Maintaining Compliance in a TTB-Regulated Industry

Responsibilities for Approved Industry Members

Grey circle icon with a hands shaking.

Your application has been approved and as part of maintaining compliance in a TTB-regulated industry there may be other requirements such as filing reports and paying federal excise taxes that you must meet.  This tool will guide you through the requirements for your business operations and the information you need to succeed.

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Which are you?
Blue circle icon with a wine glass and shot glass. Producer or manufacturer of a beverage alcohol product (beer, wine, distilled spirits)
Blue circle icon with nonbeverage alcohol products. Manufacturer of nonbeverage alcohol products
Blue circle icon with a filing cabinet. Importer, exporter, or wholesaler of alcohol products
Blue circle icon with a pouring bottle. Alcohol dealer or user (e.g., specially denatured alcohol, tax-free alcohol user)
Blue circle icon with a tobacco product. Manufacturer, importer, or exporter of tobacco products
Blue circle icon with a gun. Firearms and Ammunition manufacturer
Or do you need to. . .
Blue circle icon with an exclamation mark in a triangle. File a disaster claim?



Page last reviewed: May 29, 2015
Page last updated: May 10, 2017
Maintained by: National Revenue Center