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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Constrained Long Range Transportation Plans: Projects with Phases Outside the 20-Year Horizon

From: Shepard, Gloria <FHWA>
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:14 PM
Cc: Burbank, Cindy <FHWA>; ##ALLDFS; ##ALLFLH; HEPODs; HEPRCTeams; Solury, Tony <FHWA>; FieldPlanners; HynesCherin, Brigid <FTA>; Goodman, Charles <FTA>
Subject: INFORMATION: "Constrained Long Range Transportation Plans: Projects with Phases Outside the 20-Year Horizon"

TO THE ATTENTION OF: Division Offices Planning Staffs

The purpose of this message is to respond to States Department of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) that have recently inquired about the implications of projects that have phases that are outside of the 20-year horizon of the transportation plan. Specifically, they have asked what are the fiscal constraint requirements and the effect on FHWA/FTA's ability to authorize project phases that are within the 20-year horizon of the transportation plan when there are phases of the project that are beyond the 20-year horizon.

This response applies only in air quality attainment areas.

In an attainment area, the only work that would have to be shown in the 20-year transportation plan would be the activity (ies) that the state or local agencies would be asking FHWA/FTA to authorize within the 20-year horizon of the transportation plan. These activities would be subject to fiscal constraint (i.e. the state/MPO would have to identify the intended and realistic revenue source(s) reasonably expected to be available to cover the expected costs of those activities). Costs for project phases to be authorized outside the 20-year horizon would not be subject to fiscal constraint for the transportation plan. However, the next update of the transportation plan would have to show any additional work, such as construction, if it falls within the 20-year horizon of the next long range transportation plan - - and it would become subject to fiscal constraint at that time.

If you have any questions on this clarifying information, please contact either Larry Anderson at or Harlan Miller at of the Planning Oversight and Stewardship Team.

Updated: 12/3/2012
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