Data Policies

Data Sharing

OCG accelerates the discovery and development of better cancer diagnosis and treatment strategies by making data and materials from its programs available to the cancer research community. OCG enables researchers to search and download data generated by its active programs in databases that are easily accessible through program-specific data matrices. For the tumor genome characterization initiatives, CGCI and TARGET, the datasets contain clinical information, genomic characterization data, and high-throughput sequencing analysis of tumor genomes. For the translational initiative, CTD2, the datasets contain functional systems biology data and advanced computational analyses of large-scale molecular characterization datasets.

Visit the OCG Program data matrices and read their accompanying user guides:

CGCI Data MatrixOpens in a New Tab | Using CGCI Data
CTD2 Data PortalOpens in a New Tab | Using CTDData
TARGET Data MatrixOpens in a New Tab | Using TARGET Data

Data Access

OCG and its collaborators practice stringent human subjects’ protection and data access policies to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all patients. As a result, OCG program data associated with demographic, clinical, and/or genotypic information requires special authorization to access. Visit the How to Access Multiple Datasets page for more info.

Visit the Guide to Accessing Data page for a visual and interactive guide on how to access all data. 

The Data Coordinating Center

OCG's Data Coordinating Center (DCC) coordinates and houses all OCG program databases, where users can easily access program data. The DCC continues to add new data as it is generated. The DCC provides resources for project teams actively involved in OCG programs, as well as the scientific community at large.

More specifically, the DCC ensures:

  • Central storage area for data generated for all OCG projects
  • Uniform definition of the data types available
  • Uniformity of data files
  • Inclusion of metadata
  • Quality control of data files
  • Version control and a version index to provide accurate history of changes
  • Connection between the data and various analytical tools
Last updated: July 01, 2020