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Search results for “daylight”


Daylight and views to the outside are critical to the well-being of building occupants. In order to provide equitable access to daylight and views, it is recommended that private offices are located toward the core of a space and that low workstation panels are installed to allow for maximum daylight penetration. Use glass walls and partitions to enable views out from interior spaces and highly reflective, light-colored surfaces on the walls and desk surfaces to bounce daylight around the space. If the daylighting of a space is designed well enough, the occupants can choose to have daylight instead of artificial light. In all daylighting strategies, it is important to consider glare, and to take steps to minimize it.

Tips for Daylighting (.Pdf)

Learn & Plan Topics

  • Spatial Equity

    Organizations today are less hierarchical and work is more team based, more mobile, and more cross functional. A key to spatial equity is that space layout and workstation standards are based on new ways of working and specific work tasks and business needs rather than organizational hierarchy.

  • Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

    Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is most simply described as the conditions inside a building. It does not refer to the air quality alone, but the entire environmental quality of a space, which includes air quality, access to daylight and views, pleasant acoustic conditions, and occupant control over lighting and thermal comfort.

  • Space Reconfiguration and Renovation Projects

    As needs change over time, tenants often need to convert space or phase the conversion of individual space or rooms to meet these changing needs.

  • Health

    Good health has both physical and psychological components. Being healthy means the absence of disease and illness, as well as feeling positive about life and work. The workplace can play a role in the health of workers by eliminating risks and creating conditions that support cognitive, emotional, and social well being.

  • Materials, Furniture, and Furnishings Replacement

    Daily wear and tear means that materials, furniture and furnishings require periodic replacement.

  • Under 10,000 SF Interiors Gut Rehab Project

    Following are Sustainable Strategies to consider as the space has or will undergo a major tenant gut rehab for projects under 10,000 SF. Note to use a current version of LEED for Commercial Interiors for tenant improvement projects over 10,000 SF. Refer to the Share Section for a represented project Case Study to discover key practices, benefits, results and checklists.

  • Building Systems Upgrades

    The following are Sustainable Strategies to consider as your space undergoes a building system upgrade to improve energy, water use and occupant comfort. Refer to the Share Section for a representative project Case Study to discover key practices, benefits, results and checklists.

  • Comfort

    Comfortable workers are more likely to be productive and engaged with their work than those who struggle to work in spaces that create barriers and stresses. With ever increasing needs to be mindful of the environment when designing spaces, GSA is developing practices that support both sustainability and worker comfort.

  • The Workplace Environment as a Catalyst for Social Change

    We know workplace design can influence functional behaviors, but can it be a catalyst for social change? Can organizations use the environment to improve sense of community, increase morale, reduce stress, and develop cross group relationships?

  • Best Practices Applicable to All Project Types

    This section presents key issues that should be considered for each project type. It is intended to help you think about your overall project, before you begin to compare and select specific materials. This will enable you to select the "best" strategies and materials for your project, given the opportunities and constraints you have identified. Use the sidebar to navigate to your specific project type.

  • Keys to Success

    Sustainable design, construction, operation, and renovation are best thought of as an integrated process, rather than a collection of things. The process involves new ways of designing, constructing and operating our buildings and facilities.

  • Sense of Place

    What makes a workplace special? What fosters a sense of attachment, engagement and identity? These are the kinds of questions that underlie the sense of place. The workplace is increasingly seen as a “brand” that conveys not only a place, but also the mission and values of the organization. The GSA workplace program combines branding and sense of place with sustainable approaches to create special places imbued with meaning and purpose.

Whole Building Analysis


  • Daylight Controls

    Daylight controls measure the amount of daylight/ambient light in a room and adjust the electric light levels accordingly. Daylight controls should be designed with multiple zones to reflect the differing levels of ambient light entering a space. In areas closest to the window where there is a great deal of daylight in the space, the controls dim the electric light levels; and in areas farther away from the window with lower levels of daylight, the controls increase the amount of electric light in the space.
  • Daylight Controls

    Daylight controls measure the amount of daylight/ambient light in a room and adjust the electric light levels accordingly. Daylight controls should be designed with multiple zones to reflect the differing levels of ambient light entering a space. In areas closest to the window where there is a great deal of daylight in the space, the controls dim the electric light levels; and in areas farther away from the window with lower levels of daylight, the controls increase the amount of electric light in the space.
  • Interior Light Shelves

    Interior light shelves direct daylight deep into a space by bouncing natural light from the light-colored shelves up to the ceiling, where it is reflected down to occupied areas. Blinds and other daylight control devices should be installed as part of a good daylight design strategy because uncontrolled natural light can cause glare.
  • Clerestory Window

    Clerestory windows allow daylight to penetrate into a space. They are designed to allow daylight to penetrate a space, and therefore are located above eye level.
  • Skylights / Solar Tubes

    Skylights/light tubes allow daylight to penetrate into a space. They are typically located in the roof/ceiling and can vary in size. Certain solar tracking skylights have mirrors in them that track the sun in order to maximize the amount of daylight brought into the space. Installation of either exterior baffles or interior shades on skylights provide control of natural light flow allowing for the minimization of heat gain and glare.
  • Everything 46

    • Learn & Plan Topics 12

      • Learn
      • Plan
    • Whole Building 29

    • Compare Materials 5

Procure Products 0

in the Green Products Compilation