Statement by the United States Delegation to the Geneva Discussions

October 4, 2011

The United States was pleased to participate in the seventeenth round of the Geneva Discussions.  Participants continued their discussion of proposals to enhance security and transparency along the administrative boundary lines, as well as to improve the humanitarian situation for those living in and near the conflict areas.  The Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRMs) offer the best channel for implementation of these proposals, and we are encouraged by their constructive progress in recent months.  We urge participants in both IPRMs to build upon their respective successes to find new ways to increase stability and to improve the lives of the communities on the ground.

We continue to support unilateral non-use of force commitments and again call on Russia to demonstrate its commitment to the peaceful resolution of the conflict by making its own such pledge.  We also continue to believe it is time to move forward with discussions on concrete measures that will create a more transparent and secure atmosphere in the region.  Such measures will help to build the confidence and mutual trust needed for a permanent resolution of the conflict.  For this reason, we call on all participants in the Geneva process to increase their efforts to improve stability and address humanitarian and human rights concerns in the conflict areas.

Above all, we continue to call upon all parties to comply fully with their ceasefire commitments, including withdrawal of all forces to pre-conflict positions, and unfettered access for humanitarian assistance.


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