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What Did You Miss? Catch-up on the Summer’s Most-Viewed Posts and Legislation.

Web traffic tends to slowdown in the summer.  The weather gets nice and people leave their computers and devices behind.  It’s easy to miss a post or two while busy on vacation or recess.  Thankfully, we keep track of our metrics and can share what has been popular over the last three months.

While down compared to March, April, and May, In Custodia Legis traffic is up 23% over this same time period of June, July, and August in 2014. Here are the top ten most-viewed new posts from the summer months.

  1. New Features Added to Congress.gov Based On Your Feedback

    Listen on Congress.gov

    The New Feature, Listen on Congress.gov

  2. FALQs: Laws Related to Hunting Lions in Zimbabwe
  3. The Law of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: A Beginner’s Guide
  4. THOMAS to Congress.gov: Gap Analysis and User Testing
  5. Father’s Day – Pic of the Week
  6. The Revised Statutes of the United States: Predecessor to the U.S. Code
  7. Celebrating Canada’s National Aboriginal Day with a New Addition to the Indigenous Law Portal
  8. Comics and the Law
  9. How to Locate a Published Congressional Hearing: A Beginner’s Guide
  10. Comprehensive Index of Law Library of Congress Reports

The post, New Features Added to Congress.gov, was the most-viewed post over the summer, but what has been the most-viewed legislation on Congress.gov?  All of the items listed below are from the current Congress.

  1. H.R.1599 – Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015
  2. H.R.213 – Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2015
  3. H.R.1735 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016
  4. H.R.2146 – Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act
  5. H.R.91 – Veterans Identification Card Act 2015
  6. S.1177 – Every Child Achieves Act of 2015
  7. S.1189 – Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Act
  8. H.R.1314 – Trade Act of 2015
  9. H.R.2048 – USA FREEDOM Act of 2015
  10. H.R.6 – 21st Century Cures Act

Just a reminder, if you are interested in tracking any of the legislation, click the link to go to it and then select “Get alerts” just below the title to receive email alerts.

It is interesting to compare the current most-viewed posts and legislation with what was popular during the first six months of the year.  Almost all of the items on the most-viewed list are new.  Only H.R.213 and H.R.1735 remain from the first six months list.  Overall traffic to Congress.gov is up 87% compared to the same time period last summer.

Did anything surprise you? Was there a post you missed that you are happy to have read now?

Moving the Collections Back into the Renovated Law Library Reading Room- Pic of the Week

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Law Library to Commemorate Constitution Day with Discussion on Religious Freedom

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An Interview with Noah Lapidus, Intern

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What I Did on My Summer Vacation

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95th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Suffrage in the United States – Pic of the Week

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Bob Adelman and Ira Glasser Discuss Struggle for Human Rights in America

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An Interview with Faith Hamby, Metadata Technician

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