Press Releases and Statements

Announces Launch of the Molecular Information Storage Program

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, announced today the launch of the Molecular Information Storage program. MIST is a multi-year research effort to develop next-generation data storage technologies that can scale into the exabyte (1 million terabyte) regime, and beyond...


ODNI Welcomes Dr. Catherine Marsh as Director of IARPA

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence welcomes Dr. Catherine Marsh as the director of the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity. She succeeds Dr. Stacey Dixon, who now serves as deputy director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.



IARPA Announces the Winners of the OpenCLIR challenge

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, announced the winners of the Open Cross Lingual Information Retrieval – OpenCLIR – prize challenge. Launched in June 2018, this challenge involved innovative approaches to retrieve information from audio and text documents, using English queries against documents that were not in English.



IARPA Announces Launch of HECTOR

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, announces today a multi-year research effort called the Homomorphic Encryption Computing Techniques with Overhead Reduction (HECTOR) program. Today’s computing systems and data services are constrained by a small cryptographic toolset that does not allow data to be processed while in a secure state.



IARPA Announces Launch of MAEGLIN Phase 2

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, announced today award of Phase 2 of the Molecular Analyzer for Efficient Gas-Phase Low-Power Interrogation program research contracts.



IARPA Announces the UG2+ Challenge to Improve UAV-Captured Imagery

WASHINGTON – The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, today announced the UG2+ Prize Challenge, a competition that leverages a unique computer vision dataset of unmanned aerial vehicle, glider, and ground (UG2) data. This second edition of the challenge aims to advance the analysis of images collected by small UAVs by improving image restoration and algorithm performance.


IARPA Launches “Ithildin” Program to Improve Chemical Sampling and Filtering

WASHINGTON – The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, announced today the launch of the Ithildin program to develop new sorbent capabilities for sample collection, large area protection, and “smart” filters.



IARPA Announces “Proteos” Program to Utilize Proteins for Forensic Purposes

WASHINGTON – The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, announces today the launch of the “Proteos” program to research how proteins could be used for human identification and to correlate an individual with objects and locations.



DNI Coats Names New IARPA Director

WASHINGTON – Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats announced today the selection of Dr. Stacey Dixon to be the next director of the Intelligence Advance Research Projects Activity.

“Stacey brings extraordinary knowledge and experience to the position and I’m certain that she will maintain IARPA’s high bar for technical excellence and relevance to intelligence priorities,” said Coats.



IARPA Announces the Mercury Challenge - To Develop Innovative Forecasts for Events Across the Middle East

WASHINGTON – The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, announces today the launch of the Mercury Challenge. The challenge seeks innovative solutions and methods for the automated production of forecasts for a series of event classes across eight countries in the Middle East and North Africa.