Public service is a public trust, requiring employees to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws and ethical principles above private gain.

Popular Tasks

Emory Rounds

Emory Rounds, Director

Leadership Notes

The Presidential Election: The Ethics Community is Prepared and Ready

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What's New

Legal Advisory
| 12/10/2020

This Legal Advisory reminds executive branch employees of the gifts and fundraising rules relevant to 2021 Presidential Inaugural events.

Legal Advisory
| 12/07/2020

This Legal Advisory addresses recurring questions about the gifts analysis for virtual events. The Legal Advisory clarifies that ethics officials should analyze virtual events under the same framework as in-person events.

Legal Advisory
| 10/29/2020

This Legal Advisory provides guidance on the post-Government employment restrictions applicable to employees who signed the Ethics Pledge under E.O. 13770. The advisory expands on the post-Government employment guidance included in LA-17-03.

Leadership Note
| 10/26/2020

On this day in 1978, President Carter signed the Ethics in Government Act, which created the United States Office of Government Ethics (OGE) and the public financial disclosure system for the United States Government.

Legal Advisory
| 10/22/2020

This Legal Advisory provides guidance on certain types of communications, made without an intent to influence, that OGE views as permissible under 18 U.S.C. § 205(a)(2). The Legal Advisory clarifies that submitting certain applications or forms on behalf of another is permissible if employees’ submissions consist of factual information and seek routine action that do not contain an appreciable element of dispute.

Legal Advisory
| 10/06/2020

This Legal Advisory provides answers to frequently asked questions for employees engaged in crowdsourced fundraising. The advisory addresses a range of topics, including determining when gifts are based on an employee's official position and accepting donations from fundraising campaigns started by others.

Featured Resources

Presidential Election Readiness

OGE helps ensure that the executive branch ethics community is ready and able to assist incoming administrations appoint senior government officials quickly and in compliance with ethics rules.

Guide for Nominees (PDF)

OGE developed this Guide as a resource for potential Senate-confirmed, Presidential nominees.

Compilation of Federal Ethics Laws (PDF)

OGE has complied the most pertinent laws under the jurisdiction of the ethics program as well as other related statutes on which ethics officials are often called upon to provide advice to agency employees.

Summary of the Standards of Conduct (PDF)

OGE is responsible for issuing and interpreting the Standards of Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch.

Institute for Ethics in Government

OGE provides professional development opportunities for executive branch ethics officials through its Institute for Ethics in Government.

Public Financial Disclosure Guide

OGE maintains a guide to assist filers and reviewers of public financial disclosure reports.
