Nuclear Engineering Division

Computer Facilities

Our computer facilities are state-of-the-art equipment provided to in-house staff and collaborating scientists. We have three HPC clusters (15 node ethernet single core, 46 node Infiniband multicore, 11 node Infiniband high memory/multicore) as an advanced computational platform for performing a variety of engineering analysis. We also use facilities outside the Division such as fusion, a terascale Linux computing cluster with 320 nodes, and the CAVE, one of the four sophisticated automatic virtual environment systems in existence.


The Nuclear Engineering Division operates a heterogeneous network of desktops, workstations, and servers to provide the computing environment for Division staff and collaborating scientists.

Batch computing is done on a high- and low-end Unix workstations while Parallel computing is done on an Infiniband interconnected 720 core HPC cluster and a Legacy 30 core ethernet HPC cluster. Queuing systems schedule jobs according to their requirements and available resources. Desktop units are a mix of Unix, Linux, Mac, and PC workstations, and the Division runs a number of servers providing email, file storage, Web applications and system administration.

The Division's computational resources are connected through a star-configuration, switch-based network operating at up to 1Gbps. Servers and desktop units are connected through 100/1000 Mbps switched ports. The network is connected to the Argonne fiber network.

Extensive software applications and development tools are provided on the network. These include the Oracle database products, Adobe Products, Microsoft development and Office Packages, Matlab, Mathematica, ANYSYS, STAR-CD, STAR-CCM+, Abaqus, COMSOL, AutoCAD, SAS in addition to C, Fortran, and C++ for code development as well as nuclear engineering codes developed at Argonne, other national laboratories, and commercial software companies.

Security for the computing environment is provided through regular configuration and vulnerability checking and extensive network security scanning. In addition, a comprehensive backup schedule seeks to assure minimal data loss in the event of data corruption or loss.

Last Modified: Tue, April 19, 2016 8:00 AM


For more information:

Roger N. Blomquist
Information Technology Section
Fax: +1 630-252-4500