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National Conservation Activities

Conservation activities are those actions, undertaken using acceptable tools and protocols, that are used to identify, inventory, assess, evaluate, or otherwise measure the presence and extent of a natural resource concern and how to address the natural resource concern through one or more conservation practices.  Information gathered as a result of these actions must be essential to the development of a plan that furthers the purposes of a conservation program, including a plan that addresses the adoption or adaptation of conservation practices in order to achieve a conservation benefit. 

Conservation Activities Name (Units) (Code) (Date Issued) PDF DOC
Edge-of-Field Water Quality Monitoring – Data Collection and Evaluation
(Activity Code 201) (10/12)
Edge-of-Field Water Quality Monitoring – System Installation
(Activity Code 202) (10/12)


Conservation Activities Name (Units) (Code) (Date Issued) PDF DOC
Soil Testing Implementation Requirements
(Activity Code 216) (09/20)
--- DOC
 Soil Testing Activity Standard
(Activity Code 216) (09/20)