Fall 2018 Federal Depository Library Conference

Fall 2018 Federal Depository Library Conference

Event held: October 22-24, 2018

2018 Federal Deposiotry Library Conference Event page

Monday, October 22, 2018

2018 Federal Depository Library Conference Kickoff - session begins at the 2 minute mark


  • Herbert H. Jackson, Jr., Acting Deputy Director, GPO
  • Laurie Beyer Hall, Superintendent of Documents & Managing Director of LSCM, GPO
  • Lori Thornton, DLC Chair, New Mexico State Library

During this opening session, the event will be officially called to order, and opening remarks and updates will be delivered.

Keynote – Ms. Kate Zwaard, Director of Digital Strategy, Library of Congress - session begins at the 1 hour, 32 minute mark


  • Kate Zwaard, Director of Digital Strategy, Library of Congress

Library of the Year Award Presentation - session begins at the 2 hour, 9 minute mark


  • Herbert H. Jackson, Jr., Acting Deputy Director, GPO

Date Recorded: 10/22/2018

Duration: 144 minutes

Associated files available for download:

LSCM Update


  • Laurie Beyer Hall, Superintendent of Documents & Managing Director of LSCM, GPO
  • Fang Gao, Chief, Library Technical Services (LTS), LSCM, GPO
  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Outreach & Support, LSCM, GPO
  • Anthony D. Smith, Chief, Projects & Systems, LSCM, GPO

Join GPO for an update on major projects and initiatives underway to support the FDL and Cataloging & Indexing Programs in GPO’s LSCM unit.

FDLP Modernization - session begins at the 1 hour, 2 minute mark


  • Laurie Beyer Hall, Superintendent of Documents & Managing Director of LSCM, GPO
  • Lori Thornton, DLC Chair, New Mexico State Library
  • Erik Beck, University of Colorado Law School
  • Stephen Parks, Mississippi State Librarian
  • Cindy Etkin, Senior Programming Planning Specialist, Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO

Join us for this session to learn how GPO will improve and modernize the FDLP, with or without the passage of H.R. 5305. There will be time for you to share what poses a challenge for you in providing better access to Federal Government information.

Processing Your Preservation Steward Collection - session begins at the 2 hour, 29 minute mark


  • Hallie Pritchett, Associate Dean of Libraries for Research & Learning, North Dakota State University
  • Michael Cerbo II, Chair of Technical Services & Head of Metadata and Content Management, University of Rhode Island Libraries
  • Deborah Mongeau, Chair of Public Services and Government Publications Librarian, University of Rhode Island Libraries
  • Bill Sudduth, Head of Government Information & Maps Department, University of South Carolina Libraries
  • Suzanne Ebanues, Senior Planning & Development Specialist, LSCM, GPO

Join three Preservation Stewards and GPO staff to discuss efforts to preserve tangible Government information. The Preservation Stewards will discuss their experiences inventorying, cataloging, and filling gaps in their collections. GPO will share an update on the status of the Preservation Steward program.

Date Recorded: 10/22/2018

Duration: 200 minutes

Associated files available for download:

Even More Sunshine: The Role of Open Access & Digital Deposit in Making Government Documents Accessible for Open Educational Resources and Beyond


  • Carrie Russell, Director of Public Policy, American Library Association Washington Office
  • James R. Jacobs, Government Information Librarian, Stanford University

This program will expand on discussions last year about the overlap between Government documents librarians and other open access professionals as we work to make information more freely available to all. We will review three different circumstances in which libraries were able to expand their collections through open access. This program will also introduce the concept of digital deposit to our community as a new means of preserving and providing access to Government information.

Know Your FSB from your KGB: Researching Soviet/Russian Intelligence in America - session begins at the 1 hour, 1 minute mark


  • David Durant, Federal Documents & Social Sciences Librarian, East Carolina University, J. Y. Joyner Library

In light of 2016’s election-related hacking and the popularity of programs such as ‘The Americans’, the topic of Russian intelligence activity in America is once again prominent in the news and in popular culture. This presentation will offer an overview of the various Soviet intelligence services, their evolution, and their post-Soviet successors, as well as a brief history of their operations in America, down to the present. In addition, tips and guidance on how and where to research this topic, especially how to find Federal Government information, will be provided.

This will be an updated version of a presentation given at the NCLA Biennial Conference in October 2017: http://thescholarship.ecu.edu/handle/10342/6426.

What Is in Those Compact Shelves? Auditing and Quantifying a Government Documents Collection - session begins at the 2 hour, 30 minute mark


  • Jennifer Kirk, Government Information Librarian, Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library

In order to properly assess a regional collection’s needs and to prepare for the future, library staff needed to identify baseline data. Over the past six months, Government Information Department staff developed and implemented a Stacks/Collection Audit using open source tools. This presentation will cover the purpose, methodology, resources, implementation, limitations, and outcomes of a stacks/collection audit conducted in a regional FDLP collection at an academic library. Results of the audit included information about the extent of SuDoc stems, locations of needed collection maintenance, and rough estimates of numbers of materials by format and SuDoc stem. The planning and implementation of this project may be useful to other FDLP coordinators who wish to know more about specific parts of their collection, are anticipating a move or shifting project, are preparing for a preservation audit, or are planning a retrospective cataloging project. Additionally, the audit provided data that better describes the Government documents collection to stakeholders, inside and outside the library, through visualizations and reports. Links to the open source tools will be available to attendees who wish to participate in a hands-on manner during the session.

Date Recorded: 10/22/2018

Duration: 197 minutes

Associated files available for download:

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Continuing the Conversation: Ensuring Public Access to a Comprehensive Collection


  • Mary Clark, Director of Acquisitions and Access Management, The Library of Virginia
  • Cindy Etkin, Senior Programming Planning Specialist, Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO
  • Alicia Kubas, Government Publications and Regional Depository Librarian, University of Minnesota Libraries

Building on the 2018 Spring DLC Meeting discussion around the concept of comprehensive collections, this session will introduce some of the new initiatives that challenge the idea of a comprehensive collection and GPO’s ideas on how to reconcile these into a cohesive plan that will create a more flexible FDLP. The session will also explore practical ways that selectives and regionals are working on building comprehensiveness in their collections.

Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) beyond the Federal Sphere - session begins at the 1 hour, 1 minute mark


  • Bruce Bailey, Accessibility IT Specialist, U.S. Access Board

This session will provide an overview of the impact of Section 508, compliance for Federal agencies, and implications for academic institutions. The session will focus especially on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Final Standards and Guidelines which became effective in January 2018. The speaker will respond to the impact of Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 as it relates to higher education and academic institutions. WCAG and 508 conformance for both web design and web-accessed documents (i.e. PDF) will be discussed.

Reach Out and Help: Serving the Underserved through Government Information - session begins at the 2 hour, 28 minute mark


  • Yvonne D. Williams, Cataloging Specialist, Benjamin L. Hooks Central Libraries, Memphis Public Libraries
  • Jennifer Rowe, Subject Librarian, University of North Texas Libraries
  • Todd Scudiere, Technical Services Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Carmen Cruz, Financial Education Program Analyst, Office of Education, The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
  • Jane Canfield, Coordinator of Federal Documents, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico

This presentation is an overview of the Underserved Populations, as well as a challenge to reach out and help this vulnerable populace. It will identify specific groups, which are characterized as underserved, such as members of minority populations and individuals who have experienced health disparities. It will disclose captivating results of a survey conducted by the University of North Texas Libraries, which focuses on disabled university students and the challenges of providing effective services to this less guarded community. Yet, it will provide invaluable information from the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection about their work with libraries which includes their resources. It will also include a synopsis of GPOs successful activities with the Tribal College community.

Date Recorded: 10/23/2018

Duration: 211 minutes

Associated files available for download:

“F” is for “Federal”: How to Talk to Your Lawmakers About the FDLP


  • Gavin Baker, Assistant Director of Government Relations, American Library Association
  • Emily Feltren, Director of Government Relations, American Association of Law Libraries
  • Mark Miller, Chair, Loudoun County Public Library Board of Trustees
  • Celina McDonald, U.S. Government Documents, Law, and Criminology Librarian, University of Maryland
  • Stephen Parks, State Librarian of Mississippi, State Law Library of Mississippi

The FDLP is authorized and funded by Congress. However, members of Congress are often unaware of the Program or the many benefits it provides their constituents through local libraries. This session will teach the skills needed to successfully build relationships with your members of Congress, including how to educate them about the FDLP, how to engage others in your community, and how to identify opportunities to support the FDLP. You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of the workings of Capitol Hill and be able to identify ways to develop productive relationships with your members of Congress in support of the FDLP.

3 Steps to FDLP Promotion Success - session begins at the 1 hour, 4 minute mark


  • Kelly Seifert, Strategic Communications Coordinator, LSCM, GPO

FDLP promotion can seem daunting, but when you approach is systematically with our three easy steps, your ideas and marketing strategies will fall into place. This session will utilize the accompanying handout, ‘Elements of Your Marketing Strategy,’ which will be passed out at the session and is also available for download in the Slides & Handouts area of FDLP.gov’s conference event page.

GPO’s Library Technical Services Update - session begins at the 1 hour, 43 minute mark


  • Fang Gao, Chief of LTS, LSCM, GPO
  • Megan Minta, Collection Development Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Caroline Hassler, Supervisory Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Stephen Kharfen, Supervisory Librarian, LSCM, GPO

Join GPO staff for an overview of LTS projects and activities, including GPO’s collection development activities, GPO Cataloging Guidelines, Superintendent of Documents Classification Guidelines, cataloging projects, and more.

Date Recorded: 10/23/2018

Duration: 151 minutes

Associated files available for download:

Intricacies of PURLs and Linking to Digital Content


  • Ashley Dahlen, Senior Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Donna Kraemer, Supervisory Librarian, LSCM, GPO

Libraries developing digital collections must necessarily understand the basics of Persistent Uniform Resource Locators (PURLs). This includes being familiar with practices used by Library Technical Services at GPO to link to differing types of digital resources. It also includes understanding the underlying bibliographic component and the challenges associated with providing permanent access for digital resources throughout their lifecycle. Libraries have various approaches to connect their users with digital content, both through cataloging and through other means. Learn about the complexities of PURLs and how it may impact your library’s collections.

LSCM Outreach & Support Update and Question & Answer Session - session begins at the 1 hour, 1 minute mark


  • George Barnum, Senior Program Planning Specialist, LSCM, GPO
  • Kathy Bayer, Senior Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Kathy Carmichael, Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Ashley Dahlen, Senior Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Melissa Fairfield, Planning Specialist, LSCM, GPO
  • Jaime Hays, Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO

Join staff members from LSCM’s Office of Outreach & Support for an update of major projects and initiatives underway for Federal depository libraries. The session will end with a Q&A session.

New govinfo Enhancements and FDsys Retirement Update - session begins at the 2 hour, 32 minute mark


  • Amanda Dunn; Program Planner; Office of Programs, Strategy, & Technology (PST); GPO
  • Suzanne Ebanues, Senior Planning & Development Specialist, LSCM, GPO
  • Christine McMahon, Program Planner, PST, GPO

This session will update you on the December retirement of GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) and also bring you up-to-speed on several initiatives related to GPO’s govinfo, including newly-available content and enhancements.

Date Recorded: 10/23/2018

Duration: 206 minutes

Associated files available for download:

FDLP.gov Website Modernization


  • Darryl Walker, Systems Manager, LSCM Projects and Systems
  • Katy Davis, Lead Web Content Specialist, LSCM Projects and Systems

Since the last major update of FDLP.gov, technology has evolved, allowing stakeholders to have access to more sophisticated content solutions. Additionally, as LSCM evolves and implements new initiatives, LSCM’s Web Content Management unit is working towards laying the technological foundation that will support these initiatives and provide librarians with tools that are useful and informative.

Promoting the FDLP Through Public Library Services for Immigrants - session begins at the 60 minute mark


  • Wang-Ying Glasgow, Adult Services Coordinator, Memphis Public Libraries, Benjamin Hooks Central Library
  • Yvonne D. Williams, Cataloging Specialist, Memphis Public Libraries, Benjamin Hooks Central Library

This presentation is an overview of Memphis Public Libraries' effort in promoting FDLP resources through partnership with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and engagement with multicultural community groups and organizations. It will disclose how these resources and partnerships have allowed Memphis Public Libraries to provide services and programs such as Naturalization Ceremonies, Citizenship Corners, and International Story Times, as a means of “Keeping Immigrants Informed” and helping them realize their “American Dreams.”

Date Recorded: 10/23/2018

Duration: 114 minutes

Associated files available for download:

Regional Depositories Meeting

An open discussion of issues related to regionals. All are welcome to attend!

Due to technical issues, there is no audio until the 23 minute mark

Date Recorded: 10/23/2018

Duration: 57 minutes

Associated files available for download:

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

govinfo ISO 16363 Trustworthy Digital Repository Audit & Certification Status Update


  • Jessica Tieman, Digital Preservation Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • John Garrett, Primary Trustworthy Authorisation Body (PTAB

GPO began the initial steps of a third-party audit and certification of govinfo under the ISO 16363 Trustworthy Digital Repository standard in June 2018. This presentation will review GPO’s process in preparing for certification and initial insights during the preliminary assessment findings as part of Stage 1 of the audit. GPO will provide a brief overview of their next steps going into Stage 2 of the audit. John Garrett of the Primary Trustworthy Authorisation Body, currently conducting the formal assessment of govinfo, will present information about the auditing body and their involvement with international digital preservation standards.

Government Information for Everyone: Ways to Increase Accessibility of FDLP Collections - session begins at the 1 hour mark


  • Sarah Erekson, Regional Government Documents Librarian, University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries

The Federal Depository Library Program aims to bring Government information to everyone. How can we maintain and increase access, including serving people with print disabilities? This session will give some historical background on library services to people with print disabilities, such as people with blindness, low vision, or physical disability and providing access to government information.

I will bring awareness to barriers to access in federal depository library programs and ways that electronic government information overcomes some of those barriers. Participants will learn about tools to assess barriers to access in library services to people with print disabilities. Participants will also learn IFLA best practices for making presentations that are more accessible and inclusive.

DLC Wrap-Up Meeting - session begins at the 2 hour, 29 minute mark

Speakers: The members of the Depository Library Council

A review and discussion of conference takeaways and DLC action items

Date Recorded: 10/24/2018

Duration: 181 minutes

Associated files available for download:

2017 Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries: Results and Actions


  • Lara Flint, Outreach Librarian, LSCM, GPO
  • Kathleen Swigert, Management and Program Analyst, PST, GPO

This session will present a summary and analysis of the results of the 2017 Biennial Survey of Federal Depository Libraries. Learn what issues other depositories are facing, and get a nationwide picture of collections. You can also provide feedback on what actions GPO should prioritize to enhance services and on how to improve the survey in future years.

Using PolicyMap to Access Federal Data - session begins at the 54 minute mark


  • John Stevenson, Head of Multimedia Collections & Services Department, University of Delaware, Hugh M. Morris Library

Many librarians are uncomfortable with data and mapping. PolicyMap uses data from both U.S. federal and proprietary sources and makes it easy to visualize. Beginners can quickly georeference points of interest and build maps to guide or support their research. While PolicyMap is a subscription-based service, free trial accounts that turn into limited access accounts are available. If possible, a hands-on component will allow participants to establish trial accounts and test drive this popular mapping application.

Date Recorded: 10/24/2018

Duration: 114 minutes

Associated files available for download: