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Trademark Electronic Application System
Trademark/Service Mark Allegation of Use
(Statement of Use/Amendment to Allege Use)
(15 U.S.C. §1051(c) or (d))
TEAS - Version 5.0 : 10/27/2012
You may file an Allegation of Use ONLY before the application to register the mark has been approved for publication OR after a Notice of Allowance for the application has been issued.
NOTE: To delete a Section 1(b) filing basis entirely from an application, or as a basis for an entire class, you must use the specific Request To Delete Section 1(B) Basis, Intent To Use form.
WARNING: Unlike with an Amendment to Allege Use filed before an application has been approved for publication, the applicant may not withdraw a Statement of Use (SOU) filed after a Notice of Allowance has been issued if the SOU fails to meet the statutory requirements. 37 C.F.R. §2.88(g); TMEP §1109.17. However, the applicant may file one "insurance" extension request with the SOU, or afterwards, in the limited situation where time remains in the existing six-month period in which the SOU was filed. This would provide additional time to comply with the statutory requirements for filing the SOU. 37 C.F.R. §2.89(e)(1). See TMEP §§1108.03 and 1109.16(c).

NOTE: You must complete any field preceded by the symbol "*".

WARNING: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. Your "session" began as soon as you accessed this initial Form Wizard page. If you exceed the 60-minute time limit, the form will not validate and you must begin the entire process again; you can, however, extend the time limit. You should always try to have all information required to complete the form prior to starting any session.

: (required only if completing the Trademark/Service Mark Allegation of Use form; otherwise, access saved form, below)

If appropriate to file at this time, please answer all of the questions below to create an Allegation of Use form showing only sections relevant to you. Then press the NEXT button. For more information regarding any of the following questions or topics, either go to HELP or click on the underlined word.
Is the applicant filing a Request to Divide as part of this Allegation of Use?

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Fri Feb 15 12:28:59 EST 2013