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Top Markets
Find your next market! The Top Markets Series combines I&A’s unique industry knowledge with the on-the-ground experiences of ITA’s Global Markets/Commercial Service international staff. Top Markets analysis ranks future export markets and offers commentary on the opportunities and challenges facing exporters in key markets.

Top Markets

The International Trade Administration’s Top Markets Series is meant to help exporters determine their next export market by comparing opportunities across borders. Each report ranks future export opportunities within a particular industry based on a sector-specific methodology. The reports provide a detailed assessment of the competitiveness landscape within a sector, as well as the opportunities and challenges facing U.S. exporters in key markets. Each report is available for download. Interested exporters can also download or view individual case studies within larger reports.

ITA’s Top Markets Reports are developed by its Industry & Analysis (I&A) business unit, whose staff of industry, trade, and economic experts provide detailed analysis to strengthen the export competitiveness of U.S. industry and support strategies to unlock export and investment opportunities that benefit the U.S. economy.

Logo for the top markets program
New Top Markets are Coming!

The Industry and Analysis Unit in ITA is hard at work developing a new, dynamic and engaging format for the Top Markets Series. New Top Markets will be expanded to cover more industries, more markets, and provide much more detailed information and analysis. The new series will be be available later in 2020. Until then, you can view our Top Market archives.