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USDA is Seeking Local Views on Water Quantity Issues
   2020-12-17 00:00:59.977
USDA is seeking out local views on water quantity issues -- especially from western states. (Stephanie Ho and Kevin Norton, Acting NRCS Chief)

Water Issues Require Efforts on National and Local Levels
   2020-12-17 00:00:58.409
Water issues require efforts on both the national and local levels. (Stephanie Ho and USDA Undersecretary Bill Northey)

Federal Government Seeks to Coordinate Water Management Efforts
   2020-12-17 00:00:59.977
The federal government is seeking to coordinate water management efforts across agencies. (Stephanie Ho and USDA Undersecretary Bill Northey)

USDA is Seeking Public Comment on Water Quantity Issues in the West
   2020-12-17 00:00:58.775
USDA is seeking public comment on water quantity issues in the West. (Stephanie Ho and Astor Boozer, NRCS Regional Conservationist -- West)

Farmers' Voices Have Been Heard at USDA's Risk Management Agency
   2020-12-17 00:01:00.107
The head of USDA's Risk Management Agency says input from producers has been the major guiding factor in RMA operations. (Gary Crawford and RMA Administrator Martin Barbre)

Actuality: Some New Crop Insurance Products Coming in 2021
   2020-12-17 00:00:22.674
Martin Barbre, Administrator of USDA's Risk Management Agency, saying there are some insurance products set to go into effect next year.

Actuality: Hemp Insurance Came Quickly after Legalization
   2020-12-17 00:00:23.614
Martin Barbre, Administrator of USDA's Risk Management Agency, talking about the development of crop insurance products for industrial hemp. (USDA released details of the hemp products on Feb. 6, 2020.)

New Urban Locations for FSA County Committees Announced
   2020-12-17 00:01:00.107
Six more urban areas are announced in the second phase of a pilot program introducting Farm Service Agency County Committees to represent urban ag interests. (Rod Bain and FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce)

Actuality: FSA Urban Ag Committees Pilot
   2020-12-17 00:00:49.841
Farm Service Agency Administrator Richard Fordyce discusses a 2018 Farm Bill pilot program allowing creation of FSA County Committees in select urban areas.

Rural Unemployment Rates through the Pandemic
   2020-12-17 00:01:00.238
An annual USDA report looked at how COVID-19 this year impacted unemployment rates in rural areas and in parts of the rural economy. (Rod Bain and Elizabeth Dobis of the Economic Research Service)

Correlating COVID-19 Cases in Meatpacking Rural Counties
   2020-12-17 00:01:00.212
In rural counties where a high percentage of employment originates from meatpacking operations, what trends in COVID-19 rates were recorded? (Rod Bain and USDA economic researcher Elizabeth Dobis)

Rural Health at a Glance Amid COVID-19
   2020-12-17 00:01:00.264
What were some of the findings in a recent USDA report of how the current pandemic has impacted the health of rural residents. (Rod Bain and economic researcher, Elizabeth Dobis)

The Holidays on a Dairy Farm Can Get a Little Crazy
   2020-12-17 00:01:00.133
The dairy business can get crazy at times and REALLY crazy at Christmas. (Gary Crawford and Ken Smith)

USDA's Local Foods Survey Reaches Out to 36,000 Producers
   2020-12-16 00:00:59.977
USDA's survey on local foods marketing practices is being sent out to more than 36-thousand ag producers around the country. (Stephanie Ho and Adam Cline, NASS)

Once Every Five-Years Survey Includes Questions About Covid-19
   2020-12-16 00:00:56.137
A once-every-five-years USDA survey on local foods includes questions about the Covid-19 pandemic. (Stephanie Ho and Adam Cline, NASS)

Actuality: How is USDA Survey Data Used?
   2020-12-16 00:00:22.465
National Agricultural Statistics Service's Adam Cline says there are many ways to use USDA survey data.

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Agriculture USA

A Visit with Orion Samuelson - Part One
   2020-12-15 00:04:59.885
The man considered by many to be the nation's most recognizable farm broadcaster prepares for a new chapter in his life, but not before looking at his own storied career. Rod Bain conducts the first of two visits with legendary announcer Orion Samuelson in this edition of "Agriculture USA". PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Orion Samuelson

Consumer Time

2020's Acreage Burned by Wildfires Approaches Modern Record
   2020-12-15 00:02:59.983
The overall total of national acreage burned by wildfires in 2020 approached, but did not quite overtake, the modern record. Stephanie Ho has the story. PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey.

Keep Holiday-type Foods out of Reach of Pets
   2020-12-15 00:02:59.983
Certain foods that are common around the house during the holidays can seriously hurt your dog or cat. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Dr. Susan Nelson, veterinarian and professor at Kansas State University.

Goodies and Gifties for Gardening Gurus
   2020-12-15 00:02:54.706
Is there a lawn and gardening enthusiast on your gift list? Need some cool gift ideas There are a few in this report from Gary Crawford. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Kansas State University Extension garden expert, Dennis Patton. Also those pesky singing dogs and Jeff Foxworthy.

Low Budget/No Budget Holiday Gifting
   2020-12-15 00:02:42.011
If you are facing the holidays and the pandemic with little money for gifts or fun, Gary Crawford has some ideas for you from an expert. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Amanda Woods, Ohio State University Extension family finance expert.

Keeping an Eye Out for Holiday Time Scams and Frauds
   2020-12-15 00:02:40.731
With the 2020 holiday season perhaps different than usual for several people, what should they be aware of in the way of holiday frauds and scams? Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Amy Nofziger of AARP

Agriculture Update

New 2021 Trading Year with China Starts with a Bang
   2020-12-15 00:02:19.311
The new trading year with China has started with a bang. Gary Crawford has this report. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. USDA economist Bart Kenner. USDA Chief Economist Rob Johansson.

Delving into December Crop Production Reports
   2020-12-15 00:02:30.360
USDA’s latest crop production reports had its share of news even though most Spring planted crops were not the focus. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Deputy Chief Economist Cindy Nickerson. Mark Hudson of the National Agricultural Statistics Service

New Reports on U.S. Horticulture and Floriculture Industries
   2020-12-15 00:02:30.099
The Agriculture Department has just put out new reports on the U.S. horticultural industry. Gary Crawford has more. PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford. Lance Honig with the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Also, classic comedian, Jimmy Durante.

Historically Low Levels of Snow Coverage
   2020-12-15 00:02:29.969
Snow coverage levels nationwide are at historic lows. Stephanie Ho reports. PARTICIPANTS: Stephanie Ho and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey

Orion Samuelson - A Career Dreams are Made Of
   2020-12-15 00:02:30.099
A young boy on a Wisconsin dairy farm never imagined he would spend over six decades serving as perhaps the nation's premiere farm broadcaster. Rod Bain reports. PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Orion Samuelson