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NIH Intramural Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) Committee

The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) committee was established in response to recommendations included in the National Academies of Science Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Its functions include:

  • Oversight for all issues related to use of human ESC cell lines in the intramural program
  • Maintenance of a registry of human ESC cell lines held by intramural PIs
  • Maintenance of a registry of Annual Reports from intramural PIs in which human ESC cell lines are being used, recognizing that scientific review of this research is the purview of the IC Boards of Scientific Counselors
  • Communication to intramural scientists of new policies and guidelines as they are established
  • Committee meets as needed

For all new ESCRO issues, please contact Dr. Melissa Colbert, Assistant Director, OIR.


  • Dr. James Battey, Director, NIDCD
  • Dr. Alan DeCherney, Head, Reproductive Biology and Medicine Branch, NICHD
  • Dr. Christine Grady, Deputy Director, Department of Bioethics, CC
  • Dr. Susan Marino, Office of the Director, NINDS
  • Ms. Barbara McGarey, Office of General Counsel

The page was last updated on Monday, January 7, 2019 - 1:09pm