Business Services Directorate


Fraudulent Quote Requests/Purchase Order E-Mail Activity

UT-Battelle, LLC (UT-B) Contracts Division wants to alert suppliers to an active email scam involving request for quotations and issuance of purchase orders that purport to originate from UT-B but are in fact fraudulent. While UT-B cannot prevent this illegal activity, we want to inform our supplier community and promote awareness of such events.

We can share some common traits or themes of these fraudulent emails that may help reduce risk to your company in becoming a financial victim of this scam:

  • The email message may be poorly written, with misspellings and awkward sentence structure.
  • The senders email address is not the same as UT-B standard email address domain. The email address domain for Oak Ridge National Laboratory:
  • The message and purchase order requests shipment/delivery of products to non-Oak Ridge National Laboratory facilities.
  • The message will include an attachment that is designed to look like a purchase order, and includes a logo or other graphic, and a signature that may look legitimate.
  • The message and/or purchase order may even include a signature that looks legitimate, representing one of our management team or buyers.

If you believe you have received a fraudulent email that appears to be from UT-B, please forward the message to in order to verify its legitimacy before responding to the email or fulfilling the order. UT-B will not be responsible for invoices for products ordered under this scam.

Suppliers should also contact their local law enforcement if they suspect that they are a victim of this scam. If you have received confirmation that the email is fraudulent, you may also file a complaint directly with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at The IC3 is a partnership between the FBI and National White Collar Crime Center.

Notification dated: 01/28/2020



Acquisition Management Services Division


This site has been designed for use by both ORNL staffers and the public (including subcontractors and those interested in becoming subcontractors to ORNL). To find out more about us, please follow the provided links. If you are a subcontractor, we especially urge you to check the "Electronic Funds Transfer" link. EFT helps us pay you faster.

The Acquisition Management Services Division includes various  purchasing groups and a group responsible for policies, procedures, records, reports, and compliance.

Most Acquisition Management Services employees are located at 1100 Bethel Valley Road; others are co-located with their customers at the lab, the SNS group is at the CLO building, and the ITER group is located at 1055 Commerce Park.

ORNL is one of DOE’s largest and most diverse research and development organizations. In support of the Lab’s programs we subcontract for a wide variety of products and services. Our total annual expenditures are approximately $876.9 million. We purchase calculators and supercomputers, office supplies and office buildings. We have our own extensive program to award subcontracts to American small businesses.

Lab procurements are important in the state economy. This past year we spent about $279.8 million with firms in Tennessee and over $29.0 million with The University of Tennessee.


*Procurement dollars updated as of September 30, 2018.



Last Revised: Tuesday, 28-Jan-2020 15:58:15 EST