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Subchapter C—Real Property

Part 102-74—Facility Management

Subpart A—General Provisions

§102-74.5—What is the scope of this part?

The real property policies contained in this part apply to Federal agencies, including the GSA’s Public Buildings Service (PBS), operating under, or subject to, the authorities of the Administrator of General Services.

§102-74.10—What is the basic facility management policy?

Executive agencies must manage, operate and maintain Government-owned and leased buildings in a manner that provides for quality space and services consistent with their operational needs and accomplishes overall Government objectives. The management, operation and maintenance of buildings and building systems must—

(a) Be cost effective and energy efficient;

(b) Be adequate to meet the agencies’ missions;

(c) Meet nationally recognized standards; and

(d) Be at an appropriate level to maintain and preserve the physical plant assets, consistent with available funding.

Subpart B—Facility Management

§102-74.15—What are the facility management responsibilities of occupant agencies?

Occupants of facilities under the custody and control of Federal agencies must—

(a) Cooperate to the fullest extent with all pertinent facility procedures and regulations;

(b) Promptly report all crimes and suspicious circumstances occurring on Federally controlled property first to the regional Federal Protective Service, and as appropriate, the local responding law enforcement authority;

(c) Provide training to employees regarding protection and responses to emergency situations; and

(d) Make recommendations for improving the effectiveness of protection in Federal facilities.

Occupancy Services

§102-74.20—What are occupancy services?

Occupancy services are—

(a) Building services (see 102-74.35);

(b) Concession services (see 102-74.40); and

(c) Conservation programs (see 102-74.100).

§102-74.25—What responsibilities do Executive agencies have regarding occupancy services?

Executive agencies, upon approval from GSA, must manage, administer and enforce the requirements of agreements (such as Memoranda of Understanding) and contracts that provide for the delivery of occupancy services.

§102-74.30—What standard in providing occupancy services must Executive agencies follow?

Executive agencies must provide occupancy services that substantially conform to nationally recognized standards. As needed, Executive agencies may adopt other standards for buildings and services in Federally controlled facilities to conform to statutory requirements and to implement cost-reduction efforts.

§102-74.35—What building services must Executive agencies provide?

Executive agencies, upon approval from GSA, must provide—

(a) Building services such as custodial, solid waste management (including recycling), heating and cooling, landscaping and grounds maintenance, tenant alterations, minor repairs, building maintenance, integrated pest management, signage, parking, and snow removal, at appropriate levels to support Federal agency missions; and

(b) Arrangements for raising and lowering the United States flags at appropriate times. In addition, agencies must display P.O.W. and M.I.A. flags at locations specified in 36 U.S.C. 902 on P.O.W./M.I.A. flag display days.

Concession Services

§102-74.40—What are concession services?

Concession services are any food or snack services provided by a Randolph-Sheppard Act vendor, commercial contractor or nonprofit organization (see definition in 102-71.20 of this chapter), in vending facilities such as—

(a) Vending machines;

(b) Sundry facilities;

(c) Prepackaged facilities;

(d) Snack bars; and

(e) Cafeterias.

§102-74.45—When must Federal agencies provide concession services?

Federal agencies, upon approval from GSA, must provide concession services where building population supports such services and when the availability of existing commercial services is insufficient to meet Federal agency needs. Prior to establishing concessions, Federal agencies must ensure that—

(a) The proposed concession will be established and operated in conformance with applicable policies, safety, health and sanitation codes, laws, regulations, etc., and will not contravene the terms of any lease or other contractual arrangement; and

(b) Sufficient funds are legally available to cover all costs for which the Government may be responsible.

§102-74.50—Are Federal agencies required to give blind vendors priority in operating vending facilities?

With certain exceptions, the Randolph-Sheppard Act (20 U.S.C. 107 et seq.) requires that blind persons licensed by a State licensing agency under the provisions of the Randolph-Sheppard Act be authorized to operate vending facilities on Federal property, including leased buildings. The Department of Education (ED) is responsible for the administration of the Randolph-Sheppard Act as set forth at 34 CFR part 395. The ED designates individual State licensing agencies with program administration responsibility. The Randolph-Sheppard Act and its implementing regulations require that Federal property managers give priority to and notify the State licensing agencies in writing of any opportunity.

§102-74.55—Are vending facilities authorized under the Randolph-Sheppard Act operated by permit or contract?

Vending facilities are authorized by permit. As set forth in 34 CFR part 395, the Federal property manager approves and signs State licensing agency permits that authorize States to license blind vendors to operate vending facilities (including vending machines) on Federal property.

§102-74.60—Are Federal agencies required to give blind vendors priority in operating cafeterias?

Yes. Federal agencies are required to give Randolph-Sheppard vendors priority in the operation of cafeterias when the State licensing agency is in the competitive range as set forth at 34 CFR part 395.

§102-74.65—Are cafeterias authorized under the Randolph-Sheppard Act operated by permit or contract?

They are operated by contract. As set forth at 34 CFR part 395, the Federal property manager contracts with the State licensing agency to license blind vendors to operate cafeterias on Federal property.

§102-74.70—Are commercial vendors and nonprofit organizations required to operate vending facilities by permit or contractual arrangement?

Commercial vendors and nonprofit organizations must operate vending facilities, including cafeterias, under a contractual arrangement with Federal agencies.

§102-74.75—May Federal agencies sell tobacco products in vending machines in Government-owned and leased space?

No. Section 636 of Public Law 104-52 prohibits the sale of tobacco products in vending machines in Government-owned and leased space. The Administrator of GSA or the head of an Agency may designate areas not subject to the prohibition, if minors are prohibited and reports are made to the appropriate committees of Congress.


Conservation Programs

§102-74.100—What are conservation programs?

Conservation programs are programs that improve energy and water efficiency and promote the use of solar and other renewable energy. These programs must promote and maintain an effective source reduction activity (reducing consumption of resources such as energy, water, and paper), resource recovery activity (obtaining materials from the waste stream that can be recycled into new products), and reuse activity (reusing same product before disposition, such as reusing unneeded memos for scratch paper).

Asset Services

§102-74.105—What are asset services?

Asset services include repairs (other than those minor repairs identified in 102-74.35(a)), alterations and modernizations for real property assets. Typically, these are the types of repairs and alterations necessary to preserve or enhance the value of the real property asset.

§102-74.110—What asset services must Executive agencies provide?

Executive agencies, upon approval from GSA, must provide asset services such as repairs (in addition to those minor repairs identified in 102-74.35(a)), alterations, and modernizations for real property assets. For repairs and alterations projects for which the estimated cost exceeds the prospectus threshold, Federal agencies must follow the prospectus submission and approval policy identified in this part and Part 102-73 of this chapter.

§102-74.115—What standard in providing asset services must Executive agencies follow?

Executive agencies must provide asset services that maintain continuity of Government operations, continue efficient building operations, extend the useful life of buildings and related building systems, and provide a quality workplace environment that enhances employee productivity.

§102-74.120—Is a prospectus required to be submitted before emergency alterations can be performed?

No. A prospectus does not need to be submitted before emergency alterations are performed, but GSA must submit a prospectus as soon as possible after the emergency. Federal agencies must immediately alter a building if the alteration protects people, buildings, or equipment, saves lives, and/or avoids further property damage. Federal agencies can take these actions in an emergency before GSA submits a prospectus on the alterations to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

§102-74.125—Are prospectuses required for reimbursable alteration projects?

A project that is to be financed in whole or in part from funds appropriated to the requesting agency may be performed without a prospectus if—

(a) Payment is made from agency appropriations that are not subject to 40 U.S.C. 3307; and

(b) GSA’s portion of the cost, if any, does not exceed the prospectus threshold.

§102-74.130—When a prospectus is required, can GSA prepare a prospectus for a reimbursable alteration project?

Yes, if requested by a Federal agency, GSA will prepare a prospectus for a reimbursable alteration project.

§102-74.135—Who selects construction and alteration projects that are to be performed?

The Administrator of General Services selects construction and alteration projects to be performed.

§102-74.140—On what basis does the Administrator select construction and alteration projects?

The Administrator selects projects based on a continuing investigation and survey of the public building needs of the Federal Government. These projects must be equitably distributed throughout the United States, with due consideration given to each project’s comparative urgency.

§102-74.145—What information must a Federal agency submit to GSA after the agency has identified a need for construction or alteration of a public building?

Federal agencies identifying a need for construction or alteration of a public building must provide information, such as a description of the work, location, estimated maximum cost, and justification to the Administrator of General Services.

§102-74.150—Who submits prospectuses for the construction or alteration of public buildings to the Congressional committees?

The Administrator of General Services must submit prospectuses for public building construction or alteration projects to the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for approval.

Energy Conservation

§102-74.155—What energy conservation policy must Federal agencies follow in the management of facilities?

Federal agencies must—

(a) Comply with the energy conservation guidelines in 10 CFR part 436 (Federal Energy Management and Planning Programs); and

(b) Observe the energy conservation policies cited in this part.

§102-74.160—What actions must Federal agencies take to promote energy conservation?

Federal agencies must—

(a) Turn off lights and equipment when not needed;

(b) Not block or impede ventilation; and

(c) Keep windows and other building accesses closed during the heating and cooling seasons.

§102-74.165—What energy standards must Federal agencies follow for existing facilities?

Existing Federal facilities must meet the energy standards prescribed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North American in ASHRAE/IES Standard 90A-1980, as amended by the Department of Energy. Federal agencies must apply these energy standards where they can be achieved through life cycle, cost effective actions.

§102-74.170—May exceptions to the energy conservation policies in this subpart be granted?

Yes, the Federal agency buildings manager may grant exceptions to the foregoing policies in this subpart to enable agencies to accomplish their missions more effectively and efficiently.

§102-74.175—Are Government-leased buildings required to conform with the policies in this subpart?

Yes, all new lease contracts must be in conformance with the policies prescribed in this subpart. Federal agencies must administer existing lease contracts in accordance with these policies to the maximum extent feasible.

§102-74.180—What illumination levels must Federal agencies maintain on Federal facilities?

Except where special circumstances exist, Federal agencies must maintain illumination levels at—

(a) 50 foot-candles at work station surfaces, measured at a height of 30 inches above floor level, during working hours (for visually difficult or critical tasks, additional lighting may be authorized by the Federal agency buildings manager);

(b) 30 foot-candles in work areas during working hours, measured at 30 inches above floor level;

(c) 10 foot-candles, but not less than 1 foot-candle, in non-work areas, during working hours (normally this will require levels of 5 foot-candles at elevator boarding areas, minimum of 1 foot-candle at the middle of corridors and stairwells as measured at the walking surface, 1 foot-candle at the middle of corridors and stairwells as measured at the walking surface, and 10 foot-candles in storage areas); and

(d) Levels essential for safety and security purposes, including exit signs and exterior lights.

§102-74.185—What heating and cooling policy must Federal agencies follow in Federal facilities?

Within the limitations of the building systems, Federal agencies must—

(a) Operate heating and cooling systems in the most overall energy efficient and economical manner;

(b) Maintain temperatures to maximize customer satisfaction by conforming to local commercial equivalent temperature levels and operating practices;

(c) Set heating temperatures no higher than 55 degrees Fahrenheit during non-working hours;

(d) Not provide air-conditioning during non-working hours, except as necessary to return space temperatures to a suitable level for the beginning of working hours;

(e) Not permit reheating, humidification and simultaneous heating and cooling; and

(f) Operate building systems as necessary during extreme weather conditions to protect the physical condition of the building.

§102-74.190—Are portable heaters, fans and other such devices allowed in Government-controlled facilities?

Federal agencies are prohibited from operating portable heaters, fans, and other such devices in Government-controlled facilities unless authorized by the Federal agency buildings manager.

§102-74.195—What ventilation policy must Federal agencies follow?

During working hours in periods of heating and cooling, Federal agencies must provide ventilation in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, where physically practical. Where not physically practical, Federal agencies must provide the maximum allowable amount of ventilation during periods of heating and cooling and pursue opportunities to increase ventilation up to current standards. ASHRAE Standard 62 is available from ASHRAE Publications Sales, 1791 Tullie Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305.

§102-74.200—What information are Federal agencies required to report to the Department of Energy (DOE)?

Federal agencies, upon approval of GSA, must report to the DOE the energy consumption in buildings, facilities, vehicles, and equipment within 45 calendar days after the end of each quarter as specified in the DOE Federal Energy Usage Report DOE F 6200.2 Instructions.


§102-74.205—What Federal facility ridesharing policy must Executive agencies follow?

(a) In accordance with Executive Order 12191, “Federal Facility Ridesharing Program” (3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 138), Executive agencies must actively promote the use of ridesharing (carpools, vanpools, privately leased buses, public transportation, and other multi-occupancy modes of travel) by personnel working at Federal facilities to conserve energy, reduce congestion, improve air quality, and provide an economical way for Federal employees to commute to work.

(b) In accordance with the Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act (Public Law 103-172), the Federal Government is required to take steps to improve the air quality, and to reduce traffic congestion by providing for the establishment of programs that encourage Federal employees to commute to work by means other than single-occupancy motor vehicles.

(c) In accordance with the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (Public Law 105-178), employers, including the Federal Government, are to offer employees transportation fringe benefits.

§102-74.210—What steps must Executive agencies take to promote ridesharing at Federal facilities?

(a) Under Executive Order 12191, “Federal Facility Ridesharing Program,” agencies shall—

(1) Establish an annual ridesharing goal for each facility; and

(2) Cooperate with State and local ridesharing agencies where such agencies exist.

(b) Under the Federal Employees Clean Air Incentives Act (Public Law 103-172), agencies shall—

(1) Issue transit passes or similar vouchers to exchange for transit passes;

(2) Furnish space, facilities, and services to bicyclists;

(3) Provide non-monetary incentives as provided by other provisions of law or other authority; and

(4) Submit biennially to GSA (as directed in House of Representatives Report 103-356, dated November 10, 1993) a report that covers—

(i) Agency programs offered under Public Law 103-172;

(ii) Description of each program;

(iii) Extent of employee participation in, and costs to the Government associated with, each program;

(iv) Assessment of environmental or other benefits realized from these programs; and

(v) Other matters that may be appropriate under Public Law 103-172.

(c) In accordance with the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century, agencies may (in lieu of or in combination with other commuter benefits) provide fringe benefits to qualified commuters, at no cost, by giving them a monthly pretax payroll deduction to support and encourage the use of mass transportation systems.


Occupant Emergency Program

§102-74.230—Who is responsible for establishing an occupant emergency program?

The Designated Official (as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter) is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining an Occupant Emergency Plan (as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter). The Designated Official’s responsibilities include establishing, staffing and training an Occupant Emergency Organization with agency employees. Federal agencies, upon approval from GSA, must assist in the establishment and maintenance of such plans and organizations.

§102-74.235—Are occupant agencies required to cooperate with the Designated Official in the implementation of the emergency plans and the staffing of the emergency organization?

Yes, all occupant agencies of a facility must fully cooperate with the Designated Official in the implementation of the emergency plans and the staffing of the emergency organization.

§102-74.240—What are Federal agencies’ occupant emergency responsibilities?

Federal agencies, upon approval from GSA, must—

(a) Provide emergency program policy guidance;

(b) Review plans and organizations annually;

(c) Assist in training of personnel;

(d) Otherwise provide for the proper administration of Occupant Emergency Programs (as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter);

(e) Solicit the assistance of the lessor in the establishment and implementation of plans in leased space; and

(f) Assist the Occupant Emergency Organization (as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter) by providing technical personnel qualified in the operation of utility systems and protective equipment.

§102-74.245—Who makes the decision to activate the Occupant Emergency Organization?

The decision to activate the Occupant Emergency Organization must be made by the Designated Official, or by the designated alternate official. After normal duty hours, the senior Federal official present must represent the Designated Official or his/her alternates and must initiate action to cope with emergencies in accordance with the plans.

§102-74.250—What information must the Designated Official use to make a decision to activate the Occupant Emergency Organization?

The Designated Official must make a decision to activate the Occupant Emergency Organization based upon the best available information, including—

(a) An understanding of local tensions;

(b) The sensitivity of target agency(ies);

(c) Previous experience with similar situations;

(d) Advice from the Federal agency buildings manager;

(e) Advice from the appropriate Federal law enforcement official; and

(f) Advice from Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies.

§102-74.255—How must occupant evacuation or relocation be accomplished when there is immediate danger to persons or property, such as fire, explosion or the discovery of an explosive device (not including a bomb threat)?

The Designated Official must initiate action to evacuate or relocate occupants in accordance with the plan by sounding the fire alarm system or by other appropriate means when there is immediate danger to persons or property, such as fire, explosion or the discovery of an explosive device (not including a bomb threat).

§102-74.260—What action must the Designated Official initiate when there is advance notice of an emergency?

The Designated Official must initiate appropriate action according to the plan when there is advance notice of an emergency.

Parking Facilities

§102-74.265—Who must provide for the regulation and policing of parking facilities?

Federal agencies, upon approval from GSA, must provide for any necessary regulation and policing of parking facilities, which may include—

(a) The issuance of traffic rules and regulations;

(b) The installation of signs and markings for traffic control (Signs and markings must conform with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the Department of Transportation);

(c) The issuance of citations for parking violations; and

(d) The immobilization or removal of illegally parked vehicles.

§102-74.270—Are vehicles required to display parking permits in parking facilities?

When the use of parking space is controlled as in 102-74.265, all privately owned vehicles other than those authorized to use designated visitor or service areas must display a parking permit. This requirement may be waived in parking facilities where the number of available spaces regularly exceeds the demand for such spaces.

§102-74.275—May Federal agencies authorize lessors or parking management contractors to manage, regulate and police parking facilities?

Yes, Federal agencies, upon approval from GSA, may authorize lessors or parking management contractors to manage, regulate and police parking facilities.

§102-74.280—Are privately owned vehicles converted for propane carburetion permitted in underground parking facilities?

Federal agencies must not permit privately owned vehicles converted for propane carburetion to enter underground parking facilities unless the owner provides to the occupant agency and the Federal agency buildings manager the installer’s certification that the installation methods and equipment comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard No. 58.

§102-74.285—How must Federal agencies assign priority to parking spaces in controlled areas?

Federal agencies must reserve official parking spaces, in the following order of priority, for—

(a) Official postal vehicles at buildings containing the U.S. Postal Service’s mailing operations;

(b) Federally owned vehicles used to apprehend criminals, fight fires and handle other emergencies;

(c) Private vehicles owned by Members of Congress (but not their staffs);

(d) Private vehicles owned by Federal judges (appointed under Article III of the Constitution), which may be parked in those spaces assigned for the use of the Court, with priority for them set by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts;

(e) Other Federally owned and leased vehicles, including those in motor pools or assigned for general use;

(f) Service vehicles, vehicles used in child care center operations, and vehicles of patrons and visitors (Federal agencies must allocate parking for disabled visitors whenever an agency’s mission requires visitor parking); and

(g) Private vehicles owned by employees, using spaces not needed for official business.

However, in major metropolitan areas, Federal agencies may determine that allocations by zone would make parking more efficient or equitable, taking into account the priority for official parking set forth in this section.

§102-74.290—May Federal agencies allow employees to use parking spaces not required for official needs?

Yes, Federal agencies may allow employees to use parking spaces not required for official needs.

§102-74.295—Who determines the number of employee parking spaces for each facility?

The Federal agency buildings manager must determine the total number of spaces available for employee parking. Typically, Federal agencies must make a separate determination for each parking facility. However, in major metropolitan areas, Federal agencies may determine that allocations by zone would make parking more efficient or more equitably available.

§102-74.300—How must space available for employee parking be allocated among occupant agencies?

The Federal agency buildings manager must allocate space available for employee parking among occupant agencies on an equitable basis, such as by allocating such parking in proportion to each agency’s share of building space, office space or total employee population, as appropriate. In certain cases, Federal agencies may allow a third party, such as a board composed of representatives of agencies sharing space, to determine proper parking allocations among the occupant agencies.

§102-74.305—How must Federal agencies assign available parking spaces to their employees?

Federal agencies must assign available parking spaces to their employees using the following order of priority:

(a) Severely disabled employees (see definition in 102-71.20 of this chapter).

(b) Executive personnel and persons who work unusual hours.

(c) Vanpool/carpool vehicles.

(d) Privately owned vehicles of occupant agency employees that are regularly used for Government business at least 12 days per month and that qualify for reimbursement of mileage and travel expenses under Government travel regulations.

(e) Other privately owned vehicles of employees, on a space-available basis. (In locations where parking allocations are made on a zonal basis, GSA and affected agencies may cooperate to issue additional rules, as appropriate.)

§102-74.310—What measures must Federal agencies take to improve the utilization of parking facilities?

Federal agencies must take all feasible measures to improve the utilization of parking facilities, including—

(a) The conducting of surveys and studies;

(b) The periodic review of parking space allocations;

(c) The dissemination of parking information to occupant agencies;

(d) The implementation of parking incentives that promote ridesharing;

(e) The use of stack parking practices, where appropriate; and

(f) The employment of parking management contractors and concessionaires, where appropriate.


§102-74.315—What is the smoking policy for interior space in Federal facilities?

Pursuant to Executive Order 13058, “Protecting Federal Employees and the Public From Exposure to Tobacco Smoke in the Federal Workplace” (3 CFR, 1997 Comp., p. 216), it is the policy of the executive branch to establish a smoke-free environment for Federal employees and members of the public visiting or using Federal facilities. The smoking of tobacco products is prohibited in all interior space owned, rented or leased by the executive branch of the Federal Government.

§102-74.320—Are there any exceptions to the smoking policy for interior space in Federal facilities?

Yes, the smoking policy does not apply in—

(a) Any residential accommodation for persons voluntarily or involuntarily residing, on a temporary or long-term basis, in a building owned, leased or rented by the Federal Government;

(b) Portions of Federally owned buildings leased, rented or otherwise provided in their entirety to non-Federal parties;

(c) Places of employment in the private sector or in other non-Federal Governmental units that serve as the permanent or intermittent duty station of one or more Federal employees; and

(d) Instances where an agency head establishes limited and narrow exceptions that are necessary to accomplish agency missions. Such exceptions must be in writing, approved by the agency head and, to the fullest extent possible, provide protection of nonsmokers from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. Authority to establish such exceptions may not be delegated.

§102-74.325—Are designated smoking areas authorized in interior space?

No, unless specifically established by an agency head as provided by 102-74.320(d). A previous exception for designated smoking areas is being eliminated. All designated interior smoking areas will be closed effective June 19, 2009. This six-month phase-in period is designed to establish a fixed but reasonable time for implementing this policy change. This phase-in period will provide agencies with time to comply with their obligations under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C. Ch. 71, Labor-Management Relations, in those circumstances where there is an exclusive union representative for the employees.

§102-74.330—What smoking restrictions apply to outside areas under Executive branch control?

Effective June 19, 2009, smoking is prohibited in courtyards and within twenty-five (25) feet of doorways and air intake ducts on outdoor space under the jurisdiction, custody or control of GSA. This six-month phase-in period is designed to establish a fixed but reasonable time for implementing this policy change. This phase-in period will provide agencies with time to comply with their obligations under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C. Ch. 71, Labor-Management Relations, in those circumstances where there is an exclusive union representative for the employees.

§102-74.335—Who is responsible for furnishing and installing signs concerning smoking restrictions in the building, and in and around building entrance doorways and air intake ducts?

Federal agency building managers are responsible for furnishing and installing suitable, uniform signs in the building, and in and around building entrance doorways and air intake ducts, reading “No Smoking,” “No Smoking Except in Designated Areas,” “No Smoking Within 25 Feet of Doorway,” or “No Smoking Within 25 Feet of Air Duct,” as applicable.

§102-74.340—Who is responsible for monitoring and controlling areas designated for smoking by an agency head and for identifying those areas with proper signage?

Agency heads are responsible for monitoring and controlling areas designated by them under 102-74.320(d) for smoking and identifying these areas with proper signage. Suitable, uniform signs reading “Designated Smoking Area” must be furnished and installed by the occupant agency.

§102-74.345—Does the smoking policy in this part apply to the judicial branch?

This smoking policy applies to the judicial branch when it occupies space in buildings controlled by the executive branch. Furthermore, the Federal Chief Judge in a local jurisdiction may be deemed to be comparable to an agency head and may establish exceptions for Federal jurors and others as provided in 102-74.320(d).

§102-74.350—Are agencies required to meet their obligations under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Act where there is an exclusive representative for the employees prior to implementing this smoking policy?

Yes. Where there is an exclusive representative for the employees, Federal agencies must meet their obligations under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Act, 5 U.S.C. Ch. 71, Labor-Management Relations, prior to implementing this section. In all other cases, agencies may consult directly with employees.

§102-74.351—If a state or local government has a smoke-free ordinance that is more strict than the smoking policy for Federal facilities, does the state or local law or Federal policy control?

The answer depends on whether the facility is Federally owned or privately owned. If the facility is Federally owned, then Federal preemption principles apply and the Federal policy controls. If the facility is privately owned, then Federal tenants are subject to the provisions of the state or local ordinance, even in the Federally leased space, if the state or local restrictions are more stringent than the Federal policy.

Accident and Fire Prevention

§102-74.355—With what accident and fire prevention standards must Federal facilities comply?

To the maximum extent feasible, Federal agencies must manage facilities in accordance with the accident and fire prevention requirements identified in 102-80.80 of this chapter.

§102-74.360—What are the specific accident and fire prevention responsibilities of occupant agencies?

Each occupant agency must—

(a) Participate in at least one fire drill per year;

(b) Maintain a neat and orderly facility to minimize the risk of accidental injuries and fires;

(c) Keep all exits, accesses to exits and accesses to emergency equipment clear at all times;

(d) Not bring hazardous, explosive or combustible materials into buildings unless authorized by appropriate agency officials and by GSA and unless protective arrangements determined necessary by GSA have been provided;

(e) Use only draperies, curtains or other hanging materials that are made of non-combustible or flame-resistant fabric;

(f) Use only freestanding partitions and space dividers that are limited combustible, and fabric coverings that are flame resistant;

(g) Cooperate with GSA to develop and maintain fire prevention programs that provide the maximum safety for the occupants;

(h) Train employees to use protective equipment and educate employees to take appropriate fire safety precautions in their work;

(i) Keep facilities in the safest condition practicable, and conduct periodic inspections in accordance with Executive Order 12196 and 29 CFR part 1960;

(j) Immediately report accidents involving personal injury or property damage, which result from building system or maintenance deficiencies, to the Federal agency building manager; and

(k) Appoint a safety, health and fire protection liaison to represent the occupant agency with GSA.

Subpart C—Conduct on Federal Property


§102-74.365—To whom does this subpart apply?

The rules in this subpart apply to all property under the authority of GSA and to all persons entering in or on such property. Each occupant agency shall be responsible for the observance of these rules and regulations. Federal agencies must post the notice in the Appendix to this part at each public entrance to each Federal facility.


§102-74.370—What items are subject to inspection by Federal agencies?

Federal agencies may, at their discretion, inspect packages, briefcases and other containers in the immediate possession of visitors, employees or other persons arriving on, working at, visiting, or departing from Federal property. Federal agencies may conduct a full search of a person and the vehicle the person is driving or occupying upon his or her arrest.

Admission to Property

§102-74.375—What is the policy on admitting persons to Government property?

Federal agencies must—

(a) Except as otherwise permitted, close property to the public during other than normal working hours. In those instances where a Federal agency has approved the after-normal-working-hours use of buildings or portions thereof for activities authorized by subpart D of this part, Federal agencies must not close the property (or affected portions thereof) to the public;

(b) Close property to the public during working hours only when situations require this action to provide for the orderly conduct of Government business. The designated official under the Occupant Emergency Program may make such decision only after consultation with the buildings manager and the highest ranking representative of the law enforcement organization responsible for protection of the property or the area. The designated official is defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter as the highest ranking official of the primary occupant agency, or the alternate highest ranking official or designee selected by mutual agreement by other occupant agency officials; and

(c) When property or a portion thereof is closed to the public, restrict admission to the property, or the affected portion, to authorized persons who must register upon entry to the property and must, when requested, display Government or other identifying credentials to Federal police officers or other authorized individuals when entering, leaving or while on the property. Failure to comply with any of the applicable provisions is a violation of these regulations.

Preservation of Property

§102-74.380—What is the policy concerning the preservation of property?

All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(a) Improperly disposing of rubbish on property;

(b) Willfully destroying or damaging property;

(c) Stealing property;

(d) Creating any hazard on property to persons or things; or

(e) Throwing articles of any kind from or at a building or climbing upon statues, fountains or any part of the building.

Conformity With Signs and Directions

§102-74.385—What is the policy concerning conformity with official signs and directions?

Persons in and on property must at all times comply with official signs of a prohibitory, regulatory or directory nature and with the lawful direction of Federal police officers and other authorized individuals.


§102-74.390—What is the policy concerning disturbances?

All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from loitering, exhibiting disorderly conduct or exhibiting other conduct on property that—

(a) Creates loud or unusual noise or a nuisance;

(b) Unreasonably obstructs the usual use of entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, offices, elevators, stairways, or parking lots;

(c) Otherwise impedes or disrupts the performance of official duties by Government employees; or

(d) Prevents the general public from obtaining the administrative services provided on the property in a timely manner.


§102-74.395—What is the policy concerning gambling?

(a) Except for the vending or exchange of chances by licensed blind operators of vending facilities for any lottery set forth in a State law and authorized by section 2(a)(5) of the Randolph-Sheppard Act (20 U.S.C. 107 et seq.), all persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(1) Participating in games for money or other personal property;

(2) Operating gambling devices;

(3) Conducting a lottery or pool; or

(4) Selling or purchasing numbers tickets.

(b) This provision is not intended to prohibit prize drawings for personal property at otherwise permitted functions on Federal property, provided that the game or drawing does not constitute gambling per se. Gambling per se means a game of chance where the participant risks something of value for the chance to gain or win a prize.

Narcotics and Other Drugs

§102-74.400—What is the policy concerning the possession and use of narcotics and other drugs?

Except in cases where the drug is being used as prescribed for a patient by a licensed physician, all persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(a) Being under the influence, using or possessing any narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, marijuana, barbiturates, or amphetamines; or

(b) Operating a motor vehicle on the property while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, marijuana, barbiturates, or amphetamines.

Alcoholic Beverages

§102-74.405—What is the policy concerning the use of alcoholic beverages?

Except where the head of the responsible agency or his or her designee has granted an exemption in writing for the appropriate official use of alcoholic beverages, all persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from being under the influence or using alcoholic beverages. The head of the responsible agency or his or her designee must provide a copy of all exemptions granted to the buildings manager and the highest ranking representative of the law enforcement organization, or other authorized officials, responsible for the security of the property.

Soliciting, Vending and Debt Collection

§102-74.410—What is the policy concerning soliciting, vending and debt collection?

All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from soliciting alms (including money and non-monetary items) or commercial or political donations, vending merchandise of all kinds, displaying or distributing commercial advertising, or collecting private debts, except for—

(a) National or local drives for funds for welfare, health or other purposes as authorized by 5 CFR part 950, entitled “Solicitation Of Federal Civilian And Uniformed Service Personnel For Contributions To Private Voluntary Organizations,” and sponsored or approved by the occupant agencies;

(b) Concessions or personal notices posted by employees on authorized bulletin boards;

(c) Solicitation of labor organization membership or dues authorized by occupant agencies under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-454);

(d) Lessee, or its agents and employees, with respect to space leased for commercial, cultural, educational, or recreational use under 40 U.S.C. 581(h). Public areas of GSA-controlled property may be used for other activities in accordance with subpart D of this part;

(e) Collection of non-monetary items that are sponsored or approved by the occupant agencies; and

(f) Commercial activities sponsored by recognized Federal employee associations and on-site child care centers.

Posting and Distributing Materials

§102-74.415—What is the policy for posting and distributing materials?

All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(a) Distributing free samples of tobacco products in or around Federal buildings, as mandated by Section 636 of Public Law 104-52;

(b) Posting or affixing materials, such as pamphlets, handbills, or flyers, on bulletin boards or elsewhere on GSA-controlled property, except as authorized in 102-74.410, or when these displays are conducted as part of authorized Government activities; and

(c) Distributing materials, such as pamphlets, handbills or flyers, unless conducted as part of authorized Government activities. This prohibition does not apply to public areas of the property as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter. However, any person or organization proposing to distribute materials in a public area under this section must first obtain a permit from the building manager as specified in subpart D of this part. Any such person or organization must distribute materials only in accordance with the provisions of subpart D of this part. Failure to comply with those provisions is a violation of these regulations.

Photographs for News, Advertising or Commercial Purposes

§102-74.420—What is the policy concerning photographs for news, advertising or commercial purposes?

Except where security regulations, rules, orders, or directives apply or a Federal court order or rule prohibits it, persons entering in or on Federal property may take photographs of—

(a) Space occupied by a tenant agency for non-commercial purposes only with the permission of the occupying agency concerned;

(b) Space occupied by a tenant agency for commercial purposes only with written permission of an authorized official of the occupying agency concerned; and

(c) Building entrances, lobbies, foyers, corridors, or auditoriums for news purposes.

Dogs and Other Animals

§102-74.425—What is the policy concerning dogs and other animals on Federal property?

No person may bring dogs or other animals on Federal property for other than official purposes. However, a disabled person may bring a seeing-eye dog, a guide dog, or other animal assisting or being trained to assist that individual.


§102-74.426—May a woman breastfeed her child in a Federal building or on Federal property?

Yes. Public Law 108-199, Section 629, Division F, Title VI (January 23, 2004), provides that a woman may breastfeed her child at any location in a Federal building or on Federal property, if the woman and her child are otherwise authorized to be present at the location.

Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic

§102-74.430—What is the policy concerning vehicular and pedestrian traffic on Federal property?

All vehicle drivers entering or while on Federal property—

(a) Must drive in a careful and safe manner at all times;

(b) Must comply with the signals and directions of Federal police officers or other authorized individuals;

(c) Must comply with all posted traffic signs;

(d) Must comply with any additional posted traffic directives approved by the GSA Regional Administrator, which will have the same force and effect as these regulations;

(e) Are prohibited from blocking entrances, driveways, walks, loading platforms, or fire hydrants; and

(f) Are prohibited from parking on Federal property without a permit. Parking without authority, parking in unauthorized locations or in locations reserved for other persons, or parking contrary to the direction of posted signs is prohibited. Vehicles parked in violation, where warning signs are posted, are subject to removal at the owner’s risk and expense. Federal agencies may take as proof that a motor vehicle was parked in violation of these regulations or directives as prima facie evidence that the registered owner was responsible for the violation.


§102-74.435—What is the policy concerning explosives on Federal property?

No person entering or while on Federal property may carry or possess explosives, or items intended to be used to fabricate an explosive or incendiary device, either openly or concealed, except for official purposes.


§102-74.440—What is the policy concerning weapons on Federal property?

Federal law prohibits the possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons in Federal facilities and Federal court facilities by all persons not specifically authorized by 18 U.S.C. 930. Violators will be subject to fine and/or imprisonment for periods up to five (5) years.


§102-74.445—What is the policy concerning discrimination on Federal property?

Federal agencies must not discriminate by segregation or otherwise against any person or persons because of race, creed, religion, age, sex, color, disability, or national origin in furnishing or by refusing to furnish to such person or persons the use of any facility of a public nature, including all services, privileges, accommodations, and activities provided on the property.


§102-74.450—What are the penalties for violating any rule or regulation in this subpart?

A person found guilty of violating any rule or regulation in this subpart while on any property under the charge and control of GSA shall be fined under title 18 of the United States Code, imprisoned for not more than 30 days, or both.

Impact on Other Laws or Regulations

§102-74.455—What impact do the rules and regulations in this subpart have on other laws or regulations?

No rule or regulation in this subpart may be construed to nullify any other Federal laws or regulations or any State and local laws and regulations applicable to any area in which the property is situated (40 U.S.C. 121 (c)).

Subpart D—Occasional Use of Public Buildings

§102-74.460—What is the scope of this subpart?

This subpart establishes rules and regulations for the occasional use of public areas of public buildings for cultural, educational and recreational activities as provided by 40 U.S.C. 581(h)(2).

Application for Permit

§102-74.465—Is a person or organization that wishes to use a public area required to apply for a permit from a Federal agency?

Yes, any person or organization wishing to use a public area must file an application for a permit from the Federal agency buildings manager.

§102-74.470—What information must persons or organizations submit so that Federal agencies may consider their application for a permit?

Applicants must submit the following information:

(a) Their full names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers.

(b) The organization sponsoring the proposed activity.

(c) The individual(s) responsible for supervising the activity.

(d) Documentation showing that the applicant has authority to represent the sponsoring organization.

(e) A description of the proposed activity, including the dates and times during which it is to be conducted and the number of persons to be involved.

§102-74.475—If an applicant proposes to use a public area to solicit funds, is the applicant required to make a certification?

Yes, if an applicant proposes to use a public area to solicit funds, the applicant must certify, in writing, that—

(a) The applicant is a representative of and will be soliciting funds for the sole benefit of a religion or religious group; or

(b) The applicant’s organization has received an official ruling of tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service under 26 U.S.C. 501; or, alternatively, that an application for such a ruling is still pending.


§102-74.480—How many days does a Federal agency have to issue a permit following receipt of a completed application?

Federal agencies must issue permits within 10 working days following the receipt of the completed applications, unless the permit is disapproved in accordance with 102-74.500.

§102-74.485—Is there any limitation on the length of time of a permit?

Yes, a permit may not be issued for a period of time in excess of 30 calendar days, unless specifically approved by the Regional Officer (as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter). After the expiration of a permit, Federal agencies may issue a new permit upon submission of a new application. In such a case, applicants may incorporate by reference all required information filed with the prior application.

§102-74.490—What if more than one permit is requested for the same area and time?

Federal agencies will issue permits on a first-come, first-served, basis when more than one permit is requested for the same area and times.

§102-74.495—If a permit involves demonstrations or activities that may lead to civil disturbances, what action must a Federal agency take before approving such a permit application?

Before approving a permit application, Federal agencies must coordinate with their law enforcement organization if a permit involves demonstrations or activities that may lead to civil disturbances.

Disapproval of Applications or Cancellation of Permits

§102-74.500—Can Federal agencies disapprove permit applications or cancel issued permits?

Yes, Federal agencies may disapprove any permit application or cancel an issued permit if—

(a) The applicant has failed to submit all information required under §§102-74.470 and 102-74.475, or has falsified such information;

(b) The proposed use is a commercial activity as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter;

(c) The proposed use interferes with access to the public area, disrupts official Government business, interferes with approved uses of the property by tenants or by the public, or damages any property;

(d) The proposed use is intended to influence or impede any pending judicial proceeding;

(e) The proposed use is obscene within the meaning of obscenity as defined in 18 U.S.C. 1461-65; or

(f) The proposed use violates the prohibition against political solicitations in 18 U.S.C. 607.

§102-74.505—What action must Federal agencies take after disapproving an application or canceling an issued permit?

Upon disapproving an application or canceling a permit, Federal agencies must promptly—

(a) Notify the applicant or permittee of the reasons for the action; and

(b) Inform the applicant or permittee of his/her appeal rights under 102-74.510.


§102-74.510—How may the disapproval of a permit application or cancellation of an issued permit be appealed?

A person or organization may appeal the disapproval of an application or cancellation of an issued permit by notifying the Regional Officer (as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter), in writing, of the intent to appeal within 5 calendar days of the notification of disapproval or cancellation.

§102-74.515—Will the affected person or organization and the Federal agency buildings manager have an opportunity to state their positions on the issues?

Yes, during the appeal process, the affected person or organization and the Federal agency buildings manager will have an opportunity to state their positions on the issues, both verbally and in writing.

§102-74.520—How much time does the Regional Officer have to affirm or reverse the Federal agency buildings manager’s decision after receiving the notification of appeal from the affected person or organization?

The Regional Officer must affirm or reverse the Federal agency buildings manager’s decision, based on the information submitted, within 10 calendar days of the date on which the Regional Officer received notification of the appeal. If the decision is not rendered within 10 days, the application will be considered to be approved or the permit validly issued. The Regional Officer will promptly notify the applicant or permittee and the buildings manager of the decision and the reasons therefor.

Schedule of Use

§102-74.525—May Federal agencies reserve time periods for the use of public areas for official Government business or for maintenance, repair and construction?

Yes, Federal agencies may reserve certain time periods for use of public areas—

(a) For official Government business; or

(b) For maintenance, repair, and construction.

Hours of Use

§102-74.530—When may public areas be used?

Permittees may use public areas during or after regular working hours of Federal agencies, provided that such uses will not interfere with Government business. When public areas are used by permittees after normal working hours, Federal agencies must lock, barricade or identify by signs, as appropriate, all adjacent areas not approved for such use to restrict permittees' activities to approved areas.

Services and Costs

§102-74.535—What items may Federal agencies provide to permittees free of charge?

Federal agencies may provide to permittees at no cost—

(a) Space; and

(b) Services normally provided at the building in question during normal hours of building operation, such as security, cleaning, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning. The Regional Officer must approve an applicant’s request to provide its own services, such as security and cleaning, prior to permit approval.

§102-74.540—What are the items for which permittees must reimburse Federal agencies?

Permittees must reimburse Federal agencies for services over and above those normally provided during normal business hours. Federal agencies may provide the services free of charge if the cost is insignificant and if it is in the public interest.

§102-74.545—May permittees make alterations to the public areas?

Permittees must not make alterations to public areas, except with the prior written approval of the Federal agency buildings manager. Federal agencies must not approve such alterations unless the Federal agency determines that the proposed alterations to a building should be made to encourage and aid in the proposed use. Permittees making alterations must ensure the safety of users and prevent damage to property.

§102-74.550—What items are permittees responsible for furnishing?

Permittees are responsible for furnishing items such as tickets, audio-visual equipment, and other items that are necessary for the proposed use.


§102-74.555—What rules of conduct must all permittees observe while on Federal property?

Permittees are subject to all rules and regulations governing conduct on Federal property as set forth in subpart C of this part. In addition, a permittee must—

(a) Not misrepresent his or her identity to the public;

(b) Not conduct any activities in a misleading or fraudulent manner;

(c) Not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, age, color, disability, sex, or national origin in conducting activities;

(d) Not distribute any item, nor post or otherwise affix any item, for which prior written approval under 102-74.415 has not been obtained;

(e) Not leave leaflets or other materials unattended on the property;

(f) Not engage in activities that would interfere with the preferences afforded blind licensees under the Randolph-Sheppard Act (20 U.S.C. 107); and

(g) Display identification badges while on Federal property, if engaging in the solicitation of funds as authorized by 102-74.475. Each badge must indicate the permittee’s name, address, telephone number, and organization.

Non-affiliation With the Government

§102-74.560—May Federal agencies advise the public of the presence of any permittees and their non-affiliation with the Federal Government?

Yes, Federal agencies reserve the right to advise the public through signs or announcements of the presence of any permittees and of their non-affiliation with the Federal Government.

Subpart E—Installing, Repairing, and Replacing Sidewalks

§102-74.565—What is the scope of this subpart?

In accordance with 40 U.S.C. 589, Federal agencies must comply with the real property policies in this subpart governing the installation, repair and replacement of sidewalks around buildings, installations, properties, or grounds under the control of Executive agencies and owned by the United States.

§102-74.570—Are State and local governments required to fund the cost of installing, repairing, and replacing sidewalks?

No, the Federal Government must fund the cost of installing, repairing, and replacing sidewalks. Funds appropriated to the agency for installation, repair, and maintenance, generally, must be available for expenditure to accomplish the purposes of this subpart.

§102-74.575—How do Federal agencies arrange for work on sidewalks?

Upon approval from GSA, Federal agencies may—

(a) Authorize the appropriate State or local government to install, repair and replace sidewalks, or arrange for this work, and reimburse them for this work; or

(b) Contract or otherwise arrange and pay directly for installing, repairing and/or replacing sidewalks.

§102-74.580—Who decides when to replace a sidewalk?

Federal agencies, giving due consideration to State and local standards and specifications for sidewalks, decide when to install, repair or replace a sidewalk. However, Federal agencies may prescribe other standards and specifications for sidewalks whenever necessary to achieve architectural harmony and maintain facility security.

Subpart F—Telework

§102-74.585—What Federal facility telework policy must Executive agencies follow?

Executive agencies must follow these telework policies:

(a) In accordance with Section 359 of Public Law 106-346, each Executive agency must establish a policy under which eligible employees of the agency may participate in telecommuting to the maximum extent possible without diminished employee performance. Public 106-346 became effective on October 23, 2000, and required the Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to ensure the application and implementation of Section 359 to 25 percent of the Federal workforce by April 2001, and to an additional 25 percent of such workforce each year thereafter. Thus, the law provides that its requirements must be applied to 100 percent of the Federal workforce by April 2004.

(b) In accordance with 40 U.S.C. 587, when considering whether to acquire any space, quarters, buildings, or other facilities for use by employees of any Executive agency, the head of that agency shall consider whether the need for the facilities can be met using alternative workplace arrangements.

§102-74.590—What steps must agencies take to implement these laws and policies?

(a) As interpreted by OPM Memorandum to agencies (February 9, 2001), Public Law 106-346 instructs Federal agencies to—

(1) Review telework barriers, act to remove them, and increase actual participation;

(2) Establish eligibility criteria; and

(3) Subject to any applicable agency policies or bargaining obligations, allow employees who meet the criteria and want to participate the opportunity if they are satisfactory performers.

(b) 40 U.S.C. 587 requires agencies considering the acquisition of facilities for use by Federal employees to consider whether the facility need can be met using alternative workplace arrangements, such as telecommuting, hoteling, virtual offices, and other distributive work arrangements. If the agency needs assistance in this investigation and/or subsequent application of alternative workplace arrangements, GSA will provide guidance, assistance, and oversight, as needed, regarding establishment and operation of alternative workplace arrangements.

(c) Agencies evaluating alternative workplace arrangements should also make these evaluations in coordination with Integrated Workplace policies and strategies. See 102-79.110.

§102-74.595—How can agencies obtain guidance, assistance, and oversight regarding alternative workplace arrangements from GSA?

Agencies may request assistance from the GSA/PBS regional office responsible for providing space in the geographic area under consideration.

§102-74.600—Should Federal agencies utilize telework centers?

Yes. In accordance with Public Law 107-217 (August 21, 2002), each of the following departments and agencies, in each fiscal year, must make at least $50,000 available from amounts provided for salaries and expenses for carrying out a flexiplace work telecommuting program (i.e., to pay telework center program user fees):

(a) Department of Agriculture.

(b) Department of Commerce.

(c) Department of Defense.

(d) Department of Education.

(e) Department of Energy.

(f) Department of Health and Human Services.

(g) Department of Housing and Urban Development.

(h) Department of the Interior.

(i) Department of Justice.

(j) Department of Labor.

(k) Department of State.

(l) Department of Transportation.

(m) Department of the Treasury.

(n) Department of Veterans Affairs.

(o) Environmental Protection Agency.

(p) General Services Administration.

(q) Office of Personnel Management.

(r) Small Business Administration.

(s) Social Security Administration.

(t) United States Postal Service.

Appendix to Part 102-74—Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Federal Property

Federal Management Regulations

Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 102-74, Subpart C

Applicability (41 CFR 102-74.365). The rules in this subpart apply to all property under the authority of the U.S. General Services Administration and to all persons entering in or on such property. Each occupant agency shall be responsible for the observance of these rules and regulations. Federal agencies must post the notice in the Appendix to part 102-74 at each public entrance to each Federal facility.

Inspection (41 CFR 102-74.370). Federal agencies may, at their discretion, inspect packages, briefcases and other containers in the immediate possession of visitors, employees or other persons arriving on, working at, visiting, or departing from Federal property. Federal agencies may conduct a full search of a person and the vehicle the person is driving or occupying upon his or her arrest.

Admission to Property (41 CFR 102-74.375). Federal agencies must—

(a) Except as otherwise permitted, close property to the public during other than normal working hours. In those instances where a Federal agency has approved the after-normal-working-hours use of buildings or portions thereof for activities authorized by subpart D of this part, Federal agencies must not close the property (or affected portions thereof) to the public;

(b) Close property to the public during working hours only when situations require this action to provide for the orderly conduct of Government business. The designated official under the Occupant Emergency Program may make such decision only after consultation with the buildings manager and the highest ranking representative of the law enforcement organization responsible for protection of the property or the area. The designated official is defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter as the highest ranking official of the primary occupant agency, or the alternate highest ranking official or designee selected by mutual agreement by other occupant agency officials; and

(c) When property or a portion thereof is closed to the public, restrict admission to the property, or the affected portion, to authorized persons who must register upon entry to the property and must, when requested, display Government or other identifying credentials to Federal police officers or other authorized individuals when entering, leaving or while on the property. Failure to comply with any of the applicable provisions is a violation of these regulations.

Preservation of Property (41 CFR 102-74.380). All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(a) Improperly disposing of rubbish on property;

(b) Willfully destroying or damaging property;

(c) Stealing property;

(d) Creating any hazard on property to persons or things; and

(e) Throwing articles of any kind from or at a building or the climbing upon statues, fountains or any part of the building.

Conformity with Signs and Directions (41 CFR 102-74.385). Persons in and on property must at all times comply with official signs of a prohibitory, regulatory or directory nature and with the lawful direction of Federal police officers and other authorized individuals.

Disturbances (41 CFR 102-74.390). All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from loitering, exhibiting disorderly conduct or exhibiting other conduct on property that—

(a) Creates loud or unusual noise or a nuisance;

(b) Unreasonably obstructs the usual use of entrances, foyers, lobbies, corridors, offices, elevators, stairways, or parking lots;

(c) Otherwise impedes or disrupts the performance of official duties by Government employees; or

(d) Prevents the general public from obtaining the administrative services provided on the property in a timely manner.

Gambling (41 CFR 102-74.395). Except for the vending or exchange of chances by licensed blind operators of vending facilities for any lottery set forth in a State law and authorized by section 2(a)(5) of the Randolph-Sheppard Act (20 U.S.C. 107 et seq.), all persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(a) Participating in games for money or other personal property;

(b) Operating gambling devices;

(c) Conducting a lottery or pool; or

(d) Selling or purchasing numbers tickets.

Narcotics and Other Drugs (41 CFR 102-74.400). Except in cases where the drug is being used as prescribed for a patient by a licensed physician, all persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(a) Being under the influence, using or possessing any narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, marijuana, barbiturates, or amphetamines; or

(b) Operating a motor vehicle on the property while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs, hallucinogens, marijuana, barbiturates, or amphetamines.

Alcoholic Beverages (41 CFR 102-74.405). Except where the head of the responsible agency or his or her designee has granted an exemption in writing for the appropriate official use of alcoholic beverages, all persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from being under the influence or using alcoholic beverages. The head of the responsible agency or his or her designee must provide a copy of all exemptions granted to the buildings manager and the highest ranking representative of the law enforcement organization, or other authorized officials, responsible for the security of the property.

Soliciting, Vending and Debt Collection (41 CFR 102-74.410). All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from soliciting alms (including money and non-monetary items) or commercial or political donations; vending merchandise of all kinds; displaying or distributing commercial advertising, or collecting private debts, except for—

(a) National or local drives for funds for welfare, health or other purposes as authorized by 5 CFR part 950, entitled “Solicitation of Federal Civilian And Uniformed Service Personnel For Contributions To Private Voluntary Organizations,” and sponsored or approved by the occupant agencies;

(b) Concessions or personal notices posted by employees on authorized bulletin boards;

(c) Solicitation of labor organization membership or dues authorized by occupant agencies under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–454);

(d) Lessee, or its agents and employees, with respect to space leased for commercial, cultural, educational, or recreational use under the Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act of 1976 (40 U.S.C. 581(h)). Public areas of GSA-controlled property may be used for other activities in accordance with subpart D of this part;

(e) Collection of non-monetary items that are sponsored or approved by the occupant agencies; and

(f) Commercial activities sponsored by recognized Federal employee associations and on-site child care centers.

Posting and Distributing Materials (41 CFR 102-74.415). All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from—

(a) Distributing free samples of tobacco products in or around Federal buildings, under Public Law 104-52, Section 636;

(b) Posting or affixing materials, such as pamphlets, handbills, or flyers, on bulletin boards or elsewhere on GSA-controlled property, except as authorized in 102-74.410, or when these displays are conducted as part of authorized Government activities; and

(c) Distributing materials, such as pamphlets, handbills, or flyers, unless conducted as part of authorized Government activities. This prohibition does not apply to public areas of the property as defined in 102-71.20 of this chapter. However, any person or organization proposing to distribute materials in a public area under this section must first obtain a permit from the building manager as specified in subpart D of this part. Any such person or organization must distribute materials only in accordance with the provisions of subpart D of this part. Failure to comply with those provisions is a violation of these regulations.

Photographs for News, Advertising, or Commercial Purposes (41 CFR 102-74.420). Except where security regulations, rules, orders, or directives apply or a Federal court order or rule prohibits it, persons entering in or on Federal property may take photographs of—

(a) Space occupied by a tenant agency for non-commercial purposes only with the permission of the occupying agency concerned;

(b) Space occupied by a tenant agency for commercial purposes only with written permission of an authorized official of the occupying agency concerned; and

(c) Building entrances, lobbies, foyers, corridors, or auditoriums for news purposes.

Dogs and Other Animals (41 CFR 102-74.425). No person may bring dogs or other animals on Federal property for other than official purposes. However, a disabled person may bring a seeing-eye dog, a guide dog, or other animal assisting or being trained to assist that individual.

Breastfeeding (41 CFR 102-74.426). Public Law 108-199, Section 629, Division F, Title VI (January 23, 2004), provides that a woman may breastfeed her child at any location in a Federal building or on Federal property, if the woman and her child are otherwise authorized to be present at the location.

Vehicular and Pedestrian Traffic (41 CFR 102-74.430). All vehicle drivers entering or while on Federal property—

(a) Must drive in a careful and safe manner at all times;

(b) Must comply with the signals and directions of Federal police officers or other authorized individuals;

(c) Must comply with all posted traffic signs;

(d) Must comply with any additional posted traffic directives approved by the GSA Regional Administrator, which will have the same force and effect as these regulations;

(e) Are prohibited from blocking entrances, driveways, walks, loading platforms, or fire hydrants; and

(f) Are prohibited from parking on Federal property without a permit. Parking without authority, parking in unauthorized locations or in locations reserved for other persons, or parking contrary to the direction of posted signs is prohibited. Vehicles parked in violation, where warning signs are posted, are subject to removal at the owner’s risk and expense. Federal agencies may take as proof that a motor vehicle was parked in violation of these regulations or directives as prima facie evidence that the registered owner was responsible for the violation.

Explosives (41 CFR 102-74.435). No person entering or while on property may carry or possess explosives, or items intended to be used to fabricate an explosive or incendiary device, either openly or concealed, except for official purposes.

Weapons (41 CFR 102-74.440). Federal law prohibits the possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons in Federal facilities and Federal court facilities by all persons not specifically authorized by Title 18, United States Code, Section 930. Violators will be subject to fine and/or imprisonment for periods up to five (5) years.

Nondiscrimination (41 CFR 102-74.445). Federal agencies must not discriminate by segregation or otherwise against any person or persons because of race, creed, religion, age, sex, color, disability, or national origin in furnishing or by refusing to furnish to such person or persons the use of any facility of a public nature, including all services, privileges, accommodations, and activities provided on the property.

Penalties (41 CFR 102-74.450). A person found guilty of violating any rule or regulation in subpart C of this part while on any property under the charge and control of the U.S. General Services Administration shall be fined under title 18 of the United States Code, imprisoned for not more than 30 days, or both.

Impact on Other Laws or Regulations (41 CFR 102-74.455). No rule or regulation in this subpart may be construed to nullify any other Federal laws or regulations or any State and local laws and regulations applicable to any area in which the property is situated (40 U.S.C. 121 (c)).

Warning—Weapons Prohibited

Federal law prohibits the possession of firearms or other dangerous weapons in Federal facilities and Federal court facilities by all persons not specifically authorized by Title 18, United States Code, Section 930. Violators will be subject to fine and/or imprisonment for periods up to five (5) years.


Subchapter C -- Real Property, FMR