Physical Sciences Laboratory Seminars 2020

The PSL Seminar Series is typically held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday's and features a mix of internal and external speakers. The goal of the series is to facilitate collaboration between PSL and external scientists. The series is co-sponsored by partners at CIRES.

For remote access, or if you have any questions about the series or would like to be added to our email list, please contact the coordinators at:

VISITORS: Please read the site security procedures, if you are interested in attending a seminar.

Date Seminar
01 Dec 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Benjamin Cash, George Mason University
Predictable and Unpredictable Aspects of US West Coast Rainfall and El Niño: Understanding the 2015-2016 Event
Webinar Only (Contact:
03 Nov 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Heather Reeves , OU/CIMMS and NOAA/NSSL
Hydrometeor phase in winter storms: An impacts-based decision support perspective
Webinar Only (Contact:
20 Oct 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Sergey Matrosov, CIRES and NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Retrievals of ice hydrometeor shapes using polarimetric radar measurements
Webinar Only (Contact:
06 Oct 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Feiyu Lu, Associate Research Scholar in the Cooperative Institute of Modeling the Earth System (CIMES) of Princeton University, and NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)
GFDL’s SPEAR seasonal prediction system: initialization and bias correction for coupled model prediction
Webinar Only (Contact:
22 Sep 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Xubin Zeng, Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson
Observed variability, trend, and extremes of snowpack over the U.S. and its impact on drought monitoring
Webinar Only (Contact:
08 Sep 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Vijay Tallapragada, NOAA/NWS/NCEP Environmental Modeling Center
Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsonde Data Impact in the NCEP Operational GFS
Webinar Only (Contact: )
28 Jul 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Oriana Chegwidden, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington
Models, Managers, and eMissions: hydrologic climate change planning under a flood of scenarios
Webinar Only (Contact:
30 Jun 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Bianca Adler, CIRES and NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
Boundary layer flows in a deep Alpine valley investigated with in situ and remote sensing measurements
Webinar Only (Contact:
16 Jun 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
Ola Persson, NOAA/PSL
Arctic Cyclone Structure and Interactions with the Sea Ice at MOSAiC
(Contact: Tom Statz)
19 May 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
[Special *FLASH* Seminar]
Aaron Wang, NOAA PSL
Why can’t models get the mesoscale atmospheric spectrum right?

Gary Wick, NOAA PSL
Satellite SST: What product should I use and can it resolve diurnal variability?
(Contact: Tom Statz)
28 Apr 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
[Special *FLASH* Seminar]
Philip Pegion, NOAA/PSL
NOAA's Unified Forecast System: What Is It, and What Can You Do With It?

Brandon Wolding , NOAA/PSL
Interactions Between Buoyancy and Tropical Convection: What Models Are Doing Wrong and Why It Matters
(Contact: Tom Statz)
21 Apr 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
[Special *FLASH* Seminar]
Mimi Hughes, NOAA PSL
Evaluating the National Water Model for Stakeholders' Needs

Francesca Viterbo, NOAA PSL
A Multiscale, Hydrometeorological Forecast Evaluation of National Water Model Forecasts of the May 2018 Ellicott City, Maryland Flood -
(Contact: Tom Statz)
12 Mar 2020
Thursday, 11:00 am
Sara Calandrini, Department of Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Numerical analyses of ETD schemes for the solution of ocean and atmospheric models
Room 1D403 (Contact: Tom Statz)
03 Mar 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
John Albers, NOAA/ESRL PSD
A Priori Identification of Skillful Extratropical Subseasonal Forecasts

Elizabeth Thompson, NOAA/ESRL PSD
Spatial Variability of Air-Sea Interaction and Coupled Boundary Layers Observed During ATOMIC
Room GC402 (Contact: Tom Statz)
18 Feb 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
[Special *FLASH* Seminar]
Gijs deBoer, NOAA/ESRL PSD
An Initial Look at Airborne Measurements from the ATOMIC Campaign

Lesley Smith, NOAA/ESRL PSD
On Trends in Magnitudes of U.S. Extreme Daily Precipitation
Room 1D403 (Contact: Tom Statz)
13 Feb 2020
Thursday, 11:00 am
J. Toby Minear, ESOC / CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder
Recent Advances in River Observations and Modeling at Large Scales
Room 1D403 (Contact: Tom Statz)
04 Feb 2020
Tuesday, 2:00 pm
[Special *FLASH* Seminar]
Paul Johnston, NOAA/ESRL PSD
Long-term precipitation observed by vertically-pointing radars

Matt Switanek,
An improved benchmark for CONUS winter season precipitation forecasts
Room 1D403 (Contact: Tom Statz)