About EHP

Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of environmental health research and news published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Aims and Scope
We publish high-quality original research, reviews and commentaries on all established and emerging disciplines that examine the relationship between the environment and human health. 

Journal Impact Factor
Our 2019 Journal Impact Factor (released in 2020) is 8.38.

Open Access
We are completely open accessno subscriptions, no paywalls, and no author fees.

Copyright and Permissions
EHP articles lie in the public domain. Learn more about permissions for reusing your own EHP content or someone else's.

Continuous Publication
We publish on a continuous publication basis
each article goes online as soon as it is ready.

Section 508 Accessibility
We are committed to ensuring no one is excluded from accessing our content due to a disability.

More Questions?
Contact a member of our staff. 

Publication of articles in Environmental Health Perspectives does not indicate that the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences condones, endorses, approves, or recommends the use of any products, services, materials, methodology, or policies stated therein. Conclusions and opinions are those of the individual authors and advertisers only and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of Environmental Health Perspectives or the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

ISSN 1552-9924
ISSN-L 0091-6765