Each year the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) reviews thousands of export license applications for dual use and less-sensitive military items. BIS also adjudicates many deemed export license applications - for situations in which sharing technical data with a foreign national is "deemed" to constitute an export to that foreign national's home country. Below are some of the licensing-related analyses produced by The Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE), including license applications for deemed exports and BIS license utilization.

Annual BIS Licensing

2019 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing (PDF) pdf_download
2018 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing (PDF) pdf_download
2017 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing (PDF) pdf_download 
2016 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing (PDF) pdf_download
2015 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing (PDF) pdf_download

2014 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing (PDF) pdf_download

Deemed Export Licensing

2019 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing - Deemed Exports (PDF)pdf_download
2018 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing - Deemed Exports (PDF)pdf_download
2017 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing - Deemed Exports (PDF) pdf_download 
2016 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing - Deemed Exports (PDF) pdf_download
2015 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing- Deemed Exports (PDF)pdf_download
2014 Statistical Analysis of BIS Licensing- Deemed Exports (PDF) pdf_download

License Utilization

2014 License Utilization (PDF) pdf_download






Statistical Reports

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The Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE) of the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) produces statistical reports from its analyses of available data from the Automated Export System (AES) and BIS license application system to identify trends in export and licensing, support the evaluation of the U.S. Export Control System, and inform policy decisions.

© BIS 2020