough of the Year [Gerhardt] Read more...
  • Simulation Couples with Experiment to Boost Energy Research [Smith]
  • Simulation Captures the Essence of Carbonate Crystallization [Whitelam]
  • Project Discovers 'Fingers' of Heat that Help Explain the ’Plumbing' of Earth’s Mantle [Romanowicz] Read more...

September 2013

Presentation [PDF 5MB] Presentation [PPT 4MB]

  • Developing Better Catalysts [Mei]
  • World's Thinnest Solar Cell [Grossman]
  • Stabilizing Carbon Nanotubes [Striolo]
  • New Theory of Crystallization [Wallace]
  • Fusion Snakes [Sugiyama]
  • Alzheimer's and Amyloid Fibril Assembly [Ghatty] 

July 2013

Presentation [PDF 4 MB] Presentation [PPT 6 MB]

  • IceCube Finds Neutrinos Invading from Another Galaxy [Gerhardt] 
  • First Independent Confirmation of Global Land Warming  [Compo] Read more...
  • Mail-Order Metal Organic Frameworks  [Smit]
  • Study Shows How a Greenhouse Gas Could be Converted to Fuel [Batista]
  • NERSC Collaboration will Improve Materials Analysis  [Persson, Jain, Cholia] 
  • Reduced Climate Change Impact in California from Emission Regulations [Collins] Read more...

June 2013

Presentation [PDF 8 MB] Presentation [PPT 6 MB]

  • Tundra Bushes Add Fuel to Northern Thaw [Bonfils] Read more...
  • New Method Improves Simulations of Foams, Membranes, Detergents, and More  [Saye, Sethian] Read more...
  • Using Computation to Understand the Basis of Circadian Rhythm  [Batista]
  • Computation Improves Lithium Batteries [Leung]
  • NERSC Helps Planck Mission Expose Ancient Light [Borrill] Read more...
  • Studies Suggest Super-Efficient Solar Cells [Wippermann, Galli] 

March 2013

Presentation [PDF 8 MB] Presentation [PPT 6 MB]

  • Explaining the Origin of Semiconductor Exciton Binding Energy Variation [Zu]
  • Freely Decaying Turbulence in 2-D Electrostatic Gyrokinetics [Dorland]
  • Study of Runaway Electron Currents is Important Step Towards Understanding ITER Plasma Disruption [Izzo]
  • Magnetic and Plasma Stochasticity can be Intrinsically Generated in Confined Toroidal Plasma Edges [Sugiyama]
  • Determining the Sign of the Pairing State in High-Tc Superconductors [Das] Read more...
  • Study Points to More Efficient Catalysts [Chen]

January 2013

Presentation [PDF 3 MB] Presentation [PPT 3 MB]

  • Nailing Down the Structure of Mullite (Ching)
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Sea Level Rise (Washington/Meehl/Hu)
  • Science at Scale: Plasma Finding is Key for ITER (Chang) Read more...
  • Understanding Battery Failure (Miller)
  • Computational Studies Shed Light on Energetic Materials Degradation (Kuklja) 
  • Science at Scale: Understanding CO2 Sequestration (Trebotich) 

September-October 2012

Presentation [PDF 5 MB] Presentation [PPT  5 MB]

  • Using Computation to Improve Water Desalination (Grossman)
  • Dramatically Increasing Weather Forecasting Skill (Hamill/Bates)
  • "Windows of Opportunity" for Efficient Gas Separation Using Carbon Nanotubes (Jiang)
  • Modeling Feat Sheds Light on Protein Channel's Function (Miller) Read More...
  • Simulations Reveal Universal Viscosity Behavior of Polymer Nanocomposites (Grest)
  • Implications of the Higgs Boson Discovery (Nath)
  • A Climate Extension to the Weather Research and Forecasting Model, CWRF (Liang)
  • Modeling Reveals How Oceans Plunged the Planet into a Catastrophic Big Freeze  (Condron)
  • Efficient Discovery of Porous Materials for Gas Separation and Storage (Smit) Read More... 
  • Simulations Reveal Key Fuel Cell Membrane Characteristics (Devanathan) Read More...
  • Calculations Suggest Promise for Graphene-Nanotube Transistors (Varga / Cook) 
  • Computer as Laboratory: Test-Tube Simulations of Protein Unfolding  (Daggett) 

June 2012

Presentation [PDF 6 MB]   Presentation [PPT 11 MB]
  • Promise for Onion-Like Carbons as Supercapacitors (Jiang/Cummings)
  • Learning from Photosynthesis  (Cheung) 
  • Science at Scale: Parallel I/O Supports Analysis of Trillion-Particle Simulation (Byna/Karimabadi) Read More...
  • Unlocking the Mysteries of the Neutrino (Gratta/Marino)
  • Tuning Nanoporous Graphene for Gas Separation (Schrier)
  • Science Through Volume:NDCX-II Simulations Help Clear the Path to Heavy Ion Fusion (Friedman) Read More...
  • Science and Energy Insight from NERSC + ALS (Saykally/Prendergast
  • Computations Reveal the Mechanism of Catalytic Reduction of Ntirogen Dioxide (Broadbelt/Snurr) 

March 2012

Presentation [PDF 6 MB]   Presentation [PPT 11 MB]
  • Science at Scale: Simulations Aid in Understanding Climate Impacts (Collins)
  • A New Kind of Neutrino Transformation  (DayaBay) 
  • Powered by NERSC, JGI Database Now Contains 3 Billion Genes (Markowitz)Read More...
  • Deep Oceans Can Mask Global Warming for Decade-Long Periods (Washington)  Read More...
  • Designer Piezoelectricity (Chu)
  • Important New Method For Studying Solar Materials (Kioupakis)

December 2011

Newsletter [PDF 4 MB]   Presentation [PDF 3 MB]   Presentation [PPT 7 MB]
  • Breakthroughs in Battery Technologies (Wang, Mei)
  • JCAP Simulations for Artificial Photosynthesis (Wang, Lewis)
  • Materials Genome Simulations Speed Materials Discovery (Persson)
  • Clearest Pictures Yet of Dark Matter and the Universe (Nugent, White) Read More...
  • Turning Grass Into Gas For Less (Chu)
  • A Better Way to ID Extreme Weather Events in Climate Models (Wehner, Prabhat)Read More...
  • Origin of Diverse Melting Behavior in Nanoclusters (S. Wei)
  • Quantitative Assessment of a Coal Gasification Model (P. Smith)

September 2011

Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]   Presentation [PDF 3 MB]   Presentation [PPT 3MB]


  • Astrophysics: NERSC Played Key Role in Nobel Prize-Winning Discovery (Perlmutter)Read More...
  • Astrophysics: Earliest Ever Supernova Detection (Nugent)
  • Nuclear Physics: Geoneutrinos and Earth's Heat Source (KamLAND) Read More...
  • Climate: Small Particles, Big Impact (Gustafson) 
  • Materials Science: True Rational Materials Design (Aspuru-Guzik
  • Chemistry: Improved Carbon Nanotube Production (Striolo)

June 2011

Presentation [PDF 8MB]   Presentation [PPT 13MB]


  • LED Lighting Breakthrough (Kioupakis, Van de Walle)
  • Solar System Bubbles (Drake)
  • LQCD Evidence for Dibaryon (Savage)
  • Speeding Materials Evaluation for Carbon Capture (Haranczyk, Sethian)
  • Improving Insulin via Molecular Dynamics (Mikre, Masunov)
  • Heaviest Antimatter Nucleus Detected (STARcollaboration)
  • Nanoscale Modeling for Carbon Capture (Bourg, Sposito)
  • Speculative 14F Nucleus (Maris, Shirokov, Vary)
  • Thermoelectric Materials to Recycle Energy (Kent)


March 2011

Presentation [PDF 9MB]   Presentation [PPT 8MB]


  • Dark Galaxy Detected (Chakrabarti, Blitz)
  • Rechargeable Heat Batteries (Grossman)
  • Runaway Electrons Affect ITER (Izzo)
  • 20th Century Reanalysis (Compo)
  • Faster Computational Docking (Collignon, Schulz, Smith, Baudry)
  • Recyling Carbon Dioxide (Ping Liu)
  • Computational Chemistry for Better Batteries
  • Nanofluids Change Phase (Cummings)


December 2010

Presentation [PDF 14MB]   Presentation [PPTX 14MB]


  • Simulation Helps Validate Key New Experimental Technique (Pantalides, Pennycock)
  • Quantum Dynamics Revealed (H. Guo)
  • Nanocatalysis: Small *is* Different (Landman, Barnett)
  • Ultra Low-Power Computing? (Yoon, Salahuddin)
  • Designing Fuel Cell Membranes (Davanathan, Dupuis)
  • Magnetic Reconnection and Anomalous Cosmic Rays (Drake)


September 2010

Newsletter [PDF]   Presentation [PDF]   Presentation [PPT]
  • New Method Sheds Light on Protein-Salt Interactions (Prendergast, Saykally)
  • ALICE + NERSC + ESnet = Results (Jacobs)
  • "Sweaty" Flowers Cool the World (Lee, Boyce)
  • What's Pliocene Got to Do With it?* (Federov, Brierly)
  • You Need 3D to Watch Stars Explode (Burrows, Nordhaus, Bell, Almgren)
  • Simulation of Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Production by a Bio-inspired Catalyst* (Car, Selloni)

* In presentation only; not in Newsletter

June 2010

Newsletter [PDF]   Presentation [PDF]   Presentation [PPTX]


  • Silicon Uncommon in Deep Earth (Wilkins, Driver)
  • First-Ever Antimatter Hypernucleus (N. Xu)
  • Why Neon is Missing from Jupiter's Atmosphere (Wilson, Militzer)
  • Massive, Young, Star-Forming Galaxies (Ceverino, Klypin)
  • First-Principles Modeling of Distant Metal-Water Bonds* (Bogatko, Bylaska,Weare)
  • Thermophillic Protein Stability* (Daggett)
  • FLASH Modeling Laser-Created Dense Plasmas* (Plewa, Drake)
  • Accelerator Simulations Reframed* (Mori)
  • MADmap CMB (Cantaloupo, Borrill, Jaffe, Kisner, Stompor)
  • Radiation Damage in Ceramics* (Devanathan)
  • Transparent Conducting Oxides* (Medvedeva)
  • Connecting the Molecular Scale to the Continuum Scale* (Bourg, Sposito)


* In presentation only; not in Newsletter

March 2010

Newsletter [PDF]   Presentation [PDF]   Presentation [PPT]


  • Mismatched Alloy Thermoelectrics (Wu, Lee, Grossman)
  • Nanoelectronic Switches (Neaton, Quek)
  • Cultural Analytics (Manovich)
  • Early Hopper Science
  • Sudbury Neutrino Data (Poon, Martin)
  • Proteins and Water* (Head-Gordon, Johnson, Malardier-Jugroot)
  • New Plasma Instability* (Sugiyama)
  • Combustion Simulation* (Bell, Day, Gao)
  • Graphene Sheets are Pliable* (Kral)
  • Halocarbon Greenhouse Gases* (Wuebbles)
  • Magma Dynamics* (Spera, Nevins)


* In presentation only; not in Newsletter

December 2009

Presentation [PDF]

  • Mitigating Global Climate Change (Washington)
  • EMGeo hydrocarbon reservoir mapping software (Newman, Commer)
  • AMR for CO2 Sequestration Studies (Bell, Pau, Pruess, Almgren, Lijewski, Zhag)
  • Graphene Membrane for Gas Separation (Jiang, Cooper, Dai)
  • First of Its Kind Supernova (Aldering, Nugent, Thomas)
  • New 3-D Radiation Transfer Capability (Baron)
  • Restructuring Catalyst Surfaces (L-W Wang)

August 2009

Presentation [PDF]