Upcoming Events

Resilient Colorado: Natural Hazards Professional Development Course
- PD Workshop

We invite rural Colorado secondary science teachers to join us for a virtual workshop on teaching about wildfire, floods and drought using the HEART Force curriculum.

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Environmental Civic Action Teacher Professional Development Workshop
- PD Workshop

Join CIRES Education & Outreach to learn more about the Community Action and Problem Solving Process developed by Earth Force.

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NOSB 2021: Trout Bowl
- Event

Check back in Fall 2020 for more details.

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Keep up to date on opportunities and news from CIRES Education & Outreach

Discover CIRES

CIRES’ original and continuing purpose is to support NOAA’s mission by facilitating the following Centers and Programs

Center for Limnology
Center for Science & Technology Policy Research
Earth Science and Observation Center
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Earth Lab
Western Water Assessment
Coastal DEMs