Implementation of the NCUA’s Regulatory Reform Agenda

In its final Regulatory Reform Task Force report, the NCUA outlined its blueprint for implementing the agency’s regulatory reform agenda. To help stakeholders monitor the NCUA’s progress, the agency created this implementation tracker. Interested parties can view documents and actions taken, and can stay up-to-date on the blueprint’s timeline.

Updates to this page will occur monthly.

Regulatory Reform Agenda Progress – Tier 1

Regulatory Reform Agenda Progress Tracker – Tier 1
Regulation Status Recommendation
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposal Final Action
Corporate Credit Unions Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Emergency Mergers Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Securitization Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Safe Harbor Proposal Safe Harbor Final Rule

Securitization Legal Opinion
Supervisory Review Committee Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Appeals Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Equity Distribution Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Capital Planning and Stress Testing Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Advertising Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Field of Membership Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Risk-based Capital Delay and Risk-based Capital Substantive Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Federal Credit Union Bylaws Completed Same as Report 2 ANPR Proposal Final Rule
Payday Alternative Loans Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Loans to Members
a. Loan Maturity Limits
b. Single borrower and Group of Associated Borrowers Limit
Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Appraisals Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Fidelity Bonds Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Supervisory Committee Audits and Verification (Engagement Letter, Target Date of Delivery) Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Supervisory Committee Audits and Verification (Audit per Supervisory Committee Guide) Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Subordinated Debt (formerly Alternative Capital) Proposed Rule in Q4 2019 Same as Report 2 ANPR Forthcoming Forthcoming
Designation of Low Income Status; Acceptance of Secondary Capital Accounts by Low-income Designated Credit Unions Proposed Rule in Q4 2019 Same as Report 2 ANPR Forthcoming Forthcoming
Borrowed Funds from Natural Persons Proposed Rule in Q4 2019 Same as Report 2 ANPR Forthcoming Forthcoming
Payment on Shares by Public Units and Nonmembers Completed Same as Report 2 N/A Proposal Final Rule
Compensation in Connection with Loans ANPR Issued Same as Report 2 ANPR Forthcoming Forthcoming
CUSOs Delayed Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Loan Interest Rate, Temporary Rate Delayed Same as Report 2 Forthcoming Forthcoming Forthcoming

Regulatory Reform Agenda Progress – Tier 2

Regulatory Reform Agenda Progress Tracker – Tier 2
Regulation Status Recommendation
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposed Rule Final Rule
Investment and Deposit Activities Proposed Rule in 2020 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Loan Participations Proposed Rule in Q4 2019 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Purchase, Sale, and Pledge of Eligible Obligations Proposed Rule in Q4 2019 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Purchase of Assets and Assumption of Liabilities Proposed Rule in 2020 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Third-Party Due Diligence Requirements and Third-Party Servicing of Indirect Vehicle Loans Proposed Rule in 2020 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Payout priorities in Involuntary Liquidation Proposed Rule in 2020 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming

Regulatory Reform Agenda Progress – Tier 3

Regulatory Reform Agenda Progress Tracker – Tier 3
Regulation Status Recommendation
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Proposed Rule Final Rule
Preemption of State Laws (Loans to Members and Lines of Credit to Members) 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 Forthcoming Forthcoming Forthcoming
Treasury Tax and Loan Depositaries and Financial Agents of the Government 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Leasing 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Central Liquidity Facility 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Maximum Borrowing Authority 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Special Reserve for Nonconforming Investments 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Security Program, Report of Suspected Crimes, Suspicious Transactions, Catastrophic Acts, and Bank Secrecy Act Compliance 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
Records Preservation Program and Appendices—Record Retention Guidelines; Catastrophic Act Preparedness Guidelines 2020/2021 Same as Report 2 N/A Forthcoming Forthcoming
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