The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council


The Photon Sciences (PSC) workforce and its user community are diverse and reflects many distinguishing characteristics, including but not limited to age, race, disability, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, national origin and religion, but also other forms of diversity such as research discipline, level of education, and academic affiliations. By building upon our Core Values of Impact, Safety, Integrity, Respect and Teamwork to create an equitable and inclusive culture, each of us can help to ensure that all PSC employees and users have opportunities to advance to the fullest extent of their skills and abilities. By taking advantage of our diversity, and effectively realizing inclusion, we can maximize our organizational potential.

The PSC DE&I council is composed of representatives from all four PSC divisions and reports to the Lab Director's Council. Our mission and vision can be found here.

What is Diversity, Equity & Inclusion?
Diversity and inclusion are two halves of the whole; equity is the glue that holds them together:
  • Diversity provides the potential for greater innovation and creativity.
  • Inclusion is what enables organizations to realize the benefits of this potential.
  • Equity is the fair and respectful treatment of all people.

It is important to note that equity differs from equality:

  • Equality is the equal distribution of benefits across the population, so that every individual is given the same treatment regardless of their situation and ability to benefit from that treatment. Equal distribution of benefits and support does not always result in equal gains, as illustrated here (*)  
  • Equity is about fairness, and providing people with the resources and opportunities they need, given their history and set of circumstances: equity is achieved when people have the same opportunities to obtain benefits, even if the outcomes are unequal.

(*) We were recently made aware of a different perspective regarding the Equality vs Equity infographic formerly used on our website - very interesting and eye opening - please check it out!

In order to achieve our goals of providing an inclusive and equitable workplace, we need to do everything we can to identify and eliminate unfair biases, stereotypes or barriers that may limit the full potential of our diverse community.

What can you do to help?



Voice of PSC, 1-2pm: , every 3rd Thursday of the month on Teams

  • Updates on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion activities
  • Open forum to share thoughts, ideas and concerns
  • Next meeting October 15, 2020

Employee Assistance Program monthly seminars:

  • Oct. 13, 2-3pm: Obtaining Balance - Strategies for a Healthy Lifestyle
  • Nov.10, 2-3pm: Resilience
  • Dec. 8, 2-3pm: Dealing with Difficult People

Activate your LinkedIn Learning account

Past events:

PSC DE&I council monthly meeting:

Implicit bias workshop (Aug-Sep 2020):

  • Equity-mindedness: Identifying and Interrupting Implicit Bias through Candid Conversations - Dr Coleman
    (Slides to come).

July 7th, 2020: Fighting Racism in the Workplace: What You Can Do?

June 25th, 2020 - PSC: Conversation on Systemic Racism

June 10th, 2020 - A Strike For Black Lives:

    Lab resources