Wednesday, March 06, 2013

NASDSE Logo and Masthead

What's New


February 6, 2013: NASDSE Statement on Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC): NASDSE has submitted comments on a draft position paper from the PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) Common Core Assessment Consortium on accomodations for read-aloud and use of calculators. NASDSE is opposed to the proposal in its present form. To read NASDSE's comments, click here.



JANUARY 31, 2013: NASDSE statement on President Obama's initiative to end gun violence. Please click here to read the statement.


JANUARY 10, 2013: Impartial Hearings Under the IDEA: Legal Issues and Answers by Perry Zirkel has recently been updated and the update has been added to the NASDSE website. To download a copy of this revised document, click here.


DECEMBER 17, 2012: NASDSE has issued a statement on the tragic events on December 14 in Newton, CT. Please click here to read the statement.


DECEMBER 10, 2012: NASDSE Works!: The latest edition of NASDSE Works!, our e-newsletter that provides updates on NASDSE's projects and other activities is now available.Click here to read or download a copy.


NOVEMBER 16, 2012: NASDSE Board of Directors: At NASDSE’s recently concluded annualconference, conference attendees welcomed the new NASDSE Board of Directors:
  • President:  Colleen Riley, Director of Special Education, Kansas State Department of Education
  • Secretary-Treasurer:  Richard Henderson, Director of Special Education, Idaho Department of Education
  • President-Elect:  Ann Moore, Associate State Superintendent, Mississippi Department of Education
  • Past President:  Peg Brown-Clark, Assistant Commissioner, Exceptional Student Services, Colorado Department of Education
  • Members-at-large:
    • Arthur Albert, Chief, Division of Special Services, Federated States of Micronesia
    • Fred Balcom, Director of Special Education, California Department of Education
    • Cathy Boshamer, Director of Special Education, South Carolina Department of Education
    • Frank Pobodnik, Director of Special Education, Montana Office of Public Instruction


NASDSE HAS MOVED (next door). Please note our new address as of March 29th: 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 420, Alexandria, VA 22314.


Impartial Hearings under the IDEA Legal Issues and Answers by Perry Zirkel, University Professor of Education and Law at Lehigh University, has been revised and updated. To review and download a copy, click here.


NASDSE Comments on Proposed Changes to the SPP/APR Indicators - To view NASDSE's comments, click here.


State Blueprint for RtI - NASDSE has just released the final volume in a series of three Blueprints for Implementation of Response to Intervention. The latest guide, Response to Intervention — State Level, provides a step-by-step approach for implementing RtI at the state level and taking implementation down to the local district and school building levels. The guide includes a self-assessment tool to help guide state efforts. This document is available for free downloading.Click here to read on-line or to download a copy. The three-volume set of Blueprints is now complete. To download the District Level Blueprint, click here. To download the School Building Level Blueprint, click here. Print copies of the District Level and School Building Level Blueprints are also available for purchase. To purchase either of these documents, click here.


NASDSE Opposes the Military Voucher Program for Students with Special Needs - NASDSE sent a letter opposing Amendment #94 to the National Authorization Act for FY 12 for the military voucher program for students with special needs. To read the letter, click here.


NASDSE Supports H.R. 2218 - NASDSE sent a letter in support of H.R. 2218, the “Empowering Parents Through Quality Charter Schools Act.” To read the letter, click here.


NASDSE Opposes H.R. 2445 - NASDSE sent a letter opposing H.R. 2445, the “State and Local Flexibility Act.” To read the letter, click here.


NASDSE Supports IDEA Full Funding - NASDSE sent a letter in support of the IDEA Full Funding Act, S. 1403, that was introduced by Senator Harkin. To read the letter, click here.


NASDSE Opposes S. 1250 - NASDSE sent a letter opposing S. 1250,the GREAT Teachers and Principals Act, that would provide grants to states for teacher preparation for alternate certification but fails to acknowledge the special skills that teachers who teach students with disabilities need. To read the letter, click here.


NASDSE's Personnel Improvement Center Practice Briefs - NASDSE's Personnel Improvement Center has produced a series of practice briefs that highlight innovative strategies for recruiting and retaining personnel as well as examine existing data on personnel needs at the state and national levels. Find them on the PIC website @


Products Available from NASDSE's Personnel Improvement Center - NASDSE's Personnel Improvement Center has several high quality recruitment products, such as posters, brochures and recruitment videos that will assist you in implementing successful recruitment initiatives in your state, region or locale. Email us and let us know how many you would like. These products and materials are free of charge!


 NASDSE and the National Title I Association (NTIA) releases "Recommendations for Improved Coordination Between Title I and IDEA" -Title I and the IDEA are US-ED's two large-scale investments for helping states provide services for students with special needs. Because there is often confusion regarding the overlapping language, requirements and accountability for implementing these laws, NASDSE and NTIA established the Title I/IDEA Workgroup with members from both organizations to develop recommendations for improved coordination. Click here for a copy of the June 2011 report.


NASDSE Transportation Resources - We have launched a new page on our website - Transportation Resources. In recognition of the transportation issues that many individuals with disabilities face with access to transportation, including young people who are transitioning out of high school to a postsecondary job or higher eduction. We thought it would be helpful to add a new section to our website with information on transportation resources. Check out the new page by clicking here.




Visit NASDSE's Other Websites!!

Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities:

NASDSE's IDEA Partnership has two websites: and

NASDSE's National Center to Improve Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Personnel for Children with Disabilities (Personnel Improvement Center) website:

NASDSE'S Project Forum website:


225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 420, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone 703.519.3800 | Fax 703.519.3808  
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