Ag and Food Statistics: Charting the Essentials

How much do you know about food and agriculture? What about rural America or conservation? ERS has assembled 70 charts and maps covering key information about the farm and food sectors, including agricultural markets and trade, farm incomefood prices and consumption, food security, rural economies, and the interaction of agriculture and natural resources.

How much, for example, do agriculture and related industries contribute to U.S. gross domestic product? Which commodities are the leading agricultural exports? How much of the food dollar goes to farmers? How do job earnings in rural areas compare with metro areas? These are among the statistics covered in this collection of charts and maps—with accompanying text—divided into the nine section titles listed at left.

Use the navigation to the left to view the full chart collection. ERS also publishes a booklet of selected Essentials charts and maps, see: 



Last updated: Wednesday, December 16, 2020

For more information, contact: Kathleen Kassel