Welcome to College Possible
Excitement Builds for Seniors Getting an Early Start on Applications

Tsai Thao, a senior at St. Paul Central High School is taking advantage of every opportunity within her reach. “Getting into college is not an easy thing, so whatever can help me get into college I will do. I want to make my parents proud.” 

Help College Possible win a 2012 Social Justice Award from Great NonProfits

Are you a College Possible student, alum, donor, volunteer or friend? Share the great experiences you’ve had with College Possible in an online review and help us receive a 2012 Social Justice award from GreatNonprofits! The awards identify the “top-rated nonprofits focusing on social justice and human rights initiatives around the world.”

Watch College Possible's Award-Winning Video

A video profiling College Possible recently won two prestigious film awards! The film was produced by Mutual of America in recognition of College Possible winning the 2011 Community Partnership Award. The award honors the outstanding contributions that a nonprofit organization, in partnership with public, private and other social sector organizations, makes to society.


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