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Connecticut Sea Grant

The Connecticut Sea Grant College Program is a unique partnership between the nation's universities and its primary ocean agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The University of Connecticut is our State's Sea Grant College.

Connecticut Sea Grant (CTSG) collaborates with maritime industries and coastal communities to identify needs, and fund research, outreach, and educational activities that have special relevance to Connecticut and Long Island Sound.

Our mission is to work towards achieving healthy coastal and marine ecosystems and consequent public benefits by supporting integrated locally and nationally relevant research, outreach and education programs in partnership with stakeholders.

Sea Grant is celebrating its 50th anniversary year through March 2017. We're using this occasion to tell people more about the services we provide to universities, communities, coastal and Great Lakes states, and the nation.

50 anniversary logo black on gold  

What's Happening in Connecticut due to Climate Change? See New Report
Theme for 2017 Quahog Bowl: Blue Energy: Powering the Planet with our Ocean-- click on "Learn" tab for study resources.

Connecticut Sea Grant's Knauss Fellows Alumni - Where are they Now?

Learn how we're highlighting 50 years of Science Serving America's Coasts



NEW!  Watch our brief 10-minute video.

50 Years of Science Serving America's Coasts