Transportation Sector

Maritime: Oil & Natural Gas

With the help of the NCCoE, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) collaborated with industry to develop voluntary Cybersecurity Framework Profiles (CFP) to mitigate risks in their joint mission areas.  Learn more about this project.


Seeking Additional Projects

The NCCoE is seeking input from members of transportation sectors to identify cybersecurity challenges that the center can address in collaboration with vendors of commercially available products.

As with the center's other use cases, we are interested in issues that whole sectors (e.g.: automotive, rail, shipping, etc.) must contend with, so that our work is broadly applicable. Once we have identified a challenge or challenges, we will publish drafts of the technical descriptions and ask for public feedback. After incorporating that feedback, we will publish a Federal Register Notice inviting vendors of commercially available products to work in our labs to generate end-to-end example solutions.

Ultimately, the NCCoE will publish freely available NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guides that will show others how they can achieve the same results.

To suggest a use case idea, email us at