Manage Personal Profile

Information for eRA Commons users on to how to access and maintain their profile information on the Personal Profile in eRA Commons.

The Personal Profile module in Commons is the central repository of information for all Commons registered users. It is designed so that individual eRA system users can hold and maintain ownership of the accuracy of their own profile information. This profile information is then integrated throughout eRA's systems and used for a variety of agency business such as peer review, application data, and trainee data. Users are responsible for keeping their information current and correct. This data must be kept up to date to ensure that grant applications are processed accurately and that reviewer conflicts may be identified.

Additionally, users can create or connect their ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) to their eRA Commons account, so that their publications can be linked to their grants.

The personal profile is divided into sections and includes: Name and ID, demographics, employment, reviewer information, trainee information, education, reference letters and publications.

All sections must be completed and saved. If a section is left incomplete, you will not be able to save the profile.

Access Personal Profile

Log in to eRA Commons and then click on Personal Profile on the blue menu bar on top of the landing page.

Click on thumbnail image to expand to full view.


Personal Profile link on the eRA Commons navigation bar

Basic Tasks (step-by-step instructions from the online help)*

* You must be logged into eRA Commons with appropriate role(s) to complete these activities. 

Main Screenshots

Click on thumbnail image to expand to full view.


Personal Profile (PPF) screen, showing information categories

Figure 1: Personal Profile (PPF) screen, showing information categories

Personal Profile (PPF) screen showing errors and/or incomplete information in various categories

Figure 2: Personal Profile (PPF) screen showing errors and/or incomplete information in various categories

Additional Resources