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Publication Victim, Perpetrator, and Incident Characteristics of Sexual Victimization of Youth in Juvenile Facilities, 2018 - Statistical Tables

Michael B. Field, Elizabeth Davis, BJS Statisticians

November 24, 2020    NCJ 255446

This report describes victim, perpetrator, and incident characteristics of sexual victimization of youth in juvenile facilities. These tables accompany the full BJS report Sexual Victimization Reported by Youth in Juvenile Facilities, 2018, which provides national estimates of sexual victimization in juvenile facilities and identifies 12 high-rate and 14 low-rate facilities.


  • A higher percentage of male (6.1%) than female (2.9%) youth reported staff sexual misconduct.
  • A higher percentage of female (4.7%) than male (1.6%) youth reported youth-on-youth victimization.
  • In most-serious incidents of staff sexual misconduct, an estimated 91% of incidents involved only female staff, while 6% involved only male staff.
  • About half of youth (51%) who reported prior sexual victimization in another juvenile facility also reported sexual victimization in their current facility.

Part of the PREA Publications Series

Full report (PDF 483K)
Data tables (Zip format 16K)

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National Survey of Youth in Custody (NSYC)

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