Budget & Performance

What the budget supports:

budget and performance graph

The graphic shows jobs supported in various industries across the U.S. The agency budget also supports:

  • Management of 193 million acres of public lands in 43 states and Puerto Rico for multiple uses.
  • Sustainable stewardship of more than 600 million acres of forestland across the U.S., including more than 400 million acres of private land.
  • The largest forestry research organization in the world.
  • Sustainable stewardship of forests in more than 80 countries.

How are we doing?

Tracking our activities through performance measures provides the Forest Service the opportunity to demonstrate our achievements.

  • Performance accountability is an integral part of Forest Service operating standards, as it aligns projects and initiatives with long-term targets and strategic goals.
  • Project plans are reviewed and updated throughout the fiscal year to reflect changed conditions.
  • Accomplishments for key performance measures are used as part of the annual performance evaluations. This process provides concrete linkages between our strategic goals and our day-to-day activities.

Read our budget and performance standards

Tracking our activities through performance measures provides the Forest Service the opportunity to demonstrate our achievements.A photo of a Marten looking down from a tree

Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Information

Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Information

Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Information

Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Information

Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Information

Budget information for previous years

Appropriations-related questions from Congress

The Forest Service is sometimes asked to provide answers to appropriations-related questions from Congress, sometimes referred to as Congressional Directives. The responses can be in the form of a letter or a report or both. Sometimes other supporting documents are included. Each includes the bill referenced in the directive.

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View report The Rising Cost of Wildfire Operations (PDF, 1.5 MB)
