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Statistical Standards Program

Submitting a License Amendment

After your License application is approved, you will have the option of making amendments to your License. You are also required to submit amendments in order to keep IES informed of any modifications in project staff or security procedures throughout the License and data loan period. For example, adding new users to the License or changing the location of the secure project office must be approved by IES via the amendment process. You will also be required to submit a Close-out License request when your License expires or you are finished using the data in order to officially terminate your contract.

All License amendments must be processed through the Electronic Application System. To log onto the Electronic Application System to amend your License, please click the following link.

If you have any problems logging into the system, please contact
Bethany Ring (202)245-7674
Taara Cason (202) 245-6146

You may request the following modifications to your License:

Add-User Amendment
Delete-User Amendment
Add-Data Amendment
Modify Security Plan Amendment
Extend License
Close-out License

Below are the instructions for each type of amendment.

Add-User Amendment

To add a new user to your project staff, the PPO must notify the IES Data Security Office by submitting an amendment request through the Electronic Application System. You will be asked to provide the name, job title, and contact information of the new staff member.

A signed, notarized Affidavit of Nondisclosure for the new user must be mailed to the IES Data Security Office. Please keep a copy of each new affidavit associated with your project in your on-site License file.

The new user is only authorized to access the subject data when the PPO receives an electronic approval notification from the IES Data Security Office. Please keep a copy of this notification in your on-site License file.

Delete-User Amendment

When a user on your project staff leaves, the PPO must notify the IES Data Security Office by submitting an amendment through the Electronic Application System.

IES Data Security staff will send you an electronic confirmation. Please keep this confirmation in your on-site License file.

Add-Data Amendment

The PPO may request access to another database in addition to what was agreed upon in the original License. All new data received by the PPO are subject to all of the terms and conditions agreed to in the License and Security Plan Form. Use the Electronic Application System to submit an amendment request for additional data.

If the additional database is not listed on the Affidavits of Nondisclosure for the PPO or project staff, each authorized user who will have access to the requested data must submit an Affidavit of Nondisclosure naming the newly requested database. Mail the signed, notarized affidavits to the IES Data Security Office. Please keep a copy of each new affidavit associated with your project in your on-site License file.

The IES Data Security Office will review the amendment request for additional data. After the amendment is submitted and a new affidavit(s) (if needed) is received by IES, the request for additional data will be approved. The database will then be sent to the PPO. Please keep a copy of the electronic approval notification in your on-site License file.

Modify Security Plan Amendment

The PPO must notify the IES Data Security Office if there are any changes to the agreed upon data security arrangements as outlined in the approved Security Plan Form. For example, if the secure project office location needs to change (location where the data are secured), then the PPO must notify IES by submitting a modify Security Plan amendment via the Electronic Application System.

After submitting the amendment request online, the PPO must send a signed, revised Security Plan Form to the IES Data Security Office. Once received, IES will review your new paperwork and approve your request, or notify you if any changes must be made. Please keep a copy of the electronic approval notification in your on-site License file.

The PPO must receive electronic confirmation from the IES Data Security Office that approves this amendment prior to moving the data.

Extend License

If more time is needed to complete your research using the restricted-use data, the PPO can request that the License period be extended. To extend the License period, the PPO must notify the IES Data Security Office by submitting an amendment for a License extension via the Electronic Application System. When requesting a License extension, you will be ask to confirm that all License information is accurate and up-to-date. You also might be asked to submit a new Security Plan Form or License document if IES does not have the most recent version of these documents on file for your License.

The request for extension will be reviewed, and if approved, an electronic approval notification of the extension will be sent to the PPO. Please keep a copy of this notification in your on-site License file.

Close-out License

If your project is complete, your License is set to expire, or you are leaving the employment of your institution, you will need to close-out your License. You will need to submit a Close-out request online and mail all restricted-use data and all copies of restricted-use data, using a tracking number on your shipment (FedEx or certified U.S. mail), to:

IES Data Security Office
Department of Education/IES/NCES
550 12th Street, SW, Room 4055
Washington, DC 20202

Additionally, you will need to fill out and sign our Close-out Certification Form and include it with your shipment.

Once IES receives the data and your Close-out Certification Form, you will receive a "close-out approval" email for your records.

Lastly, you will be responsible for purging all copies or sub-sets of the subject data from any computer system used in your research project.

After you have closed your License, please remember that:

  1. Any reports or other pre-publication documents that use or contain IES restricted-use data need to be reviewed by the IES Data Security Office prior to their dissemination outside the licensed research project staff.
  2. IES retains the right to conduct a close-out inspection of your License site to ensure that proper close-out procedures were followed.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Bethany Ring (202)245-7674
Taara Cason (202) 245-6146